Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 851 The Treatment of Heroes

"Tsk, tsk, tsk! The Deep Sea Demon Whale King is going to be cold!" Chengying threw the melon seed skins on the floor.

At his current level, the soul ring and soul bones of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King are nothing more than that to him, and have basically no value.

He was just lamenting that he didn't trouble this guy back then. He thought he might survive a million years to become a god, or even kill the future Tang San, but he didn't expect that this unlucky child hadn't survived yet, and Tang San was basically already born. It's getting cold.

To be honest, the Deep Sea Demon Whale King has been quite miserable these past few years. When the World's End attacked Poseidon, he was actually watching from a short distance away.

That time the Poseidon's incarnation was hammered, which made him realize that the End of the World was just a hedgehog, and there were two perverts on it who were not easy to mess with, so he just stayed at the bottom of the sea and did not take action.

As a result, this coercion lasted for decades. In the following days, he became more and more sad. More and more large ships appeared on the sea. In the early days, these ships were not very powerful. Most of them were made of wood. He had no influence either. He didn't attack just because the boat was full of ordinary people, dry and boring.

But later these ships changed and turned into large iron ships. He watched helplessly as the 100,000-year-old sea soul beast came up to provoke, only to be blasted into pieces by the black main cannon.

Although he thought he could easily defeat those big iron ships, he had no intention of taking action. The reason was also because the people on board were ordinary people, dry and useless.

Later, he became miserable because the big iron ship turned into a fleet. Moreover, the fleet also has its own shield. He can easily break the shield of a single ship, but the combined shield of so many ships is beyond his ability.

There were many artificial soul masters on board this time. It looks very chewy. But because the shield could not be broken, he could only watch the fleet quietly leave.

It got even worse after that. There was a space-based weapon in the sky. It almost hit him in several test firings in the sea. One shot of that thing could hit the bottom of the sea more than 10,000 meters away. The power was simply insane.

This made him anxious all day long, fearing that something falling from the sky would smear on his face that day. This thing would be fatal if it smeared him.

It would be an understatement to describe the days ahead as miserable. The tulips are gone, and no one will advocate protecting the ecological environment after this.

In particular, the Thorn Flower Legion drove airships to patrol the sea and hunt whales. They were originally invincible creatures in the ocean, but they became prey in the hands of human machines.

The number of whales has begun to decline sharply. Faced with human encirclement and weapons, whales that can only rely on their bodies and talents to fight are no match at all. There are even some special species that have been handed down from ancient times. Fished to extinction.

He, the strongest king with nearly a million years of cultivation, could only stay at the bottom of the sea to avoid being discovered by humans. Ordinary battleships and whaling ships cannot harm him, but if humans discover the existence of such an ancient and huge humpback whale, they will definitely send a large number of troops to encircle and suppress it. Facing hundreds of fleets, he has no way to escape. .

His life has only gotten a little better in recent years. The Thorn Flower Legion suffered its biggest setback in history. They were attacked by the three-nation coalition and driven out of the Douluo Continent.

During this period of recuperation, there was no spare energy to target the whales in the ocean, so he dared to let him surface for some air.

Now, this is his best chance to escape this miserable situation, as long as he has the power of the symbiote project. Even in the face of human encirclement and suppression, he has nothing to fear.

Just feeling the result of the energy bursting out from both sides colliding in the air, his heart sank. A million years of cultivation, compared to the soul power of more than 300,000 titles, Douluo gathered together. Still too insignificant.

Even his ultrasonic waves have greatly weakened his opponents. In such a confrontation, he was still at a disadvantage.

But he's not the only enemy of the symbiote. A large number of supersonic fighters have been sent in the direction of the Tiandou Empire. Throw down the ultrasonic bomb.

The symbiote trembled violently as if it had been electrocuted. Unstable ripples erupted from his body, and the attack power he erupted began to weaken significantly.

How could humans just watch the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King reap the benefits? In contrast, they want to be fishermen even more. Obviously more ultrasonic bombs can be dropped to completely kill the symbiote. But he kept dragging the symbiote half-dead, trying to let him and the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King perish together as much as possible.

The symbiote wanted to take out his hand and swat the mosquito attacking him from behind to death. But Naihe's stalemate with the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King had left him unable to move. I can only watch my body gradually collapse.

As the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King squeezed out the last trace of soul power from his body. The symbiote also collapsed and began to separate from the host's body.

The two light balls in the sky merged into one at this moment, triggering a violent explosion like a nuclear explosion.

The explosion also almost cut off the last chance of life of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. The Tiandou Empire's fighter planes and the Star Luo Empire's powerful men attacked at the same time, preparing to snatch his soul ring and soul bones.

It's just because the explosion was too violent that we couldn't get close to him in a short time. On the other side, the symbiote that had to break away was not willing to accept the fate of death. He had to attach to a living body in order to continue to maintain his strength. But he was already too weak. So weak that even the body of the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King cannot invade.

And near him, it seemed that there was only one life form that could be invaded by him.

Smith Jianguo was almost knocked unconscious by the waves. Even he didn't expect that he could survive such a horrific attack, but he didn't know what kind of treatment he would receive after returning alive. It would probably be better than a public trial. After all, he almost killed the symbiote by himself.

But before he could recover, he saw an overwhelming amount of black mud suddenly pouring towards him. Hundreds of tons of black mud poured into his body.

The symbiote wants to take over his body, the only remaining survivor. The Deep Sea Demonic Whale King, who was left with only his last breath, hated humans but would never allow the symbiote a chance to survive.

Sending out a final loud cry, the symbiote's will was shattered in the final stage of seizing its body, and Smith Jianguo discovered that he had exceeded level 90. While his body became extremely powerful, there happened to be millions of people in front of him. A year-old soul ring and a million-year soul bone, this is probably the treatment of a hero...

[To be continued]

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