Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 843 Watt Alheim Revival Plan

"See you soon Douluo ()"

The cursed warriors brought by Tony finally broke through Malekith's psychological defenses. Its mothership was pointed at a large number of anti-matter heavy cannons and would be destroyed if it resisted. In this case, it is not impossible to accept funding and become a vassal. Accepted.

Cheng Ying even knew that she wanted to seize the ether, so it must be impossible to give her a chance to get the ether.

"Okay! I accept your conditions. The dark elves cannot always be your vassals. You must give us a time limit and let us develop freely. You should understand that a civilization without freedom will only stagnate. .”

Cheng Ying thought about it for a while: "Then ten thousand years! According to the dark elf's concept of time, ten thousand years should not be long, only two or three generations. It would not seem hopeless. The area is relatively small. It should be Still alive to see the day when we can be free again."

That's the only good thing about the immortal species. The concept of time is quite different from that of humans. Malekith only thought about it for a moment and accepted this condition. In its view, this was already quite loose.

"Then it's settled! I will send my right-hand man to assist the rise of your race!"

Malekith was overjoyed when he heard this. Cheng Ying's right-hand man must be a famous and powerful man in the universe. Such support is not insignificant. I'm afraid it won't be long before their race can rise again.

Then it heard Cheng Ying clap his hands.

"Go! Xin Ed's left hand, Xin Ed's right hand! You two are the general persons in charge of this dark elf support plan!"

Malekith: "..."

If I continue to believe this guy, I will do a live broadcast of standing on my head and eating shit! Eat a ton! God’s beloved left hand! Just change your name and call him your right-hand man?

In fact, these two people have changed their lives several times, and they can be regarded as the elders of the Tulip family. They were the two soul masters who were picked up from the Sun and Moon Empire. They were the first ones to be renamed Li Goudan and Wang Tiezhu. both……

"You must be the leader of the dark elves! It's better to hear than to see!" He shook hands with Malekith cordially with his left hand.

His right hand also held Malekith's other hand: "I have admired my name for a long time! I have admired my name for a long time! You are really as ugly as the rumors say!"

Malekith: "..."

As expected, he was that bastard's subordinate, just as bastard as their master.

But soon, he changed his mind.

"Let me see how many people are left in your race." His left hand called up the scan information on the starship operation interface. There are still more than 24 million people on the planet.

"There are only so many people left! It seems that the dark elves have been having a very unhappy life in recent years!" His right hand said with a venomous tongue.

Just as Malekith was about to have an attack, his left hand said: "Send two hundred super-large organic matter manufacturing machines down first! The geothermal energy of this planet has been almost drained, and the anaerobic energy that these dark elves rely on to survive is... Fungi will become extinct in a few decades.

By the way, I brought along a few fungus culture production lines. These dark elves must not be used to eating normal food after eating mushrooms for so many years. "

"I think we should first test the physiological conditions of the dark elf race. Different races have different needs for food. Some of the foods we are accustomed to may be highly toxic to them. Such accidents often occur in interstellar colonization and interstellar occurred during the face-to-face colonization process.”

Malekith felt that this right hand finally spoke a human word. When Asgard ruled them, they were all allowed to eat human food. This was one of the important reasons why they fought with Asgard.

"Let me tell you, the last time I met a certain ethnic group, their recipes were so weird that you could spit out their menu. They included stir-fried toe caps, stir-fried squid, and golden excrement soup. Anyway, normal people They eat whatever they don’t want to eat, and they don’t eat anything that normal people eat. If the dark elves are this type of creature, and we give them food that humans can eat, people might think we’re abusing them!”

Malekith: "..."

It is my fault,

This guy can't speak human language!

Although it is hard to hear what the right hand says, the material and equipment resources are still very reliable, at least for the dark elves who are already impoverished to a certain extent.

The harsh environment of Wat Alheim makes it extremely difficult for civilization here to set foot in the starry sky. The lack of natural resources and the old and violent stars mean that this planet can no longer support a civilization to set foot in the starry sky.

In the world of the Galactic Alliance, there has been a saying that the error tolerance rate for a civilization to step into the starry sky is extremely limited.

It depends on the natural resources of the planet, whether there are satellites suitable for landing, whether there are solid planets worth developing in the galaxy, whether there are gas giants that provide resource fuel, whether the stars are stable, and whether there is a generation or even several generations around the galaxy that can survive. Arriving at Proxima Centauri.

In the galaxy where Watt Alheim is located, the fault tolerance rate is undoubtedly extremely low. Under such a hellish start, it is absolutely a miracle that the dark elves can enter the starry sky. This also proves the excellence of their race and civilization.

This is the most important reason why Cheng Ying chose to support them. As long as you take a look at the earth, you will find that human beings are truly prodigal.

The earth has rich ecological resources. The sun is ancient and stable and will not suddenly swallow the earth. Three hundred and eighty thousand kilometers away, there is a huge satellite that is one of the largest in the solar system. There is a Mars in the adjacent orbit that is suitable as a springboard for logging in. The two gas giant planets Jupiter and Saturn provide endless fuel for voyages. Proxima Centauri is only a little more than four light-years away from the earth, and even uses only the most primitive fossil fuels. can be reached.

This is a ridiculous start. There are few such perfect starts in the universe. Then let’s see what humans did? This is a race where all members are explosive. All their inventions are accompanied by explosions. Even the dwarfs in the magical world would be ashamed of this.

What this group of big bombers are best at is throwing bombs on the heads of their kind. This is a race whose art is explosion. They are so powerful! They blew up the entire planet into more than 200 countries and the earth.

Qualified races fight each other just because of skin color and slight cultural differences, and consume the natural resources on the planet without any regard for the future of civilization.

Just looking at this, it is clear how outstanding the Dark Elves are from Wat Alheim, which has poor natural resources and even sunlight is difficult to obtain, and walks into the starry sky.

Of course, if we have to compare, the people on earth are still much better than a certain Douluo star who has not been able to reach the sky for 20,000 years... That's what it means to fight three against three...

[To be continued]

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