Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 844 A unique name

"See you soon Douluo ()"

The revival of the dark elves is in full swing. Although the plot repeatedly vilifies the dark elves, it is undeniable that this is a very enterprising race, and the dark elves have a strong racial concept.

The scope of collective sacrifices and human interests is also quite large, which leads them to unite before the reconstruction and construction begins.

The picture of countless dark elves fighting for the same goal reminds people of the donkeys of the production team... Bah... no, it is the prosperous construction in the five-year plan, even though this is a city that uses black as a festive color. Races, this and that can also be the construction of black and black... It sounds strange because it is a matter of cultural differences. The dark elves think this description is great.

His eyes were drawn back to the Douluo Continent, which was even more unprogressive than the people on earth. He had extraordinary power and could take shortcuts in countless technological trees. In normal history, it had not even entered the Middle Ages in 20,000 years. The starry sky is really a shame for civilization...

Even with the contrasting stimulation of tulips, the soul master who ruled this continent seemed not to reflect, but continued to have painful internal conflicts.

Smith Jianguo was an ordinary soldier of the Star Luo Empire. He was given such a Chinese-Western name not because his parents had a grudge against him, but because the year he made the announcement happened to coincide with the establishment of the First Star Luo Republic.

The coalition of nobles stormed into the palace and forced the Star Luo Emperor to establish a parliament, ending the feudal rule that lasted for thousands of years. I thought that the beginning of the Republic would bring endless glory to the Star Luo Empire, but I did not want to leave behind the incomplete bourgeois revolution. Too many feudal remnants have led to the struggle for power within the Republic. The parliament is often as noisy as a vegetable market, and it is not uncommon to stage full-scale martial arts on the spot.

Not only did the First Star Luo Republic not bring glory to the Star Luo Empire, but it was the beginning of humiliation. The internal strife of the Republic not only failed to strengthen the national power, but weakened the empire's national power. Until the Great Cataclysm, the disaster caused the parliament to fall apart and have no time to take care of itself, and the imperial power was restored. Dai Huanyu returned to the throne.

Unfortunately, even if the last emperor worked hard, he could not restore the decline of the Star Luo Empire. The Knights of Rhoderia rose up strongly in the troubled times. Their leader, Kuiba, came to Star Luo City and bet against the Star Luo royal family. One man faced off against the Allied Forces of the Three Kingdoms. The humiliation of 10,000 strong men, defeating them in battle, Xingluo City changing hands, and one man destroying the country is deeply imprinted in the hearts of every person in the Xingluo Empire.

The short-lived Second Star Luo Empire did not become the end of Star Luo's history. With the funding of the Tiandou Empire, Dai Huanyu maintained the provisional government's borrowed troops from the Blue Lightning Tyrannosaurus Rex family, and with the power of the soul beasts, a certain map was restored. The country finally relied on the power of the Watcher's final blow to launch the Spear of Longinus, and fought with Quiba in an all-out battle, and finally successfully restored the country and established the Star Luo Third Empire.

Carrying the title of the strongest man in the mainland, Dai Huanyu became the best choice for the emperor. Unfortunately, domestic conflicts have been accumulating for too long. The continuous insurrectionary army has made the empire's strong men more often only used to suppress disturbances. Not dying in battle.

The name Smith founded the country seemed to mock this history, but he was not discouraged or complained about his name. He just remembered history and worked hard to become a part of history.

This is a somewhat idealistic guy. Although his cultivation level is only Contra, he has become a regimental commander of the Star Luo Empire because of his good fighting skills.

It’s just that reality does not favor those who are more optimistic. Smith Jianguo faced continuous blows. When he received the order to participate in the war to destroy the cloud symbiote, his whole person was extremely excited. This is what he was recorded in history. The best opportunity among them.

But when he saw that stupid road map that even a child couldn't figure out, he became furious.

"You told me that this was done for safety, to prevent the symbiotes from destroying important industrial facilities!" Jianguo said, "This route deliberately passed through the industrial towns of the Three Kingdoms! You told me that this was to prevent the symbiotes from damaging industrial facilities!" Sorry, our 289th regiment cannot take on this mission!"

"Jianguo! Can you change your impulsive temperament!" Bai Yufan, who is in charge of the 289th Regiment, is an old soul saint in his fifties.

Because he missed the golden time for soul power to revive, his cultivation could only stop at Soul Saint. However, as a civilian like a political commissar, Bai Yushan's personal strength was not that important.

"Shen Yi! Tell me how to take on this mission. How do you want me to explain it to my soldiers? Just for the sake of some bullshit balance, we are going to let that monster several thousand meters high come to our country. Raging? Sorry, I can't say it."

With that said, Smith Jianguo was about to slam the door and leave.

"Jianguo! Come back! Can you change the reality of the monster coming to wreak havoc in the country if you don't accept the mission?" Shen Yi had a stern face. He had experienced the most glorious era of Tulip, and his mentality was much calmer than that of Smith Jianguo.

"You're right, I was impulsive." Smith Jianguo clasped his fingers tightly on the door frame, almost falling in, but finally calmed down.

"That's right. Our mission is to lure the cloud symbiote forward. This is a very dangerous task, but as long as we don't make mistakes, we can at least allow the symbiote to bypass most key cities."

"I understand. I'm going to prepare the equipment. You go and mobilize the brothers before the war! I will investigate the actual situation of the symbiote first!" Smith Jianguo left a word before turning around and leaving.

Shen Yi looked deeply at his background. He was an old partner, but he was surprisingly strong. He would not compromise so easily: "You are still too young! Ahem!"

Shen Yi covered his chest and coughed twice. Two crystal fragments fell into his palm and were crushed by him calmly.

In the logistics reserve warehouse, Smith Jianguo opened his own mecha, but the tactical equipment box behind it was obviously one size larger than the standard configuration. Jianguo was driving an out-of-print mecha from the Tulip era, and the supporting tactical equipment was also available in one piece. One consumable was missing, and his behavior was immediately stopped by the quartermaster.

"Wait! You can't take them away, this is the property of the empire..."


The black muzzle pointed at the quartermaster: "If you don't want the news that you are reselling military supplies to be exposed, just shut up. The 289th Regiment is performing a decoy mission and has the right to receive 50% of the excess supplies. There should be some in the armament depot. There is enough margin, the responsibility for the shortage of weapons is not mine to bear!”

"Okay! Okay! Please! Please!" The quartermaster quickly raised his hand. Although they were both Contras, there was a genius fighter and a genius pilot on both sides, and the other was just a waste piled up by the energy amethyst. There was a huge gap between them. Don't be too obvious.

[To be continued]

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