Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 877: Nothing more than that

How could the God of Space know that the concepts between the two people were so different? He thought that the one in front of him was really the strongest. If nothing else, at least it looks pretty strong.

That set of five lightning whips is very exciting. The whip in his hand struck Bingga with sparks and lightning, making a whining sound. The ground even produced a tornado due to the rotation.

It was obvious that the old man did not use all his strength. It is conceivable that the power he can unleash in battle must be even more terrifying.

Although compared to those on the mainland, this kind of strength is actually a bit weaker. It may only be able to barely touch the threshold of a demigod, and it can only be regarded as a third-level god in the God Realm.

But this gap is understandable, after all, this planet is extremely barren. There is almost no soul power up there. The people who live here are already very powerful if they can keep their power from declining. I'm afraid I still managed to do this by borrowing the power from one stroke. It's understandable that my strength is a little weaker than the people on the mainland.

This made the God of Space happy. Along the way, he had already felt the power of this ancient ruins, and he also more intuitively felt the benefits that could be obtained by mastering this place. And the guardians of such a geomantic treasure land are a bunch of weaklings. There is simply no better news than this.

"The strongest man in this land! Can you accept my challenge and let me see your true power?"

The old man in the square was confused by this sudden challenge. I couldn’t figure out what was going on for a while: “Do young people today speak so strangely?”

Space Body, the local next to him quickly explained: "You misunderstood, this is an extreme sports enthusiast. You know, this kind of people always have some weird quirks. They all like challenges. Just now she If you ask who the strongest person in our community is, I will bring her to you."

"Oh! That's it! In terms of strength, you guys, I'm already an old man. But you are really no match for me." As a veteran of Tulip, he had participated in the third People from the Second Air-Land War.

Although I just took a walk around the sky in the airship, I didn't fire a single gun. But he can brag about this to the neighbors for the rest of his life.

"Young man, confidence is a good thing, but blind confidence is arrogance. Let the elders teach you life lessons today!"

The old man cracked his whip and let out a loud air burst. It was accompanied by thunder and lightning.

Without saying a word, the God of Space began to mobilize the divine power in his body. He wanted to teach this old man who did not know the heights of the world a lesson.

The strongest man in this remote village is worthy of being compared with the strong man in the God Realm.

Facing the oncoming lightning five whips. The God of Space continuously launches short-distance teleportation. Many people following this challenge are shouting cheating.

However, someone soon discovered that he did not enter the teleportation coordinates and that teleportation was his own ability. There is no doubt that this is a very rare ability. The role it can play in battle is also huge.

The speed of the Lightning Five Continuous Whip is very fast, but it is still much slower than teleportation, and there is no chance of hitting the opponent. Among the old men are those who have been on the battlefield. Although they have been retired for many years, their sense of danger is still there.

He found that his opponent this time had no martial ethics at all. It was said that it was a discussion but it was very ruthless. If he was hit by this attack, he would be half disabled even if he was not dead. Although it is said that even the dead can be resurrected, it will definitely be very painful.

At the critical moment, he lowered his waist and avoided the inevitable palm of the God of Space with an iron bridge-like movement.

"Young man, if you don't respect martial ethics, how can you kill someone after they agreed to spar?" The old man backed away and yelled angrily.

However, the God of Space doesn't care about this. He came here just to test the strength of the strongest person here. Naturally, there will be no mercy. If there is a chance to kill him, it would be better.

"Haha! How dare you claim to be the strongest at this level? What a shameless statement.

"The God of Space's power has skyrocketed in his divine outfit. He is naturally as powerful as crushing him against such a strong man who only has the power of a third-level god.

Although the whip in the old man's hand is tough, the five-shot lightning whip can barely be considered sharp. But this cannot make up for the huge strength gap between the two sides.

After three more rounds of fighting, the old man was slapped and flew away. The God of Space was unforgiving. Then he instantly transferred to his back and struck him hard, causing blood to spurt out far away and he flew out in a panic.

The God of Space is constantly teleporting in the sky as if launching an instant prison kill. The old man was beaten so hard that he couldn't fall from the sky. The scene was extremely bloody and cruel for a time, and soon some viewers couldn't stand it anymore.

Enthusiastic citizens rushed forward to stop the space god's atrocities. But they haven't practiced at all, and their strength is a little worse than that old man. Facing a main god who was full of artifacts, he had no ability to resist at all. More than a dozen people were knocked upside down by the God of Space.

Seeing that the old man was about to be beaten to death, someone finally called the police: "Way? Yao Yao Ling? We found someone abusing the elderly here, please call the police as soon as possible."

right! The sadistic thugs were extremely cruel, and the abused old man was almost beaten to death. Come here quickly. If you don't come here, the old man will be beaten and resurrected. "

After receiving the call from concerned citizens, the police immediately dispatched special police to attack.

According to the description, in this vicious civil dispute, the abuser was very powerful and was suspected of being illegally reformed. Therefore, while leaving the country, the police also applied for a certain amount of military support.

Once something becomes impossible, the military's powerful mechanized corps will immediately rush to the scene to resolve the riot forcefully.

After the God of Space discovered that he had shown great strength, these powerful men on the moon became timid and did not dare to fight with him. Only a few hot-blooded and impulsive young people rushed up and were beaten by him until their noses were bruised and their faces were swollen.

The scene before him made him conclude that this was a bloodless nation. Face your own strongest man, your own national hero. He was brutally killed by the enemy, and no one was willing to stand up and stop him.

Obviously, this is another misunderstanding. No matter which country it is, when a group of ordinary people face a gun-wielding thug, it is impossible for them to rush forward and fight him to the death. That's not called bravery, that's called short-sighted.

Moreover, the person he tortured and killed was not the strongest person, but an ordinary old man in the community who had practiced whipping for several years. The most important thing is that even if he was beaten to death, he could be resurrected, so the incident was not bad enough to kill someone. situation.

[To be continued]

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