Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 846 High Frequency Sound Waves

The lead singer girl played her accompaniment in the mecha, which was quite violent heavy metal music, followed by her high-pitched singing voice. Smith Jianguo immediately turned on the loudspeaker and released the sound exponentially.

The terrifying huge feet of the cloud symbiote have been shrouded. Even if Smith Jianguo's mecha turns into a fighter plane, it will be impossible to break out of the black mist. Individual equipment does not have the terrifying defense ability to resist the symbiote's attack.

Smith gritted his teeth and controlled the mecha to transform into a fighter plane. He pushed the joystick to the bottom and rushed straight into the symbiote's feet. He actually wanted to penetrate the symbiote's feet.

It's just that other mechas or fighters are often swallowed up and then broken into dust the moment they come into contact with the black mist. Smith Jianguo's approach looks no different from seeking death.

The lead singer girl still sang loudly, but closed her eyes, seeming to have accepted the ending of death.

Smith Jianguo was covered in cold sweat. If his guess was wrong, both of them might die here!

The fighter jet quickly approached the symbiote's feet. Smith Jianguo noticed that within the influence of heavy metal music, the symbiote had that uncoordinated ripple again.

He spotted the core of one of the ripples, pushed the joystick fiercely, and accelerated in the direction in which the ripples extended.

The spread of the ripples was not straight. It was like he was playing a top-level reaction game. If he made a slight mistake, he would be shattered to pieces.

It's just that manpower is sometimes scarce. Even if he is a top pilot with superb driving skills, the continuous high-intensity driving makes him extremely tired. Facing the five consecutive hairpin turns ahead, he can no longer maintain flexible steering, and the tail wing is covered with black fog. During the rubbing, it disintegrated into dust in the harsh scraping sound of metal.

Just when the fighter plane was about to lose control and tumble into the black mist, the lead singer girl suddenly raised her voice, which was so high that it was harsh and even inaudible to normal human ears.

As the sound was released from the loudspeaker, the black mist seemed to drop detergent on the oil film, quickly spreading out into a spherical cavity, allowing the fighter plane to easily penetrate it and escape from the black mist.

The fighter plane crossed all the way across the blockade of the decoy troops and crashed on the mountain top, throwing up a large amount of dust. Fortunately, the mecha was of excellent quality and the reverse propulsion was started in time, so the plane did not crash and no one was killed.

"Phew! It was so dangerous that I almost couldn't get out. Your last voice was a big help! I haven't asked yet, what is your name? I am the leader of the 289th Star Luo Regiment, Smith Jianguo."

"Pfft..." The girl had just looked like she was about to survive a disaster. When she heard this self-introduction, she couldn't hold back and laughed: "Your name is really unique. I am just a nobody. If you have to say it, you You can call me Qianxun, this is my stage name."

"What's your real name?"

"Most of the people I know well have died in the natural disaster just now, so what's the point of my real name? I'll be called Qianxun from now on, and it sounds pretty good." The lead singer showed this heart-wrenching smile.

The two flew towards the headquarters of the 289th Regiment. During this period, Smith Jianguo received questions from the Three Kingdoms Allied Forces, but he dealt with them all. Qianxun, who was also in the cockpit, obediently did not make a sound, but looked at Smith Jianguo. Gradually it becomes weird.

After the two landed and left the mecha, Qianxun narrowed his eyes and asked, "You didn't tell the coalition that high-frequency sounds can harm the symbiote.

You should have your own plans, right? "

Smith Jianguo sat down with his back against the leg armor of the mecha and sighed: "I may do something harmful to your country, I'm sorry."

Qianxun also sat down, sitting next to him: "Tell me your reasons, I am not a fanatical racist, and I will not expose you, and I don't have the ability to expose you. Even outside the mecha, you are A powerful Contra, isn't he?"

"Do you know the route to lure the symbiote this time?"

Mentioning this, Chihiro showed a sad expression. If the symbiote's route had not passed through her town, her tragedy might not have happened.

"I'm not very clear. I clearly saw on the map that the symbiote is closer to the west coast, but my city is on the east side of the symbiote. I don't understand why the symbiote was lured there." Her tone seemed very low. .

"Let me show you this! This is the induction route negotiated by the three countries. Isn't it stupid?" Smith Jianguo took out a document from his pocket and unfolded it in front of Qianxun.

Looking at the figure-7-shaped route, Qianxun was silent for a long time, and then he said after a long time: "It's really stupid."

"Yes! So I want to try to see if I can change this route. Look at the 7-digit turning point, it is already very close to the east coast." Smith Jianguo showed a free and easy smile:

"The high-frequency sound waves should be able to irritate him. As long as I can lead him to the East Coast, it doesn't matter even if I have to bear eternal infamy! After all, the fleet is parked in Nanyang. If I lead the symbiote to the East China Sea, it is no different from seeking death. .”

"Is that so? What a great idea! Why are you telling me this?"

"I don't know, but at least you won't leak the secret, right?" Smith Jianguo's expression was relaxed, and he didn't look like he was going to execute a fatal plan at all.

"You really look down on people! Okay! I promise you not to tell anyone your plan and do what you think is right! I believe you will become a hero instead of a sinner." Qianxun leaned against her gently. On the shoulders of Smith Jianguo.

"Don't move. This is a reward for you. Although it seems a bit stingy compared to your sacrifice, you are not allowed to refuse. Also, if you can fly to the deep sea, remember to take a picture of the blue whale for me. It is said that They are the largest creatures in the world, and their calls can be heard throughout the planet's oceans.

I envy them. It would be great if my singing could spread across the planet like theirs. "Qianxun showed a longing expression.

"That won't work. If your heavy metal music spreads around the world, a group of old men and women will be shocked to the point of cerebral hemorrhage!"

"Disgusting! No wonder you're single and can't understand the atmosphere at all! What do you know, whales sing much louder than me, and they can even use ultrasound to locate locations like bats."

"Yeah! You are right, you can also emit ultrasound, right!"

"I really can! If you don't believe me, just listen!"

"How can I hear it since it's ultrasound!"

"Ah! Why are you so annoying! It took me a long time to practice. You can touch my throat!"

"I believe it! I believe everything you said, eh! Don't hold my hand, female donor, please respect yourself!"

[To be continued]

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