Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 849 The Song of the Whale

Smith Jianguo's eyes were blank, and the world in front of him seemed to slow down in his eyes. His hands danced between the joysticks and buttons like butterflies in flowers, adjusting the flight posture rhythmically.

Each time, the fighter plane made the smallest adjustment to avoid the on-board shield of the locomotive. It was simply more sophisticated and efficient than a supercomputer.

"This state! It's very interesting!" Cheng Ying's previous prompt was also out of interest, but he didn't expect that the other party would actually enter a mysterious state, at least beyond the limit of his own abilities and perform incredible operations.

Cheng Ying did not disturb him, but concentrated his mental power and silently recorded his physical condition and mental fluctuations. If he had the opportunity, he could study this state. If he could achieve this state stably and repeatedly, it would be a kind of combat experience. of supplement.

Zi La La ~

The fighter plane's wing scraped against the tunnel wall as hard as it could and rushed out of the tunnel. The antenna on the wing caused a spark and broke completely.

And the moment the fighter plane rushed out of the tunnel, the tunnel exit exploded and collapsed suddenly, blocking all the vehicles inside. The unfortunate ones were also hit by gravel. If it hadn't been triggered by the strong wind pressure brought by the fighter plane, If the shield is broken, it may have been crushed by this time.

"Damn it! This is already a national-level ace pilot! Damn the Star Luo Empire, this must be their conspiracy!" The local garrison commander clapped his hands on his thigh angrily: "Full firepower, Phalanx covering Sexual strafing! His shield hasn't been reloaded yet, knock him down!"

The verbal order was just to vent his anger. Before speaking, he had already pressed the launch button, and countless missiles were launched, densely covering the fighter planes heading towards Smith Jianguo.

The last twelve seconds seemed like an insurmountable chasm, as solid as the unbreakable barrier between life and death.

But Smith Jianguo's eyes were blank. The speed and trajectory of each missile were displayed in his eyes, and he seemed to be able to see the future of the missiles.

I saw that he turned into a human form at the speed of sound. The huge wind resistance caused the mecha to roll almost irregularly out of control. However, if anyone could see Smith Jianguo's operation, they would be surprised to find that he was controlling every step of the mecha. An auxiliary wing and an attitude control engine controlled the mecha's attitude during the roll.

Not a single missile was detonated by him. Even the missiles with proximity fuses were deftly avoided by it and danced in the air like an elf. It lasted for twelve seconds until the shield was reloaded. moment.

The shield at full capacity can withstand almost five hundred missile attacks. With the incredible driving skills that Smith Jianguo had just shown, no one could knock him down before he rushed to the sea. What's more, behind him, the symbiote had already rushed over in big strides. The empty position on the ground was trampled to pieces in an instant.

The symbiote roared and ejected destructive beams of light from its mouth. The hundred-meter-thick beam of light swept across the earth, leaving a lava canyon for a day. Only a city-level shield could withstand one or two. Ordinary town shields, even If you can't hold on for a second, you will be overloaded instantly.

Facing the symbiote's devastating attack, the garrison troops along the route did not dare to provoke at all, for fear that like the previous one, they would be casually kicked and turned into ancient human rock fossils in future museums.

Smith Jianguo didn't dare to let the light beam stick to him at all. With the strength of his shield, he would be instantly evaporated if he was touched.

With the coastline in sight, Smith Jianguodu's eyes gradually returned to clarity, and a feeling of relief filled his heart.

The various pressures of life make him unable to face it. Even if he returns alive, he will face a military court trial, and the brothers of the 289th Regiment will also be implicated by him.

Unknowingly, his will to live gradually faded, and he had a will to die. The moment he saw the symbiote stepping into the ocean, he left his hands with his hands. He was too tired at the operating table. The extreme operation just now made his soul unbearable. The heavy burden, if not maintained by a strong will to survive, may not be able to heal naturally at all.

"Tsk! It's really not that easy to be a hero! You've died three times without my help! Forget it, let's help one last time!" Cheng Ying shook his head, finally meeting a legendary figure who jumped out of his own body, Cheng Ying also I don't want to see him fall so easily.

Cheng Ying directly controlled Smith Jianguo's host through his authority, and played the voice of the girl kissing him goodbye: "Take some photos of whales for me! Any whale will do!"

Smith Jianguo, who had already lost his will to live, suddenly remembered this agreement. At the critical moment, he dodged a beam of light and saved his life. The hot steam rose into the sky, even stimulating his instinctive shield reaction.

"Host, detect the sound waves in the ocean. Look for whales!" Smith Jianguo shouted to the host, which had little energy left.

The sound wave map in the ocean appeared in his eyes. There happened to be a source of sound waves not far away that seemed to be a group of whales. It happened to be a place where he could still fly with the remaining energy.

Pushing the joystick, Smith Jianguo increased his speed to the highest level and rushed towards the group of whales. The symbiote followed closely and set off a raging wave.

From a distance, Smith Jianguo had already seen a group of whales. They were a group of sperm whales that were not particularly large in size. They had iconic huge heads and foreheads full of fat, which were special organs used to receive ultrasonic waves and echolocation.

Smith Jianguo looked at the energy that had bottomed out, pressed the shutter, recorded the photos of the whales, and sent the photos one after another to Qianxun's social account.

Qianxun, who was hundreds of miles away, clenched her fists, looked at the photos of whales, and murmured in a trembling voice: "You must... you must live!"

The huge palm of the symbiote that covered the sky fell from the sky. The mecha that lost energy had lost the energy to continue accelerating and could no longer flexibly fly out of the range of the palm. In a desperate situation, the host ejected Smith Jianguo, facing the distance. Smith Jianguo couldn't help but close his eyes as he watched the mecha that had accompanied him through life and death turn into elementary particles in the dark clouds. Soon, he would also follow in the footsteps of the mecha, but he could do this step. He has already created a miracle, and even if he dies, there will be no regrets.

However, the severe pain he imagined did not come. Instead, there was a beautiful and high-pitched cry, like a song.

Buzz! Buzz! Buzz!

Amidst the loud whistles, the symbiote's palm melted like melting snow in the bright sun.

In Smith Jianguo's mind, he couldn't help but think of what Qianxun once said to him: "Remember to take a photo of the blue whale for me. It is said that it is the largest creature in the world. Their screams can be heard throughout the oceans of the planet. .

I envy them. It would be great if my singing could spread across the planet like theirs. "

[To be continued]

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