Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 881 I don’t believe it

"Impossible, how could that artifact be just a bus? Could it be that people here can teleport instantly when they go out?" The God of Space could not believe the facts before him at all.

Cheng Ying shook his head: "Of course it's impossible to teleport casually."

Hearing this, the Space God couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. It seems that the public transportation system mentioned by the other party is not that great.

"You have to know that you have to pay for taking the bus. Even if it is a public transportation facility, you still need to pay before teleporting. But because they are all on the surface of the planet, the distance is very close. So the charging standard is not based on distance, but on distance. It’s a pay-per-use fee.”

His opinion was that the God of Space had just breathed a sigh of relief, and then held it back again. He almost whipped it with a squeak. Can you die if you don’t talk loudly and breathe?

"Don't be so excited. The planet teleporter is designed to teleport to the planet. It's not easy to teleport a few people on the surface of the planet. They really spent a lot of money when they built it. The operating income has not yet been fully realized. The original investment has been earned back." Cheng Ying waved his hands and said not to mention this failed plan again, it's a shame!

"Impossible! How can a mere mortal build such a magnificent facility? Do you know what it means to teleport at will on the surface of the planet? Even the Supreme God cannot have such a powerful power.

You know nothing about the power, so you take the artifact as your own. It's so shameless. "The God of Space mocked wildly. In his opinion, there was nothing wrong with what he said. It was the Tulip villains who were just trying to gain fame and reputation. They said that thing was created by themselves.

How could a mortal create such a thing? Even if the God Realm didn't try hard for thousands of years, it would be difficult to create such a miracle.

"That's the fact. I don't need to prove anything to you. This planetary transmission device is already a bit old. It's also a bit behind in technology. It won't be long before it will be refurbished and its functions will become more powerful."

"I don't believe it!" the God of Space rebuked. He didn't believe that mortals had such power, and he was even less willing to admit that mortals could be stronger than gods.

"Do you believe it or not? It's none of my business whether you believe it or not? You're not Lu Yu..." Cheng Ying complained: "By the way, how come you from the God Realm have nothing to do and come to my territory? Let me tell you, this place is My base camp. You are disturbing my peace and order here. You are attacking my retired soldiers and trying to attack the police.

If you ask me, just the things you have done are enough to get you a sentence of 100 or 80 years. Of course you don't have to worry. The one hundred and eighty years here are only one hundred and eighty days in the God Realm. When you go back, you don't have to worry about your colleagues forgetting who you are.

Of course, you will definitely need reform through labor these years. It's just that your ability is still a bit lacking, and you can't take on many jobs. You can probably only start by moving bricks on the construction site. "

Cheng Ying really didn't mean to bury him. The gods are all energy beings, which sounds awesome, but is actually very troublesome. Energy creatures are not more advanced than physical creatures, they are just a form of life. Whether it is more advanced or not depends solely on the degree of evolution.

The God of Space does not have nanomachines and cannot perform precise binary calculations in his brain. There is no way to accurately distinguish ultrasound waves. Infrared and ultraviolet rays cannot be seen visually. Even when you touch an object, you cannot accurately describe its temperature with numbers. There is no biological clock in the body that is accurate to milliseconds.

This makes it difficult for him to participate in most jobs that require technical skills. And the body composed of energy makes it difficult for him to perform human operations. After all, after you cut it open, there is still energy inside, so you can't see the internal organs. They grew up like humans just because they were used to this look before they became gods.

If we really want to talk about God's original form, it is probably an amorphous ball of energy and light. It can be kneaded into an S shape or shaped into a shape.

"Asshole! You are an insult to my godhood! You just stole the ancient ruins on the moon. You just occupied the magpie's nest. Do you really think of yourself as the master of this place?

Your strongest men have all fallen into my hands,

Your allied forces would not have been able to win if they had not relied on sneak attacks, and my status in the God Realm is only that of the Lord God. The one who is more powerful than me is the Supreme God.

When they come, what will you do to resist? In the end, the ruins of this planet must be left to us. If you achieve it now. I might be able to intercede with Zhigao then. Give you a break. "

"Huh? You don't really think that you are the strongest person on this planet because you defeated that old man who can use five lightning whips, right? By the way, are you thinking too much? Just grab a passerby and ask. The strongest person Who asked him to lead the way?

Do you think asking him like this might lead you to the strongest person on the planet? Or do you think just anyone has the connections to meet the strongest person?

The one you defeated was just an ordinary old man from the local neighborhood. At best, he was a soldier when he was young. He has been exercising diligently since he was discharged from the army. He does not have the latest military equipment at all. Even if it is an old model. Most of them were also taken back when they were discharged from the army.

You don’t think that if you defeat him, you will be invincible on this planet. Also, the people who are going to capture you are not a coalition of the strongest people. That's the police officers dispatched by the local police station. Under normal circumstances, they are only responsible for handling civil disputes. It's rare to encounter criminal cases like yours.

I'm not belittling their fighting ability, but it doesn't matter in terms of the degree of body modification or the equipment they use. They all use civilian grade equipment. The difference with military models is obvious. On a real battlefield, their level of equipment cannot even be considered combat effectiveness.

It does take a certain amount of strength to defeat them. You also possess this level of strength. But such a person is at best a wanted criminal on the moon. You should be able to understand that a wanted criminal is not even considered a scabies disease to a country.

Even if your group of gods are dispatched, what threat does it pose to me? You gods, you have looked down at the earth for too long. Now I'm afraid I have forgotten what it feels like to look up at the stars... Bah! What does it feel's not right either...

In short, look up at the sky more and always pay attention to the three acres of land on the planet continent. This is how you will be for the rest of your life. "

The Space God's first reaction was that the other party was bragging. He was defeated by a small local police chief. This thing is absolutely intolerable: "I don't believe it! You must be lying to me!"

[To be continued]

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