Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 825: Riot Plan

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Drake suffered severe blows one after another, and his mentality has actually collapsed. The Life Foundation has lost the meaning of existence for him.

The experiment was terminated, the symbiote was confiscated, all contact with aliens was severed, and the shattered dream drove Drake to the point of near madness.

Chengying knew very well what he would do if he encountered a wild symbiote in this situation. There was no doubt that he would make a desperate move and place all his hopes on this symbiote. Because this symbiote can take him back to his own planet, and then lead the symbiote army to invade the earth to repay Tony for all the humiliation he has given him.

It was under such circumstances that Drake took the initiative to reach out to the riot and became the host of the symbiote. Although Drake is not a perfect symbiote like Eddie, he is still considered to be a relatively good one. In addition, Riot was much stronger than Venom and had much higher authority, but he still managed to maintain Drake's life.

"Now! We're gay!" Drake said to the riot.

"Yes, I can feel your anger. When I come back with millions of symbiotes, it will be your revenge, but we need to leave this living planet first." As the general of the symbiotes, The destiny of the riots is to fight continuously, to conquer colonial stars one after another, and to find hunting grounds for the symbiotes one after another.

In his opinion, hundreds of millions of humans are their best source of food. They can be allowed to wreak havoc here for hundreds of years before they are completely destroyed, at least that's what Riot thinks.

"Fortunately, although I lost all my symbiotes, my company is still there, and I can still launch a spaceship to an alien planet!"

Drake came to the launch pad of the giant rocket. The rocket, which was tens of meters high, stood there like a majestic mountain. Drake stood below and shouted loudly to the riot in his body: "Let me see your Strength!"

"Of course it's no problem!" Riot understood what he meant and strengthened his legs. Silver muscle tissue covered Drake's body. The next moment, he jumped up suddenly and shot out silver tentacles from his hands, which stuck to his body. On the outer shell of the rocket, he used the force two or three times to board the rocket's carrier cabin.

Compared to some superheroes who are not particularly strong, his power is already exaggerated, and millions of such strong people would undoubtedly be disastrous to the earth.

Drake boarded the manned capsule. Next, the AI ​​will help him complete the launch of the rocket. Riot has entered the parameters. They will travel through the wormhole and reach the planet where the symbiote is located in the fastest way.

The rocket ignited and took off silently, not even causing much of a sensation. This is no longer the last century. Launching a satellite requires a lot of fanfare, not to mention that Marvel is still full of black technology. Fighters can fly out of the atmosphere, and even more Forget about the Rockets.

A rocket in the sky doesn't attract much attention at all, and who knows that this rocket carries beings that can bring disaster to the entire planet!

What the riots on the rocket and Drake didn't know was that there were already people on board the rocket.

Compared with rockets in the real world, the manned cabin is small, but this rocket is already very luxurious. The internal space is almost the size of an ordinary apartment. In order to resist the acceleration, Drake did not check the spacecraft cabin immediately.

But I don’t want the rocket to accelerate,

Suddenly, two people sauntered out under the gravity acceleration of nearly ten G. One was the incredibly strong bodyguard, and the other was a little lolita whom I had never seen before.

Without using the power of violence, Drake would not even be able to get up under such high acceleration, but the two people in front of him were just like walking around.

"What a nostalgic spacecraft! I remember when we first went to space, there was only a few cubic meters of space, and we couldn't even straighten our legs." Cheng Ying looked at the huge space in the cabin of the spacecraft and couldn't help but sigh. Marvel’s black technology.

"Yes! In order to save space, I just huddled in your arms, and I was almost squeezed by the hatch." Ice Queen fumbled with the console of the spacecraft. Even now, she still can't learn to fly the spacecraft.

"If you hadn't had no breasts, you wouldn't have been able to fit the two of us in!" Cheng Ying said in confusion.

"Bang!" The Ice Emperor struck Cheng Ying on the head with a knife with ten times the gravity: "Pervert! Lolicon!"

Both Drake and Riot were thrown into confusion, with only one thought on their mind: "What happened?"

"Eh? You're still awake! Speaking of which, you actually chose a spaceship that can't even travel at the speed of light as a means of transportation. You're pretty miserable! I guess you were assigned! Otherwise, why would you only have a symbiote? But you don’t even have a host. There should be many races in the universe that can be parasitized by you!”

Cheng Ying noticed Derek's reaction, squatted in front of him, and complained about the riot in his body.

Seeing that Riot was not going to answer him, Cheng Ying decisively took out a stereo and played the 6,000 Hz audio.

One of the most important weaknesses of the symbiote is its fear of sound waves above six thousand hertz. This weakness is nothing in a universe that cannot transmit sound. It is not as deadly as their fear of high temperatures. But in order to maintain human survival, the spacecraft There is air in it, which seems quite fatal.

Drake hugged his head and let out a heart-rending scream. His figure switched back and forth between the human form and the silver monster. It was obvious that the riot in his body was suffering extremely intense pain and could not coexist normally with him. .

Cheng Ying turned off the speaker and showed a devilish smile: "Are you willing to talk to me now?" Cheng Ying let out a little breath as he said that, and that terrifying breath that made any living thing tremble made Riot instantly realize how scary the other party was. This is a terrifying existence that can crush him to death easily.

"You! What is your purpose!" Riot said with difficulty using Drake's body.

"Me? Of course I have to go to your home planet to see it! As a race that must parasitize other creatures to exert its powerful power, your home planet is really curious!"

Hearing this, Riot's heart immediately sank. As a war maniac, he always speculated on the enemy with the worst malice. Lan Nuo said it was out of curiosity. In his opinion, he wanted to use his strong strength to invade the Communist Party. The living planet.

In fact, the purpose of this demon is probably to enslave the entire race of symbiotes. This is not the first time that symbiotes with magical parasitic abilities have been targeted, and there will be no luck in the riot.

[To be continued]

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