Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 856 Chen Qin’s semi-finals

"See you soon Douluo ()"

The God of Space fell completely into hysteria, releasing his mental power erratically, trying to break through the non-existent illusion.

He simply didn't believe that there could be six billion demigods. This sounded like a joke.

Of course, he actually overestimated Tulip's strength. There is still a difference between the transformed strong man and the one trained on his own. It's not a difference in combat effectiveness.

It's the difference in the proportion of geniuses. For every hundred or so third-level gods, there can be one supreme god. That's because only one third-level god can be born for every ten million people.

But Tulip's demigod citizens are all initiated, which is equivalent to all mortals. The probability of reaching the supreme god through practice is far lower than that of the group of geniuses from all continents who are only one in ten million in the God Realm.

In fact, because the official does not specifically estimate citizen cultivation, only a dozen or so of the six billion people have a strength close to that of the Supreme God, and almost all of them are professional free fighting players.

"Looks like he's completely crazy!" Cheng Ying shook his head, stretched out his hand and placed it on the head of the God of Space. On his finger was a dark ring inlaid with the Soul Gem.

The powerful mental fluctuations knocked out the God of Space in an instant. The Mind Stone actually wanted to escape all along. After all, Cheng Ying also had a Space Stone on his body, and the two stones could not theoretically coexist.

However, Best Metal is a bug in the universe. In terms of absoluteness, it is much higher than the Infinity Stones. The Mind Stone seems to have been trained for a long time, and it finally allows Chengying to use part of its power. This is probably the so-called Sun Stay in love for a long time!

"Next time when you wait to arrest God Shura, take him to watch the live broadcast. This should be more intuitive than the six billion demigods." The Ice Emperor still did not give up her collapse therapy. It is said that there are already two groups of supreme gods in the Hall of Valor. She worked for them, this was just a god, and she couldn't break up if she didn't believe it.

Speaking of the two groups of supreme gods, they have not yet learned to coexist harmoniously. Because of the special nature of the divine realm in the parallel world, the gods who died there will be resurrected at the resurrection point, but this is a typical false resurrection, that is, from the basic Reorganization at the particle level is equivalent to recreating an identical one.

Cheng Ying's Hall of Valor was stuck with a bug, which caused the supreme god of the previous generation to die before he died, which resulted in two groups of supreme gods appearing at the same time. They have almost the same power, appearance and memory. It turns out that they are two people with almost the same traits. It's hard to live in harmony.

The two groups of supreme gods are like the real and fake Monkey King, working with each other at the same time. Attack and exclude, if given the chance, they will definitely kill the other self.

Chengying didn't know why, but he thought of the Shadow Sky Crystal Beast he had seen when he was a child...

In the semifinals of Silvis Great Soul Fighting Arena, Chen Qin faced off against Smith Jianguo. This game was considered a much-anticipated game. One party is recognized as a demigod-level extreme Douluo, and his attack power makes many demigods have to avoid his edge. In the case where no top strong person is sent out in the day after tomorrow. He is the strongest weapon soul holder in the entire continent. In terms of explosive power, he even surpasses Chen Xin, who has become a demigod.

On the other side, the legendary heroes of the mainland are even more exaggerated. He almost single-handedly solved the world-destroying symbiote disaster. He is the only holder of a million-year soul ring in the entire continent and the star of hope of the Star Luo Empire. He is expected to become the second Quiba genius.

His many titles make him look like the protagonist of a fantasy novel. It also gained her a large number of fans and supporters. He is even more powerful than the veteran powerhouse Chen Qin.

This is in line with the current situation of this information age. Traffic will always favor rising stars because they are more likely to reveal explosive and unknown gossip.

"Who do you think can win?" Ice Emperor asked, leaning on Cheng Ying's shoulder. She made this move while sitting on a small bench. She was still a tiny person, and she couldn't reach Cheng Ying's shoulders when she was sitting on the same side.

"I feel like Smith Jianguo is more likely to win! Although our place is known as the immortal realm,

But Chen Qin's soul couldn't stand the chance of dying. It was no longer a matter of injury to Chen Qin's soul, but because it had naturally aged to its limit and could die at any time. Under such circumstances, it may be difficult to win against Smith Jianguo, who is still in his prime. "

Chengying fiddled with Ice Emperor's ponytail and couldn't help complaining: "When we first met, you tried to mature your body. Why have you given up treatment completely now! I also want to experience a mature body occasionally. !”

"Tch! Pervert! He's obviously a pervert who gets excited about lolita, so don't make excuses!" Ice Emperor bit down on the top of Cheng Ying's head and took a bite out of his hair: "Bah, bah, bah! So oily!"

"Tsk! You're wrong! Douluo's lolita has breasts! I'm afraid Zhu Zhuqing already had a D when he was thirteen!" Cheng Ying muttered in a low voice, these beasts must have grown up taking hormones.

"Hey! I heard everything!"

On the field, the two participating parties were already facing each other in the field. Because it was already the semi-finals, the field became very empty. Except for the restrictions on the height of the sky and the depth of the younger brother, almost the entire Great Soul Fighting Field was the arena for their battle.

With a radius of hundreds of miles, the battlefield is enough for them to fully exert their power.

As the sound of the start of the game fell, the two sides also launched a fierce attack. Both of them can be regarded as the top beings among the titled Douluo. Although Smith Jianguo had just become a titled Douluo, he had absorbed the huge power from millions of years of soul exchange.

What's more important is that there is a significant difference between the million-year-old Deep Sea Demonic Whale King and the million-year-old Ice Silkworm. It is not difficult to see from Cheng Ying's difficulty in defeating the Soul Saint City when he first crossed over. Even if the Ice Silkworm is nine Nineteen thousand years later, he is still a weakling.

In comparison, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was originally the top soul beast, and the million-year soul ring he produced provided a much greater increase than Huo Yuhao's plug-in.

In previous battles, Chen Qin often only needed one or two moves to end the battle. His attack power was so strong that in the limited range of the arena, almost no one could withstand his attacks.

But in the semi-finals, the venue turned into a large forest with a radius of a hundred miles. Although it was not particularly huge for them, it was open enough to avoid his attacks.

Although Smith Jianguo was a little embarrassed at the beginning, the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King was a soul beast with a very high health bar, otherwise he would not be able to challenge the cloud and air symbiote.

After a brief period of embarrassment, he found his own rhythm. Although he was frequently injured, he managed to survive the stormy attacks.

[To be continued]

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