Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 876 The God of Space Challenges the Strongest

The purpose of the God of Space is to gather information. As a scout of the God Realm, his chatting ability is still very good. Basically no information on his side was revealed. Adhering to the principle of obtaining information from the other party as much as possible and hiding his ignorance of the world, he also learned something about the world.

From this "villager", he learned that the entire lunar base was modified by tulips. He sneered at this. It was impossible for humans to build such a magnificent building. It is even less possible to transform an entire planet into a base.

This must be an ancient ruin accidentally discovered by the leader of Tulip. As for why the villagers here think that this was built by Tulip himself, it is naturally the ruler's policy of obscuring the people. By the way, it can also make themselves appear greater and improve the cohesion and credibility of the government.

The God Realm has done a lot of similar things. Faced with some ancient wonders of the world, as long as they get off work and declare that they built it themselves, a large number of faiths will flow towards them in an endless stream.

The villagers believe that they built this place with their own hands, which just proves Tulip's shamelessness. They have never thought of telling the people the truth here. God Realm, as a righteous man, must come to liberate the people here and let them know the truth of history. The God of Space felt that the burden on his shoulders was getting heavier again.

The God of Space felt that his language skills were quite good. While extracting so much information, his identity information was not exposed. As long as he knows more about the world view here, the possibility of him being exposed will become lower and lower.

It's just that he didn't know that when he entered the city, if Cheng Ying hadn't personally compiled a set of identity information for him in the database. And enter his energy code into the civil affairs system. When he approaches the city shield, he will be exposed in an instant.

Tulip residents returning home from get off work did not suspect that this so-called extreme sports enthusiast did not receive an alarm when he passed near the shield.

The resident lives not far from his workplace. Fortunately for this incident, he can fly to and from get off work under his own power.

As for why not use the planetary teleportation system to teleport home directly? The reason is also very simple, because teleportation is a part of the public transportation system and costs money. Just like the company is 200m from your home, you can't go to work by bus.

When the God of Space saw that ordinary villagers here would fly. He seemed a little surprised. The reason for this self-proclaimed Tulip Man was to immigrate, but he didn't expect that he had become so strong in such a short period of time.

"Are there many people as strong as you on the moon?"

"Strong?" Facing the question from the God of Space, the resident was stunned for a moment and shook his head quickly: "No, no, no, I'm not strong at all. I can't even beat my wife. See the fingers on my neck. Is there a seal? She scratched it. He didn’t allow me to heal on my own. Do you think the head of the family is holding it back?"

The God of Space subtly misunderstood something and mistook them for a powerful couple. Such a combination is not uncommon in the God Realm. After all, it is difficult for gods and humans to come together because the time difference between the two worlds is too big. The lifespan gap between the two sides is also too big.

"Then who is the strongest person here? Is there any chance for me to meet him?" The God of Space wants to know what kind of strength the strongest person on this planet has?

"The strongest people like you extreme sports enthusiasts who like to challenge the strong. To be honest, I'm afraid the strongest person here is no match for you. After all, you are a professional, and we are all amateurs.

If you are interested, I can take you to him. He will go to the city center square over there at 7:30 every night on time. You can find him there and try your hand at sparring with him. Although he is older. And he was not born on the moon. But now I am still strong and in great health. Even if you are a professional, you have to be careful, otherwise you might end up in the gutter. "

The two people were talking about completely different things, but they were in subtle agreement.

After the resident went home and said hello. Just go in the direction of the square dance in the city center with the divine tide of space.

This time, he directly entered the coordinates of the central square. A teleportation force field was deployed. Although the God of Space has never seen such a planet-level teleportation device. But his perception of space is extremely keen, and he can tell at a glance that the circle is a portal.

So he quickly followed, and at the same time he was a little surprised that even a village on this planet had the power of space. Although it was achieved by borrowing the powerful space power of a certain great being, this is already extremely exaggerated.

Coming out of the space door, the two of them had arrived at a so-called square. The God of Space found that his understanding of the square might have some problems. The so-called square is not an empty area.

Instead, it is divided into many layers. There are circular passages up and down in the center of each layer, allowing people to fly up. Of course, there are also some elevators that are convenient for disabled people. After all, there are always a few people whose bodies are not suitable for transformation.

The shape of the entire square looks like Chuangjie Mountain in Dragon God Fighter. In the square, it can hear various brainwashing songs. With the development of the times, the brainwashing ability of square dance songs has become stronger and stronger.

The evolution of senses allows tulip people to hear more sounds. So this music even includes ultrasonic and infrasound waves that cannot be heard by the God of Space, forming a trio. Recently, it seems that using infrasound waves to rap is very popular, but it requires some special skills. Of course, you can also modify your own throat, just for singers We generally don't carry out this kind of transformation.

Even though the space god couldn't hear the ultrasonic and infrasonic bands, he still felt that these songs were extremely brainwashing, and after a while only their melodies were left in his mind.

He couldn't help but identify this as the whisper of the evil god, and only such evil things could linger in people's minds.

And soon they found the so-called strongest one. The opponent is on the third floor counting from bottom to top. There are slightly fewer old men and old ladies dancing in the square on this floor. There is an open space in the middle. A vigorous old man is holding a huge alloy whip and whipping a huge one meter thick.

"Here! This is the strongest man here. He is good at using the power of thunder. He has created a set of five lightning whips. It is said that he was inspired by whipping Bingga."

This is the difference in concepts. The God of Space asked a community resident who is the strongest person among you. They certainly cannot take you to the police station and point to the special police officer inside and tell you that this is the strongest person. So what? If you have a flaw in your brain, he will definitely lead you to the square and tell you that the old man with unique skills is the strongest there, and ordinary young people are no match for you.

[To be continued]

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