Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 833 Tiandou’s death experiment

"See you soon Douluo ()"

In the Tiandou Empire, at the ruins of Tianjing City, there is a newly established secret factory hidden underground. The purpose of the factory is to analyze and copy the manufacturing methods of three mecha models that are completely different from the mainland standard models.

There is no doubt that these three mechas were captured from the Samsaras. Although they could not capture the pilots alive, it was enough to get a relatively complete body.

The severe soul power radiation here is the best barrier to isolate outside exploration. Similarly, the life science experimental department has also been integrated.

By using high concentrations of soul power to cause mutations and explore the evolutionary direction of human beings, Xue Ye never gave up on the idea of ​​unifying the continent.

And his secret weapon is hidden in this base. He wants to combine mechanical technology and life technology to create a super weapon.

And the reason why he dared to do this was a piece of flesh and blood soaked in a culture tank.

It was a piece of flesh and blood obtained from a powerful giant. It possessed extraordinary power. The giant could withstand missile attacks and release a hexagonal box of force field defense. Even the linked soul guide could not. Break through that exaggerated defensive barrier.

Although he has a huge body, he has the same flexibility as an ordinary person. The most amazing thing is that his attacks seem to be able to directly target the soul, and he even has a soul himself.

Even Cheng Ying did not expect that one of the reincarnations who slipped through the net would be captured by the Tiandou Empire. It was the apostle team whose birthplace was in the Intangible Cultural Heritage Reserve of Saint Soul Village.

Their captain's ability, just like their team name, is based on the EVA system. He can pilot the No. 1 Unit, which is a very powerful ability. That piece of flesh and blood is the Tiandou Empire. With the vast army of profound energy, he can forcefully transform from the beginning. Detached from the fuselage.

The purpose of the construction of this base is to study this piece of flesh and blood, try to clone, and recreate that kind of giant. Because that kind of powerful giant has the disadvantage of going berserk, it is necessary to develop technological mechas as restraint devices to achieve the goal of surrender. EVA has controllable capabilities.

Choosing such an environment with good soul power concentration is also to cultivate suitable drivers. Suitable drivers seem to only appear among patients with crystal disease under the age of seventeen. This is extremely strange, even in the highest scientific research institution of the Tiandou Empire. , and cannot explain this.

Cheng Ying was extremely surprised after scanning and discovering this place. Even he had to be wary of EVA's ability to swallow the power of a planet. Cheng Ying knew better what kind of monster the human race had created after completing the plan.

The collection of human consciousness in the mortal world is so crazy. If it were replaced by this fantasy world full of supernatural abilities, then it is simply unimaginable. What if the Tiandou Empire really tinkered with the human completion plan and completed the entire struggle? Luo Xing, if Chengying doesn't ask for help, he may be beaten to tears by that orange juice aggregate.

However, he did not stop him. Human beings could not complete the work with Unit-01 alone. The Tiandou Empire also lacked the foundation and relevant literature in this area. It would definitely not be possible to study it. It was just the body, which was not enough for Chengying. Considered a threat.

Rather than directly destroying the base, Cheng Ying prefers to pick fruits. There are many ways to pick fruits, one of which is... throwing a symbiote over.

The Tiandou Empire has been coveting the symbiote for a long time, but the Soul Beast Empire's management is too strict, leaving them with no chance and can only watch and covet.

At this time, Cheng Ying threw a symbiote. Although it escaped in name, it was impossible for the Tiandou Empire to hand it over.

Unsurprisingly, the symbiote was also involved in the study of strange flesh and blood.

"The first fusion experiment begins, the fusion of the first-generation clone body and the symbiotic body."

An old man wearing a device like a combat effectiveness detector gave the order to start the experiment.

The so-called divine body is the giant body they cloned from the cells of Unit 1. The huge humanoid life form more than forty meters high is daunting.

For many EVA viewers, the moment they first discovered that EVA turned out to be a flesh-and-blood mecha, the impact was undoubtedly huge.

The scene of the fusion of the symbiote and the mass-produced machine is much more bizarre than that.

The jet-black symbiote blends into the huge white body, and the huge contrast gives people a strong visual impact.

Cheng Ying admires the death-defying spirit of these guys. Do they really regard the symbiote as a good baby?

The one he let go was not the obedient sociozoological symbionts, but the most disobedient one who tried to attack the host. This guy was full of hatred for humans, but the Heaven Dou Empire provided him with a powerful weapon. Terrible body, the consequences are simply unimaginable.

The busy researchers in the laboratory did not realize the seriousness of the problem. They observed the body of the god. Abnormal tumors began to protrude, and soon shrank back. Little by little, dark lines began to spread all over every part of the white god's body. A blood vessel makes this scene look even more bizarre.

When all the blood vessels were turned black, the huge life form actually started to move. This scene made the researchers ecstatic, and they finally succeeded in driving the divine body.

The palm, which was larger than a human, trembled twice in the experimental site. Then, the huge giant stretched out his hand, slowly supported his body, and got up little by little.

The researchers who watched this scene cheered. A mass-produced machine that could not be driven finally started to move.

But their cheers soon turned into screams of terror, because after the giant climbed up, he did not obey their instructions at all.

Instead, he stretched out his hand towards them. The protective net made of thick steel bars had no effect at all, and was easily torn apart by the giant's palm like a spider web.

Debris flew everywhere, and the bodies of low-strength researchers were pierced like rag dolls. Some unlucky guys were grabbed by the giant, stuffed into his mouth, chewed, and the blood was sprinkled on the giant's body. , making the giant look like a demon from hell.

Cheng Ying couldn't help but raise his forehead: "You are really looking for death. I hope you can get the mass production machine enhanced by the symbiote!" He really didn't expect that these guys just got the symbiote. I dare to integrate it into mass production machines without saying anything.

Now the mass-produced machine went berserk, and the fun was great. The sound of alarms was heard one after another, just like the scene of a disaster movie. The surrounding troops were dispatched immediately, and the mechanized army followed closely. There was going to be an explosion of funds. fighting show.

[To be continued]

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