Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 831 Symbiote Training

"See you soon Douluo ()"

Di Tian also knew that Cheng Ying would not agree. What he was thinking about was whether arming the Silver Dragon King with symbionts could compete with the God Realm, but the answer was obviously no. With Di Tian's strength, he could vaguely feel that it would be stronger if it were stronger. , the symbiote can be directly extracted from the host's body. In this case, it is meaningless no matter how strong the symbiote is.

"I think it is more suitable for the people of the Armed Soul Beast Empire. I brought them out because I wanted to know what better way to tame them. You must know that the symbiote is an intelligent race, and taming an intelligent race is an Something both simple and difficult.”

Cheng Ying shrugged helplessly. His words were not contradictory. Taming intelligent races is different from taming wild animals. Humans cannot communicate with wild animals, so many complex instructions cannot be conveyed, and some commands cannot be trained by relying on violence and food temptations. from.

Intelligent creatures can communicate and succumb to threats and oppression more easily. This is also the reason why slaves appear. However, intelligent creatures are also the most difficult to tame because they will remember everything that happened to them, and all oppression will accumulate. Resentment. It will erupt one day, and even if it doesn't, it will accumulate from generation to generation, just like a volcano about to erupt.

"This is indeed a bit difficult, but I think I have some ideas." Rui Wenwen suddenly smiled.

"I remember that you should have mentioned a word to me, called social animals, right? It describes the employees who work in the company and live like animals.

Just like those workers in the Tiandou Empire, their workload may be greater than that of the former slaves, but they do not resist, and even work voluntarily for their employers. I think, in this regard, you should be better than I'm more proficient. "

Cheng Ying smacked his lips when he heard this. This girl is getting worse and worse! But what he said makes sense. Today's social animals probably do more work than slaves in ancient times. Although they are free, their free time in a day is really limited.

The reason why short videos are so popular is, to put it nicely, because of the fragmentation of modern people’s time. To put it ugly to say, it’s hard to find the leisure time to watch half a movie episode in a whole day. So what’s the point of fragmentation? It’s hard. Time deducted on the subway.

Facts have proved that ugly capitalists are often the ones who have the upper hand in confrontations. Not only that, they also constantly innovate their methods.

From the earliest stage of pure oppression, lowering wages as much as possible, to later paying high wages, tempting employees to work overtime, mobilizing subjective initiative, and then to requiring horses to run but not eating grass, on the premise of stimulating subjective initiative Next, we have to save costs, crazily lower the basic salary, encourage internal competition within the team, eliminate the last place, brainwash the corporate culture, and increase employees' sense of identification with the company like a pyramid scheme. Various methods are emerging in an endless stream, and it can be said that they are used in every possible way. , which is extremely hateful, but there is nothing you can do about it.

These can be used on symbionts. For symbionts, the most painful thing besides death is losing the host. In this way, a symbiont selection system can be established with the host as a reward mechanism.

Only symbionts that meet the requirements can have a host. In the past, symbionts used slave race hosts. What was needed was that the host met the symbiont's needs in everything.

Now it's the other way around. The symbiote must meet the host's requirements. The combination of the symbiote and the host must be changed regularly to prevent the symbiote from secretly controlling the host. At the same time, after the replacement, the host will be thoroughly investigated so that the host can provide services to the symbiote. Attitudes are evaluated, the information is made public, and everyone can view other people’s symbionts and compare them.

The service attitude and service quality determine the interval between the next symbiont symbiosis with the host. At the same time, a certain number of symbionts are organized into a group. The symbiosis time and resources within the group are fixed, and they compete with each other for service quality in order to obtain a longer release time.

There is also competition between different groups, and the competition is for symbiotic resources. Only by uniting within the group can we win the competition. Performance information is shared between symbionts.

The performance of their opponents will always urge them to do their best to serve the hosts and strive to serve more hosts.

After the basic framework was set, it was time to refine it. In this regard, Chengying asked himself that he was far behind Tony Stark, a senior capitalist from a country across the sea. Even if Tony was not good at it, he could There must be people who know how to exploit employees, such as Pepper.

Planned by this group of capitalists who are best at knocking out the bones and sucking out the marrow, a social experiment that will determine the future of the symbiote was carried out with great fanfare in the Soul Beast Empire.

As the specific plan began to be implemented, the symbiotes also felt the malice of the new rules. The overlord clauses were clearly oppressive to the symbiotes. If they couldn't beat them, and they didn't have the backbone to resist, they could only endure it.

But after all, some bloody symbionts tolerated it, and when they had the opportunity to possess a host, they burst out all at once.

It is impossible for Cheng Ying to identify the patriots and racists in the symbiote one by one. Naturally, there will be those who are disobedient, try to control the host, and even try to control the host to kill.

Several weak soul beasts were killed in such an attack, but those symbionts who launched the sneak attack may not have paid the price. They were not killed. Killing would only increase hatred. They were just imprisoned in a glass life-support chamber. In the cabin, you can never obtain symbiotes. It can basically be compared to the small dark room of humans. It is worse than being killed because they can't even commit suicide.

What they did also affected their group. The host quota dropped significantly, which made it impossible for them to share the same hatred. Some of the spineless symbionts even began to complain, complaining about why their companions resisted. If they didn't resist, He won't be implicated either.

The chain of sittings will be passed on step by step. If one symbiote kills someone, it will affect up to hundreds of thousands of symbiotes. If they themselves do not suffer losses, the symbiotes can also focus their hatred on the intruders. However, when they themselves suffer losses as a result, They began to complain about the rebellious tribesmen.

The guy who was supposed to be a national hero has begun to be despised by the people. If there is any positive public opinion, it will be nipped in the bud. Posts will be deleted and silenced, and even the symbiote who posted the post will be evaporated and the news will be blocked. The set of procedures is extremely skillful, leaving no hidden dangers at all, killing the possibility of the symbionts uniting to resist from the root.

With the addition of symbionts, the lives of the residents of the Soul Beast Empire have begun to undergo completely different changes.

[To be continued]

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