Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 885: For such a strong man, I still have 6 billion

"See you soon Douluo ()"

The Space God, who was undergoing collapse therapy, watched ordinary Tulip citizens step onto the competition stage one by one. Then with Mr. Xiong or Cool Down, these top elites of Douluo Continent were inextricably matched and evenly matched.

The expression on his face gradually turned to collapse. It seemed that the collapse therapy had played its due role, at least the effect in terms of collapse was quite good.

Each time there are 16 such people participating in the competition. He has watched a dozen rounds. In other words, so far, there are at least 200 strong men with the strength of demigods. Although it is only equivalent to the lowest level three gods, the number of 200 people waiting is already terrifying enough.

Even a third-level god in the God Realm. There are only about 300 to 600 people, and there are already 200 strong men equivalent to the third-level god level. This is almost one-third of the power of the God Realm.

Although the God of Space is almost crazy, he is not stupid yet. You wouldn't think that you have seen a third-level god. There are only third-level gods here. The reason is very simple. There must be a few among a group of idiots. An awesome character.

Gods who are also promoted from countless people will also have higher talents due to the accumulation of numbers. The Lord God and the Supreme God are the best among these gods with higher talents.

In other words, under the condition of natural development, the proportion of gods at each level should be close to that of the God Realm. In other words, if more than 200 level 3 gods can be produced, then there may be seven or eight main gods, or even one. Two supreme gods.

This is determined by probability. At least in his eyes, in the God Realm, the probability of the birth of the supreme god is almost 1 in 200. When converted to Tulip's side, the conclusion he got frightened him.

What frightened him the most was that this replica challenge was far from over. As more and more people came onto the competition stage, the God of Space's expression became more and more broken. He stared at each one carefully. faces, remembering what they looked like.

Observe every game and compare everyone's fighting methods and fighting ideas to ensure that Chengying is not using the same group of people to deceive him.

But the conclusion disappointed him, each one looked different, the way they showed fighting. Although similar. But the ideas are also completely different. Obviously, this cannot be done by one person. Those contestants were definitely not the same people who came back and performed over and over again to deceive him.

Every time a new batch of contestants enter the arena, the God of Space's face becomes even more ugly. This means that the balance of strength between God Realm and Tulip has begun to tilt again.

When the number of contestants exceeded 600, his expression was almost extremely anxious. Six hundred strong men whose strength is equivalent to that of a third-level god. How many supreme gods can be given birth to, at least for example, there will be fewer than those in the God Realm.

The competition is not over yet, there are still more people participating. Because of the enthusiasm of the local audience. The game ultimately didn’t end at the 1,000th game.

Instead, they fought two hundred more games, for a total of one thousand two hundred games. In the eyes of the God of Space, this means that Tulip's strength is twice that of the God Realm. This is still a conservative estimate.

His face had been tangled up like a runaway cartoon for a while. It seemed that the effect of the collapse therapy was remarkable, and it had collapsed very completely.

"How about, our folk sports meeting is okay! There is no way, the competition venue is limited, it is impossible to arrange for everyone to participate in the competition, we can only randomly select a thousand people.

You have to know that the most precious resource in this era is space. Even if space expansion technology is relatively mature, every time the space is doubled, the consumption will increase geometrically.

You may not imagine how precious space is in a society where material and energy are nearly unlimited.

However, a society with unlimited materials also has its own social problems. Although I have paid great attention to patriotic education and the improvement of national cohesion, there are still individuals among young people who lack the motivation to fight, but this has little to do with you. "

"Randomly... drawn..." the God of Space muttered these two words,

Her expression became more and more crazy. She looked at the sea of ​​people in the gymnasium and couldn't imagine what the random selection meant.

Millions of people here and in the city. They all have the strength of a third-level god, which is simply terrifying. If this is true, it means that there are countless supreme gods on this moon.

This is beyond the cognition of the God of Space. In his world view, the comparison between strength and weakness is only the number of strong ones. After all, for the God Realm, individual strength has a huge impact on overall strength.

And so many powerful men who were equivalent to third-level gods had caused his worldview to collapse. He was even thinking about how many planes were captured on this moon. How many outside geniuses must gather here to gather so many powerful people at the level of third-level gods?

Then the answer he came up with made him feel incredible, and he immediately decided that it was impossible.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible! How could you have captured so many planes? It's an exaggeration to have a god on a continent in 1,000 years. How many years have you been away from Douluo Planet?

How many worlds do you have to travel through to find so many strong men! This is simply impossible. This must be an illusion, a poor illusion. You can't fool me.

Get rid of your stupid illusion! Who do you think such an outrageous illusion can fool? Do you think you can scare me like this? Then you underestimate the pride of the gods. "

The God of Space roared unbridled and released spiritual shock, trying to break through the illusion. Now he feels more and more that his guess makes sense.

The God Realm asked him to explore the moon because there was an inexplicably powerful spiritual field here. The despicable Tulip Man must have used this spiritual power to create an illusion for him that even God could not see through. There can't be so many strong people. That is a scene that can only appear in dreams, in the most absurd and weird dreams.

"Actually, your guess is a bit far from the truth. The so-called strong people you call are just our ordinary citizens. According to the last census, the total number of official citizens in all planes is 12.5 billion. Even if it is remote The region has not yet carried out these latest transformations of the lunar mainland, and the individual strength is only about the Ultimate Douluo. There are about 6 billion people who can reach the third level of god power you call them. They are not strong people at all, they are just protected civilians. "

Cheng Ying's words were met with an even fiercer roar from the God of Space: "Don't even think about lying to me! Hahahaha! What do you think God is? Without the worship of all people, how could he be so powerful! Get rid of your stupid tricks! Illusion!"

"I feel... your collapse therapy failed, and he may have gone completely crazy."

[To be continued]

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