Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 864 Tang Xiao

Sometimes historical inertia is a very interesting subject, just like what Chengying saw on the field, a contestant named Tang Xiao.

Seeing such a person on the entry list, Cheng Ying asked Tang Chen what was going on, but Tang Chen was also confused and said that he did not have such a grandson. Because he married late and had children, he did not have any grandchildren yet. …

This made Cheng Ying quickly check the Haotian Sect's genealogy. Although the Haotian Sect placed the genealogy in the Sutra Pavilion, to Cheng Ying, whose spiritual power enveloped the world, it was no different than what was before his eyes.

After reading this, he was still a little shattered. The Haotian Sect already had Tang Xiao, and even Tang Hao. Originally, Cheng Ying was already organizing words. How could Tang Chen accept that his first great-grandson was a time traveler? matter, and considered whether to let Tang Chen kill his relatives out of righteousness, but the inertia of history made Cheng Ying a joke.

No matter how history goes, facing the Douluo who is transformed beyond recognition by Cheng Yinghao. It is impossible for it to operate completely normally, so history will definitely bypass Chengying in some aspects and abandon certain settings.

It’s just that Chengying never expected that Tang Chen would become an abandoned setting, but if you think about it carefully, it makes sense. Tang Chen became the captain of the first generation Shrek Seven Monsters, and now it has become the belief of various colonial worlds, more than the main god. All strong.

It's like a dark gold nine-headed bat trying to control him. It's just a joke. The setting of the original work has long been changed beyond recognition. It's almost impossible to come back.

In this case, wouldn't everything be fine if we simply cut off Tang Chen's role?

So Cheng Ying saw Tang Xiao in the arena. Tang Hao did not participate in the competition. It was said that he was being hunted by the Wuhun Palace. The reason was that he was investigating a murder of a hundred thousand year soul beast by the Wuhun Palace. As a result, he received various warnings overtly and covertly. But he was still determined to find out the truth, and it turned out that the victim was not dead, and he even had sex with the victim while it was hot.

When Cheng Ying saw this mess, he felt that one head was three times as big as his head. Now Tang Hao was being chased by the city security forces of Wuhun Palace, and a car chase was currently taking place.

In Tang Hao's car was a victim who was suspected of being resurrected from the dead, and in his hands was important evidence of Wuhun Palace's illegal soul beast body experiments.

Tang Hao drove the float car with his backhand, and controlled the Clear Sky Hammer with the other hand to delay the chasing mecha. The operation was extremely extreme, but the style of the painting didn't look right.

It's a good fantasy blockbuster, it feels like a police movie, and it's about urban supernatural beings.

Nowadays, the Haotian Sect and the Wuhun Palace can only be regarded as small forces. The Haotian Sect is at most an illegal violent group, similar in nature to a gang. The Wuhun Palace has simply been incorporated into the state machinery and has become a part of the Tiandou Empire. Register and manage soul master identity information.

These two forces can no longer interfere with the situation on the mainland, so historical inertia has forced the showdown that will determine the fate of the mainland to be changed into a police movie.

Cheng Ying just watched without interfering. It was estimated that Tang Hao would be unable to hold on for a long time, and then the victim would be sacrificed. The evidence disappeared but Tang Hao's life was saved.

The following script is probably a bit speculative. As the only insider, Tang Hao is wanted by the Wuhun Palace, and the Haotian Sect is forced to abandon a large amount of territory and shrink back to the sect's territory.

The next step is almost the drama of Tang San being born, sneaking into the Spirit Hall to investigate the truth, and returning his father's innocence. As for Xiao Wu, they haven't been found yet. There are many rabbit-like hundred thousand year soul beasts. At present, it is difficult to deduce which one is. Xiaowu.

Who knows how future history will discover that in this era, twin martial souls are not very powerful plug-ins at all. They should not be able to defeat a strong man with only one martial soul. The bonus of nine more soul rings can be completely used with other weapons. In order to make up for it, as for the Tang Sect's secret knowledge, it has been written into the textbooks of the 23rd year of compulsory education in the Soul Beast Empire.

Because spirit beasts live longer, the years of compulsory education are longer. The Tang Sect's secret knowledge was copied from the parallel universe where Tang San was hacked to death by Bibi Dong. It is now an elective subject, and each one you learn can add one extra credit. Currently, the most popular elective is Purple Magic Eye, because it saves the most time.

Just do eye exercises facing the sun every morning.

Many students have learned the trick of sleepwalking up every morning to do eye exercises and then lie down to sleep afterward!

Not to mention the Tang people who were not yet born, Tang Xiao's style of painting was already quite abnormal. Tang Xiao's entire left arm on the field was replaced with a mechanical arm, and the inside of it was built with a soul bone as the core.

Theoretically, soul bones can also be used to refine weapons. The Tyrant Soul Refining Knife in the second part has a hilt made of soul bones.

This is the first time that a mechanical prosthetic arm made from soul bones has appeared. Tang Xiao seemed to have had his left arm cut off during a gang fight, and now he has replaced it with a mechanical prosthetic arm made from the left arm bone of the Black Flame Demon Dragon. Respected as the Black Flamebringer by his brothers on the road, the soul of the black dragon is sealed in his left arm.

When Cheng Ying was flipping through the historical records, he almost saw a mouthful of old blood spurting out more than ten meters away. God is a black flame user. Does he still have the evil king's true eye?

Although the painting style was very different from Cheng Ying's imagination, the battle still started as scheduled. Tang Xiao's left arm indeed contained powerful power, and the dark flames wrapped around the Clear Sky Hammer, making it look full of force.

As for his opponent, he was a Tiandou Empire commander who commanded a standard Extreme Douluo unit of Vast Sea Profound Qi.

This scene is like a gang leader facing off against a regular military officer. From the beginning, no one looks down on the other. The commander despises the Haotian Sect for being a straggler, disobeying orders and disrupting social order.

Tang Xiao despises the fact that the regular army is well-equipped but has low combat effectiveness and is a waste of social resources.

As soon as the game started, neither side showed any mercy.

As a battle-experienced commander, Cooling immediately built a defense above his head.

Cheng Ying checked it out and found out that this name reminded people of the cooling commander of Qiuku, who had a daughter named Jiangzhu...

The people who bear the shadow are so stupid. In the original book, they saw Jiangzhu using the healing scepter and competing with Shrek. They thought she was from some ethnic minority and her name was Jiangzhu. Zhuoma and the like were normal.

Only now do I know that she was sexually degraded! The worst thing is that her father chose such a shocking name, probably because he had a grudge against his grandfather.

The huge metal obelisk shrouded Cooling, and the Haotian Hammer with dark flames hit it, making a huge roar like ringing a bell.

The war was about to break out. The metal obelisk deformed under the terrible force and was smashed into the ground like a nail. However, it was hard enough and did not break. What followed was a cooling counterattack.

[To be continued]

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