Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 863 The Resonance of the 7 Killing Swords

After the first round of competition, most of the players who had just reached the competition standard were eliminated, and the second round of elimination became more intense.

There are indeed endless civilian masters, and some of the combat methods used are even more unexpected. For example, a civilian scientist invented an aging ray cannon and killed a ninety-nine-level elderly titled Douluo in the battle. Give him an old age and a death date.

If Tulip's first aid skills weren't really strong enough, he might have really died.

There are also people who gave themselves prosthetic limbs like the bodies of sea soul beasts, stopped being human, transformed into huge tentacle monsters, and even showed the ability to devour.

However, these items with average technical content did not attract much attention from Cheng Ying. The aging ray cannon was indeed somewhat creative, but its technical content was just that. It could be made by the soul master of Douluo Second School.

In the second round of the competition, what Cheng Ying was slightly concerned about was the battle between Chen Qin and a pilot.

The pilot was flying Tulip's antique mecha. Although it had been strengthened, it had no bright spots. The problem lay with Chen Qin.

Cheng Ying discovered that when Chen Qin took action, his Seven Killing Sword would sense and resonate with him.

In a sense, the Seven Killing Sword in Cheng Ying's hand should be the ancestor of the Seven Killing Sword, and all the Seven Killing Sword should be copies of him. Cheng Ying has not yet tried to let the owner of the martial spirit come into contact with it. What will happen to the martial soul's body? It seems now that some interesting things will indeed happen.

Not only Cheng Ying could feel the resonance of the Seven Killing Sword, but Chen Qin, a martial soul owner, felt it even more clearly. He could feel that Cheng Ying on the podium had an aura that made him extremely friendly.

It was so cordial that he suspected that he and he had martial soul fusion skills. Of course, it was basically impossible for martial soul fusion skills to appear between humans and soul beasts.

At least there are records of martial soul fusion skills between people and soul beasts. In the second part, there is even a mention of the trinity martial soul fusion skill between soul beasts.

Even though it was unlikely to be a martial soul fusion technique, Chen Qin felt that his condition was unprecedentedly good and he could exert almost 110% of his strength.

Even the little life span left seems to have been made up for.

When the battle began, the pilot who was Chen Qin's opponent was not a weak opponent. He was piloting a ten-meter-tall neutral mecha with six wings on its back.

For a while, Tulip was ranked based on the number of wings on its back, and the six-winged one was undoubtedly the top one.

As for the Twelve Wings, they were rejected by Chengying because they were too similar to the wings of domestic krypton gold games. The strongest ones were limited to the Six Wings.

After the mecha was started, it was automatically rendered into blue and white, and an energy giant sword was opened and closed to slash at Chen Qin. At the same time, the shield was activated at full power to resist Chen Qin's attack.

The Seven Killing Sword's strongest attack power has been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. Even if it is using the shield of the mecha, the pilot has no confidence in stopping such an attack.

As expected, Chen Qin just waved his sword energy at will, overloading the shield and almost leaving a scar on the mecha's wings.

"It's interesting that Chen Qin can actually borrow the power of the Seven Kills Sword, even though it's only a little bit." Cheng Ying felt a little bit of power released by the Seven Kills Sword in the storage soul guide, and couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Previously, this sword was subject to whoever had the strongest mental strength. There was no moral integrity. With Chen Qin's mental strength, it was impossible to steal the sword from him.

Although it only borrowed a little power, how huge is the power contained in the Seven Kills Sword? Being bombarded by flares for nine million years inside the sun.

This is equivalent to hundreds of Big Ivans bombarding and charging every second, lasting for nine million years. Even if one Big Ivan is cut with one blow, it will take billions of cuts to exhaust the energy.

Even if Chen Qin borrows only a trivial bit, the power it can exert is quite terrifying.

Even Chen Qin himself had doubts. He felt that his condition was a bit too good, and the good conditions were a bit unreal. He felt like he was in a 999 situation.

In comparison, the pilot who was his opponent was miserable.

I have long heard that the Seven Killing Sword attacks Wushuang, but I never expected it to be so heart-wrenching.

The mecha's shield is not the rubbish in the ruins. It was a top-notch military product when placed in Tulip, but when placed in front of the Qijue Sword, it is like a bubble that bursts with a poke.

After all, the embarrassing continuous dodges were just a last resort. As Chen Qin charged up a strike, the bright 100-meter sword light directly cut the mecha in half. The pilot inside also screamed and was broken into two sections, which represented repair. The healing beam fell, and the pilot recovered together with his mecha, and even the small damage on the wings was recovered.

But Chen Qin frowned. His full blow penetrated the pilot's mecha without any hindrance. However, it fell on the small shield that isolated the arena, but it disappeared without even a single ripple. , which made him look solemn, wondering how powerful Tulip's technology was. The attack he just made was a powerful attack that even a demigod could not resist, and what he faced was just a small shield dividing the field. , what if it is a military-grade shield for combat use?

It was hard for Chen Qin to imagine that the military shield used by a real battleship was of such a level that it could rush into the stars and take a bath. The shield in He Chen Qin's cognition is completely on two levels.

The result of the competition was as expected by everyone. Only Chengying was still thinking about whether the Seven Kills Sword Soul Master could borrow its power while the Seven Kills Sword was still in the sun.

He estimated that it should be possible. There should be no distance limit for this kind of borrowing. You can borrow power from storage equipment, and it should be similar if you put it on the sun.

In this way, the users of the Clear Sky Hammer and the Seven Treasures Glazed Tile Tower might not be just like the Seven Killing Sword, they are all idiots of light.

"Should we also take down the Clear Sky Hammer? It is said that there is a soul fusion skill between the Clear Sky Hammer and the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion. Will it be effective if you use the Clear Sky Hammer?" Cheng Kage stared at Hyokui with a scrutinizing gaze, imagining her swinging a hammer much larger than hers.

It seems... quite touching!

"I don't know either! Tang Chen is the Clear Sky Hammer Martial Spirit, but I don't have any special feeling about his Martial Spirit. I think the Martial Spirit Fusion Skill you mentioned was deliberately created by the Poseidon Tang San. "The Ice Emperor shook his head.

"A scorpion and a hammer are incompatible with each other. How can there be a martial soul fusion skill under normal circumstances?"

"Perhaps it's because you are not a soul master! Doesn't the incarnation of our three-headed god have a martial soul? Have you tried the martial soul fusion technique with a Clear Sky Hammer soul master?"

"Eh? I really haven't tried this before."

"That's alright. The martial soul fusion skill should be between martial souls and martial souls. You are the Ice Emperor's body. If you want to resonate with the Clear Sky Hammer, you should also be the Clear Sky Hammer's true body."

[To be continued]

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