Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 850 The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King

The moment Smith Jianguo fell into the sea, he finally understood why Qianxun wanted him to find the whales. Maybe it was just a coincidence, but he was more willing to believe that Qianxun saved him.

Every whale is an ultrasonic generator, and Douluo's adult whales are not even 180 meters long. They are too embarrassed to go out, and the power of their calls is ridiculously loud.

Even the symbiote's palm that covered the sky and sun disintegrated into black mist due to the strong ultrasonic waves.

The legs of the symbiote buried in the water disappeared directly. The entire symbiote's huge body capsized towards the sea, just like a mountain falling into the sea. The huge waves made Smith Jianguo in the water embarrassed, even if there was a soul fight. Luo's cultivation was still being photographed as he staggered around.

But the symbiote is not easy to bully. Although ultrasound is his weakness, it cannot kill him directly. The sound of the whales is not loud enough.

The symbiote climbed up in embarrassment, its legs and hands had recovered, and it spat out a scorching beam of light at the whales.

Ten-thousand-year-old sperm whales looked up to the sky and roared, greatly weakening the symbiont's attack. Among them, the 100,000-year-old sperm whale, as the leader, sprayed out a beam of soul power from its blowhole, guiding the tribesmen to jointly attack.

The two beams of light collided in mid-air, causing a violent explosion. The illusory symbiote fell down again, but the whales were also blown away, and even some small ones were blown out of the sea.

The symbiote set off huge waves and wanted to drive away the whales. He is an intelligent creature himself and knows how to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. The huge strange fish in front of me can release ultrasonic waves. It can be regarded as his natural enemy.

The only reason he is defeated now is because the number of these strange fish is too small, if they call more companions. The symbiote feels like he is in danger.

In fact, they can also call in more companions. It just takes a while. The sound of a giant whale can resound throughout the entire ocean, but it takes time for the sound to spread. The speed of sound in water is several times that of air, and it takes a long time to spread around the world.

At first, the symbiote was allowed to run away obediently because he felt that he was invincible on this planet. Those human weapons couldn't hurt him at all.

He would go after Smith Jianguo crazily because this guy knew his weakness. He wants to kill people and silence them before humans know that ultrasound can cause a devastating blow to him.

It's a pity that after getting bigger, he is not so good at dealing with smaller targets. I chased him all the way to the sea. Still didn't kill him.

Now he discovered that there was a group of strange fish in the sea that might kill him, so he made an immediate decision and chose to escape. No matter how powerful the monster fish is, it is still a fish. As long as it is a fish, it is basically impossible to land. He was still imagining the group of humans on the shore, and he didn't know yet that he was afraid of ultrasound.

It's a pity that humans are not fools. When they see that whales can cause harm to them, some people begin to analyze its weaknesses. This puzzle is not difficult to guess at all. Thanks to the large number of popular science programs left by tulips back then. Even children know that sperm whales have the ability to echolocate.

The Zhuanjia beast immediately concluded that the symbiote's weakness was ultrasound. For the three-nation coalition, ultrasonic weapons are readily available.

There are soul guides in this area, but because the damage efficiency to humans and the mechas they use is very low, they are not classified as conventional weapons. No one has ever tried to use these to attack if they collect dust on the bottom of the box.

Now all countries can go to the arsenal to mobilize these weapons with just one order, and the Tiandou Empire's production lines have started urgently to produce such soul tools in large quantities.

But before the human Three Kingdoms Alliance took action, the symbiote encountered greater trouble. The trouble is not on the human side, but in the sea.

Although the species of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King is a humpback whale, which is not the same species as a sperm whale, he could still hear the sperm whales’ plea for help and rushed to the scene as soon as possible to laugh...

Because of the abnormal increase in soul power concentration during this period, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King's cultivation level has also increased with the tide. Now he has a cultivation level equivalent to 1.1 million years. It is a pity that because the God Realm is not open to him, he has never been able to become a god. .

Now he suddenly saw a huge strange creature. The huge soul power in the symbiote's body made him tremble. Even if there were 100 of them, it would be impossible for him to have as much soul power as the symbiote. Even a god would not be able to do such an exaggeration.

And as long as he can find a way to kill or even devour this huge creature, he believes that he can become a super creature stronger than God.

Under normal circumstances, even if his brain was impulsive, he would not be able to challenge this creature that was much more powerful than him. With the current power of the symbiotic body, he could turn it into a meat pie with just a slap. But he just got news from that pod of sperm whales.

This behemoth actually has a weakness, and the weakness can be targeted by it. Ultrasonic waves can easily restrain huge creatures. Although he is not as good at emitting ultrasonic waves as a sperm whale, he is better at it. But his cultivation is higher and his body is bigger. The sound waves it can emit are far stronger than those of this group of sperm whales.

hold head high!

The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King converted his huge soul power into ultrasonic waves. Under the vibration of sound waves, the symbiote's body flickered rapidly like a TV screen with poor contact.

This also made the symbiote aware of the danger, and high-energy energy light groups began to condense in his mouth. At the same time, there were countless long guns and cannons sticking out from his body.

As mentioned many times before, symbiotes are also intelligent creatures, and they also have their own weapons. The long guns and short cannons growing on the symbiotes are their energy weapons. This time the symbiote became completely serious and took out equipment that was a controlled weapon in their civilization.

Facing this scene, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was shocked and quickly gathered high energy on his back. The huge soul power gathered behind him and turned into a purple halo. In the middle of the halo is a bright white ball of light, which is strongly compressed energy.

There is no doubt that this is another wave of confrontation. If the symbiote wins, everything will be fine. It can prepare to find a way to break away from gravity and open a flow. If he loses, he will undoubtedly be forcibly separated from the host by the continuous ultrasound waves.

Symbiotes who lose their host will lose almost all of their power. Even though it can still maintain a huge size due to absorbing a large amount of matter, it is nothing more than a puddle of ooze with no fighting power.

And in such a situation, the attack of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King broke out at the same time as his attack.

[To be continued]

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