Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 832: Go to work! symbiont

"See you soon Douluo ()"

Symbiotes are very convenient in every sense, and after adding performance appraisal, no symbiote dares to be lazy, and they are all trying their best to improve the quality of their services.

The daily life of an ordinary office worker in the Soul Beast Empire with a symbiote is probably like this.

Before getting up in the morning, the symbiote stretched out its tentacles from the bed, quietly stuffed the clothes into the bed, and covered the body with heat, so that its owner did not have to endure the cold when getting dressed.

The first person to make this attempt was a symbiote named Sahara. Although his actions won him a reward, his hurriedly helping the host to dress almost demolished the host's home, which made him Had to face a week of confinement.

Cheng Ying suspected that his name came from his three powerful bloodlines, Samoyed, Husky, and Labrador, otherwise it would be impossible to tear down the home with just one piece of clothing.

On the symbiote forum, Sahara's behavior of serving the host in such a lowly manner was strongly condemned and scorned. In the past, the host tried every means to please the symbiote, but now it's the other way around. What's wrong with that?

And then the symbiote on the next day's shift...

They all followed suit... It's one thing to talk about it, but it's really related to one's own vital interests, and it's nothing to say! How reserved! lick! Must lick! The master must be comfortable.

Therefore, after warming clothes, the symbiote developed a groundbreaking service method. Even Chengying found it eye-opening when he saw it. When facing single men, the symbiote would twist its tentacles into the image of a beautiful girl with twin tails. , if the owner's race is not human, it will change into the other person's ideal female appearance, then get out of the bed, and wake up the owner with a good night kiss.

To be honest, even Chengying would never have expected such a magical operation. The integrity of the symbiote would be so cheap, but this is due to the differences in concepts between different civilizations.

Symbiotes have no concept of male and female, and they reproduce in a mitosis-like manner.

This can be seen in the movie. After the symbiote possessed Eddie's girlfriend, it immediately became hot and looked like an explosion of female secondary sexual characteristics. Obviously the symbiote has no gender. , and don’t mind women’s clothing at all.

In their view, this is just a means to improve performance, no different from warm clothes or hot milk.

After waking up the host, the symbiote will extend its tentacles and start preparing breakfast for their host. Fortunately, the technology of the Soul Beast Empire is relatively advanced. Microwave ovens and toasters are very popular equipment, and there are many symbiotes that can extend many tentacles. With thread operation, breakfast can be ready in just a few minutes.

Depending on the race, the breakfast recipes will be different. Some races only eat vegetarian food, and it must be raw. So on their dining table, you can see a clean plate of... um... raw grass...

Of course, there are also some races that are more unique and have a wider range of recipes. Dark dishes such as charcoal-grilled sandworm legs also appear from time to time. Canine spirit beasts even add some fecal extracts to their food as seasonings. , but this is a very private matter and is generally not discussed publicly.

But the symbiote will follow almost every hobby of the host and cook breakfast strictly in accordance with the host's preferences.

While waiting for breakfast, ordinary office workers in the Soul Beast Empire can also take a shower. After breakfast, the symbiote will thoughtfully hand over the necessary clothing with its tentacles.

There is nothing the symbiote can do on the way to the company, but there are always a few little geniuses who can spot business opportunities. They will help the host in need wear headphones, and then form a layer of sound-isolating earmuffs on the host's ears. , allowing the host to enjoy music with peace of mind, this is not the most amazing thing, the most exaggerated thing is those who sell the tickets.

Some hosts are sleepy, which is human nature. Who doesn’t feel sleepy at work? So the symbionts developed a hanging service.

They can use their tentacles to hang the host on the roof of the subway, so that the host can sleep peacefully, monitor the operation of the subway, and automatically wake up when they arrive at school.

This operation is also unique and highly praised.

When you arrive at the company, you need the symbiote to show off its magical powers. Because the economic pillar of Soul Beast Empire is the tertiary industry, most ordinary office workers' work must be carried out online. At this time, it is necessary to look at Symbiote's professional skills.

Excellent symbionts can provide powerful assistance during the work of the host, such as helping to debug code, find bugs, help the host disguise a female voice to call customers, and so on.

And this is not a skill that every symbiote has mastered. They must work hard to learn and improve themselves in order to better cooperate with the host. This is also the most fierce competition among symbiotes.

Of course, at most they can only assist in the work. Cheng Ying does not allow them to replace the host in work. Those who help the host to be lazy and gain praise in this way will even face the terrible punishment of depriving the host of his life.

If the work is all done by the symbiote, then whether this civilization belongs to the Soul Beast Empire or the symbiote is a matter of principle that cannot tolerate compromise.

But outside of work, the symbiote has a lot of room for operation, such as helping the host please the boss, making friends, taking care of interpersonal relationships, or helping the host with odd jobs, or even helping the host pick up girls.

Because there is no love between men and women, the symbiote never relies on feelings to pick up girls, but relies entirely on data and calculations to find the most efficient method.

This is often much more efficient than chasing the host personally, expending energy and rushing around. However, this involves certain ethical issues. Fortunately, the residents of the Soul Beast Empire who are accustomed to the rapid changes of the times do not mind.

A love affair that is extremely pleasurable to oneself, whether it is true or false, is satisfactory, and if the disguise can last a lifetime, there is no difference between it and the truth.

The symbiote has been completely integrated into the social system of the Soul Beast Empire. If it takes a little longer, it may be impossible to break away from the symbiotic relationship with the symbiote.

This made Cheng Ying frown slightly, because this situation was different from his expectations. He could not accept that his civilization could not exist without the symbiote. What he needed was a symbiote that could be discarded at any time.

It seems that the effect of the incentive mechanism is too good, resulting in the symbiote's services being too comprehensive, which in turn makes it more difficult for society to operate without the symbiote.

However, social experiments always learn from failures, so Chengying is not anxious about this.

[To be continued]

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