Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 845 The Weaknesses of the Symbiote

Smith Jianguo piloted the mecha and left angrily. The quartermaster did not dare to stop him.

"A group of cannon fodder on a decoy mission! What's there to be proud of! Bah!"

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the decoy mission is extremely dangerous. If you don't do it well, the empire will definitely put the blame on the commander. Even if you are lucky enough to survive, you will probably have to accept the trial of the empire. You can't be angry with a dead man.

In order to ensure that no one can do anything wrong in the process of luring the symbiote, the three kingdoms formed a coalition of decoy forces. They agreed on their respective outputs, and no one was allowed to exceed the limit and pull the monster away alone.

Therefore, the troops of the Star Luo Empire rarely came to the land of the Tiandou Empire in a peaceful manner. The camps of the two armies were close to each other. If the commanders at all levels had not explicitly prohibited it, they would have started fighting.

Smith Jianguo's troops were lined up in the middle and rear of the seven-figure shape, located in the eastern part of the Tiandou Empire. They were stationed at the bottom of a hill. The yellow sand blew down from the bare treeless hill, making people's clothes full of sand. , the natural environment of the Tiandou Empire is quite bad, and the squeeze on natural resources is also the strongest.

Smith paced anxiously in the camp. The symbiote's baiting operation had already begun, but it was not their turn to relay it yet.

"Don't worry, the baiting process went smoothly. The symbiote has been guided to the planned route by the first echelon of bait troops." Shen Yi comforted.

"No, I'm still worried." Jianguo shook his head: "I'm going to investigate in person. The troops will be under your command for the time being. Don't let them cause trouble."

As if he had made up his mind, Smith Jianguo didn't even listen to what Shen Yi said. He boarded the mecha and flew out.

Compared with the relatively strict military structure of the Tiandou Empire, the military chiefs of the Star Luo Empire have a higher degree of freedom. Riding into the formation alone happens from time to time. It is just a regimental leader to investigate, and not many people pay attention to it.

Smith Jianguo flew toward the battlefield until he entered the range of the decoy troops, and was warned not to approach.

At this time, the symbiote is stepping into a town. The actions of the decoy troops are not always successful, and the symbiote is more inclined to destroy the city. Therefore, it is often difficult for the decoy troops to lure the symbiote away from the city.

In front of him was a city ravaged by the symbiote. It would not be an exaggeration to call that scene the end of the world. The city-level shield was like a fragile eggshell in front of the thousand-meter giant, and it would shatter with a light knock.

The huge soles fell from the sky, like a giant mountain falling. The residents who had no time to evacuate did not even have the possibility of desperate escape. The area covered by the soles was as huge as the mountain peak, so how could they escape.

The earth shattered into pieces under the soles of the feet, and the shock wave destroyed the glass of the entire town. The cries and cries for help, covered by the artillery fire, could not be noticed by anyone. The insignificance of individuals in the face of natural disasters was vividly reflected.


A tactical nuclear bomb was blasted into the symbiote's face, and the shock wave almost blew his head apart, but in just an instant, the black energy regrouped and returned to its original form.

The symbiote roared and chased after the fighter plane that launched the nuclear bomb. It trampled the town again, leaving a ruin and falling radioactive dust. Those residents who thought they had survived did not know that they would be in pain for the rest of their lives. Spend time together with radiation sickness.

And this scene,

In the near future, it may be staged in the Star Luo Empire, and it is very likely that Smith Jianguo personally lured the symbiote there! How does this make Smith found the country to accept it.

It's just that this time he was not carried away by anger, but stared closely at the symbiote's feet, where there would be unusual ripples from time to time, just like a stuck game, which seemed to be inconsistent with the actions of the main body. Very incoherent.

"That's..." Under the guidance, the ripples in Jianguo's eyes became clearer and clearer, and the existence that caused the ripples seemed to become brighter in his vision, as if it was specially lit up.

"That's... a band? How is that possible!" The airborne photography equipment clearly captured the death band. They continued to play at the entrance of the bar where they often sang, welcoming death with music, and like a natural disaster, they gave out the most high-spirited cry of life, as if We are declaring to heaven that we are not helpless in the face of natural disasters!

"Save them!" This was the only thought in Smith Jianguo's mind. Whether it was the calmness about death or the strange influence on the symbiote, Smith Jianguo could not watch them die.

The onboard engine searches at full power, and the mecha transforms in the air, turning into a fighter plane in the air, and accelerates violently. The rare speed-specialized mecha allows Smith Jianguo to have a speed far exceeding that of other mechas.

"Warning! Warning! You have entered the first-level military control area. You have entered the first-level military control area. Our army has the right to shoot you down. Please evacuate quickly! Please evacuate quickly!"

"Evacuate! Turn on the overload mode, switch to full manual driving mode, and prepare for an emergency landing!" Jianguo turned a blind eye to the blood-red warning on the screen. The decoy troops had no firepower to target him. By the time the coalition forces in charge of supervision reacted, he would have settled the matter long ago. Done.

The shock wave that broke the sound barrier formed circles of Mach rings around the fighter plane, heading straight in the direction of the band. After approaching, it transformed into a humanoid and made an emergency landing. The thrusters on its feet sprayed in reverse, and the high-temperature plasma flames burned a path like magma on the ground. channel.

Stopping less than a hundred meters away from the band, I could see clearly from the monitor that there was a band somewhere. There was only the lead singer singing loudly, surrounded by holographic projections. Under each holographic projection, the birth and death years of the band members who died in embarrassment were recorded. The music lingered around her, as if her teammates were still alive.

"Hey! Get ready for the impact! It's not time to admit defeat yet!"

Jianguo put down the loudspeaker and shouted.

Before the lead singer could react, she saw the cockpit of the mecha opened open and crashing towards her at high speed. The pilot grabbed her hand and dragged her into the cabin. His movements were all done in one smooth motion, causing her singing voice to be interrupted. interrupted by exclamations.

The cockpit cover was closed, and the lead singer girl was pressed tightly against Jianguo.

"You hit me!" The first words of the lead singer made Smith Jianguo embarrassed, but the other party didn't seem to care about this problem very much: "Why did you choose to save me? Your display is so red, I'm afraid it's an illegal operation! "

"I don't know, maybe it's intuition! I think your singing might be able to defeat this natural disaster. Do you mind singing a song in my car?"

"Of course not! Let's get started! I brought the accompaniment!" The lead singer girl was unexpectedly bold.

Cheng Ying was very satisfied when he saw this scene. He only provided insignificant guidance. If they could create miracles, that would be their ability.

[To be continued]

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