Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 847 What a T should do

"Why are you so ignorant of style?" Qianxun angrily kicked Smith Jianguo: "Do you think I'm not a good girl just because I'm wearing lip studs and earrings?"

Smith Jianguo nodded straightforwardly, then shook his head quickly: "Ah... I didn't mean that. What I meant was, won't your lips leak when you drink water?"

"Idiot! How could it leak!"

"I thought you would never drink soup again for the rest of your life!"

"Forget it, I don't expect you to take the initiative. Anyway, if you have a chance, help me take some photos of whales! Any whale will do. I heard that in the last era, when tulips were still there, a huge aquarium was built. The museum is for people to visit, and there are beluga whales inside, and they will also perform with the keepers.

It was just that after they were evacuated, they were dismantled by your Xingluo legion. All the white whales were killed to obtain the soul rings. It would have been great if they had not been dismantled. "Qianxun sighed, not knowing exactly why.

"Do you like whales that much?"

"Yes! So when you get to the deep sea, you must help me look for it! It is said that sperm whales are gregarious animals, and they are the largest gregarious ten-thousand-year-old soul beasts in Douluo Planet. It would be great if you can meet them."

boom! boom! boom!

There were heavy footsteps in the distance, and through the haze, you could see the legs of the symbiote in the distance, approaching step by step.

"It's coming, it's time for you to go back." As he said this, Qianxun suddenly hugged Jianguo's head and moved forward boldly.

Parting their lips, Qianxun caressed her cheek, which had not yet recovered, and whispered softly: "Go! Do what you think is right, and I will go to your monument to see you!"

I wish you good luck in martial arts! "

"Thank you! And... I actually understand what you mean, don't waste your youth on a dead person."

After that, he turned around and left. Amidst the roar of the mecha, the 289th Regiment also received the lift-off signal. It was time for them to take over the bait mission.

"Induced bombs! Launch!"

Under Smith Jianguo's order, flash bombs rose into the sky one after another. The violent flashes instantly attracted the attention of the symbiote, and they moved towards their direction with heavy steps.

The decoy troops of the Three Kingdoms jointly launched continuous inducing attacks against the enemy. Bullets and soul-guiding rays were poured towards the symbiote for free, but they were all like mud cows entering the sea. They did not create the slightest wave and were absorbed by the huge body. Devour.

The symbiote is so big that even Ultraman from the M78 Nebula is like an ant in front of it.

Decoy troops are like annoying mosquitoes, only irritating but not harming the symbiote.

The giant stretched out his hand like swatting mosquitoes, trying to swat the decoys to death, but the decoys quickly dispersed, and only a few unlucky ones were hit and turned into dust.

Smith Jianguo and the others had to guide this monster to the Soul Beast Empire before the real name could be completed. During this period, they would probably die at least half of them.

After starting the decoy plan, it can be seen that Smith Jianguo's command talent is obvious. Compared with the troops of the other two countries, the casualties of his 289th Regiment were obviously a level lower.

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As cannon fodder troops as bait, neither country was willing to send out outstanding commanders. Smith was sent out by Jiang Jianhui. The reason is self-evident. He is a disobedient and troublesome guy. He is extremely talented but does not like his boss. .

Under his command, the decoy operation was successful and even miraculously bypassed two important industrial towns. The person in charge of the operation of the Star Luo Empire was so angry that he couldn't stop scolding his mother.

The cloud-gas symbiosis is raging in the towns of the Tiandou Empire. A large part of the reason is the deliberate inducement of the Star Luo Empire and the inaction of the Soul Beast Empire.

Who the hell knew that Smith Jianguo was such a fool? He completed the induction task extremely perfectly, causing almost no substantial damage to the Tiandou Empire. It was a pain in the ass.

Little did they know that Smith was stimulated. Qianxun's experience made him realize that civilians in the enemy country are also civilians, and war should never be at the expense of civilians.

So much so that he performed so well that one unit did the work of three units and completed the task so perfectly that the person in charge of the Tiandou Empire almost laughed out loud. This kind of cannon fodder operation was indeed often used to eliminate those armies. He was a thorn in the side of being disobedient, but who would have thought that the Star Luo Empire would send such a tough guy? The suggestion was a strategic failure.

However, the smile on the face of the person in charge of Tiandou soon froze, because at the critical moment when the symbiote was about to be induced to turn, Commander Tiehanhan actually left the team and took out a strange soul guide. Not to mention, one shot hit the symbiote's face, blowing up half of the symbiote's face.

This is the power that only a tactical nuclear bomb can have, but this guy did it with a single soul guide. For a moment, the person in charge of the Tiandou Empire glared at the person in charge of Xingluo.

"What technology are you hiding? What do you want to do by launching a sneak attack on the symbiote at such a critical location? Do you want to start a war?"

" the hell do I know what that Tiehanhan is going to do?" The person in charge of Xingluo was also furious. This Tiehanhan couldn't stop, forget about executing the task perfectly, and now he openly disobeyed his orders and even took out I have found a soul guide that I have never seen before. It seems that I am... well prepared!

"Send someone to stop him quickly! The symbiote has deviated from the established route! Damn it! He is still heading east. Is this bastard going to directly lead the symbiote to the East China Sea?" The person in charge of Tiandou simply wanted to explode on the spot.

Seeing this scene, the person in charge of Xingluo was not in a hurry, and just lured it into the East China Sea! As long as the symbiote goes into the sea, it is a fait accompli, and no one will catch the symbiote ashore again. Although politicians often make stupid decisions, it is unlikely that they will be so stupid.

If Smith's founding of the nation is successful, the Tiandou Empire will have no choice but to suffer the consequences of losing his wife and losing troops. Even if it fails, it will still be Smith's peaceful behavior. If the Star Luo Empire dumps the blame, the Tiandou Empire can still survive. What about a dead man?

"We are in contact with the leader of the 289th Brigade. The other party refused to answer. I'm sorry that I can't give you a reply for the time being. I will contact Bai Lushan of the 289th Brigade now and I will give the Tiandou Empire a reasonable explanation as soon as possible." The person in charge of Xingluo He was unambiguous in his official tone. If he could take off his clothes for one more minute at this time, the Tiandou Empire would suffer for one more minute.

The Soul Beast Empire also chose to sit back and watch. The next thing the symbiote passed was the Soul Beast Empire. They were full before going to stop Smith from establishing the nation.

The only remaining Tiandou Empire responsible for the popularity of One Buddha and Two Buddhas ascended to heaven and directly gave orders to the Tiandou Empire's decoy troops.

"Kill that Xingluo captain for me at all costs!"

[To be continued]

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