Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 882: Collapse Therapy

After Cheng Ying categorically said that everything on the moon was created by humans, the God of Space kept muttering: "I don't believe it! I don't believe it! I don't believe it!" For a moment, it was like Xianglin's wife was possessed.

Ice Emperor's little head popped out of nowhere: "Do you think he is crazy? Can God also be crazy? Didn't you say before that God is a brainless creature?"

"Uh... I'm not sure. There are too few samples. We have only captured God Shura before. At that time, we were just extracting cells from his body. We didn't study whether his brain would go crazy. Theoretically, his brain The brain is just a decoration made of energy!"

The chat between the two people made the God of Space's expression become even more dejected. There were only a handful of people who knew that the Shura God in the God Realm was missing. Even in the God Realm, only the Supreme God knew whether he was really captured by them. Got it!

"Impossible! Absolutely impossible! How could God Shura be caught by you?" The God of Space seemed to be really going crazy. He had received too much incredible information in a short period of time, and his worldview was about to collapse.

"Ah! You are right. The Shura God was indeed not captured by us, because it was actually captured by the natives on Douluo. You should know about the attack and defense of the Soto City Fortress.

God Shura attacked the Soto City Fortress alone. At that time, the Tiandou Empire occupied a ruins left by us and stationed a large number of soul masters to improve it.

The original Shura God did not believe in human power. As a result, I hit him with the energy cannon, and the result was that he was half disabled. I hid aside and caught the moon without soul power for him.

This was the cage where he was imprisoned. In order to imprison him, I dug a big hole in the core of the moon. But then he found an opportunity to escape. At the time, our technical strength was not enough, and for The action patterns of energy creatures like you are not very clear yet, allowing them to take advantage of the loophole and go to another universe.

But there is no rush to catch it back now. After all, if the previous speculation is correct, the so-called other world is actually just a galaxy farther away. At least in the same world as seen from the cosmic background radiation.

You may not even know it yourself, but the five supreme gods are actually immortal. To be more precise, they are not immortal, but after killing them, they will create a perfect replica. If you don’t know the truth, it is very likely that Consider him immortal. The person involved may even think so. "

The God of Space has already experienced inheritance, so he is not very clear about the true face of the God Realm. But I have occasionally heard the legend of the immortality of the Supreme God. For a time, his words became more and more confusing, and he seemed to be getting more and more crazy.

"It's over. It looks hopeless. What are you going to do with him? Do you want to put him back?" Ice Emperor poked Cheng Ying: "Isn't it a bit irresponsible to put him back after scaring him crazy?"

"It doesn't matter whether he puts it back or not! And to be honest, I don't know how to treat his mental illness. The methods we know so far are basically physical therapy, which doesn't seem to be good for a brainless creature like him. make.

It seems that our technology tree is a bit biased again. It should include more psychological technology. Citizens in the new era will also have psychological problems! "

"Isn't this just an experimental sample? I think collapse therapy is good! Now that his worldview has fallen asleep, it might as well break his worldview more thoroughly.

Show him our history or something else, or the truth behind the divine world. Anyway, show him all the things that undermine the Three Views. He will get used to it when things like the Three Views collapse. "

"That makes sense! But let's wait until the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament is over before we go! The lightweight competition over there is about to reach the finals!"

"I would have forgotten it if you didn't tell me! By the way, this program has very high ratings among the public!" Ice Emperor showed off the projection screen, which was broadcasting the semi-finals of the World's No. 1 Martial Arts Tournament.

The two participating teams are Xiong Jun, who eliminated An to advance, and Cooling, who eliminated Rui Wenwen to advance.

This man whose name reminds people of long johns is actually the biggest dark horse in the competition. He is the only commander sent by the Tiandou Empire to survive the group stage, and he is also the only one to survive the semi-finals.

Facts have proved that pure accumulation of energy in one-on-one duels. It cannot achieve an overwhelming advantage. The use of the Vast Sea Xuanqi requires computing power. A person's computing power is limited, so he must allocate the computing power where it should be used.

It's like the characters in LoL fighting against the Red Alert base vehicle. It's very likely that before the base vehicle was developed in the early stage, they would just blow up their hometown.

Players who want to win fighting games using the template of real-time strategy games will undoubtedly need strategy and micro-management. These two things are the most important to every commander. Cooling down, who defeated Tang Xiao, is obviously the leader in this regard.

Cheng Ying glanced at the God of Space in the detention center, thought for a while and said: "Since we need collapse therapy, let's do it step by step! Let's take him to the gym to watch the game! By the way, watch the Replica Challenge."

The so-called replica challenge is a new entertainment activity of Tulip. The simple explanation is to challenge the world's best martial arts competition players simulated by AI.

Most of the lightweight players are no match for the residents, but after the group stage, the quality of the players has exceeded the average level of Tulip citizens. Many viewers who are itchy watching the live broadcast of the game will choose to watch the screen in person. The opponents in the game will win or lose, and the picture will be a happy one.

It can be regarded as the surrounding activities of the world's best martial arts tournament in Tulip.

Thinking about it, after seeing this kind of national entertainment, the God of Space will definitely have a new understanding of tulips.

At the same time, the game also started. Mr. Xiong already knew something about his opponent and knew very well that he could not give the opponent time to set up his position.

As soon as the game started, Mr. Xiong immediately used his strongest ability, the Sky-Tearing Claw, creating a pitch-black claw blade that seemed to tear apart space.

The reason why it is similar to space tearing is that space tearing itself has no lethality. Some people say that space is broken, and the objects in this space are also broken. This is not accurate. Space breakage does not affect the material world. The impact is similar to dividing the monitor into two halves. As long as the monitor is still usable, objects on the screen can pass from one half of the monitor to the other half at will. Only people outside the monitor can see anything wrong.

[To be continued]

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