Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 887 Explosive Seed

"See you soon Douluo ()"

Smith Jianguo flew close to the ground and shuttled through the dense jungle at high speed, giving people the feeling that he might hit a towering tree at any time.

But in fact, he flew quite steadily, and he himself didn't know whether this was the ability brought to him by the million-year soul ring. His physical qualities far exceed those of the same level.

His dynamic vision and nerve reflexes are far beyond that, and he can react even in dense jungles. There was no time to avoid the tall trees coming towards me.

Although the towering trees in the forest are of the Douluo species, they are nourished by the vitality here and grow extremely tall. The material itself is also very hard.

Even they are difficult to destroy. Only by amplifying their moves can they destroy the trees here on a large scale. At the beginning, Smith Jianguo was in a very embarrassed state, and his opponent's attack power was simply too strong to deal with. He was almost chopped into two pieces alive several times. Fortunately, he quickly found this way to hide in the forest.

Here, tall trees weaken the power of the attack. Similarly, his more flexible flight can also put as much distance as possible from the pursuers behind him.

Although Chen Qin's sword energy was unparalleled in power, it was still much less powerful than the Seven Killing Sword in his hand. Even if he was hit, he would only be injured. In this forest full of vitality, his injuries will heal quickly.

This is also what puzzles him. What he has improved is not only his physical fitness, but also his self-healing ability. Although it's not as exaggerated as if the head was cut off and then sprouted from the neck. But generally, things like cutting off hands and feet can grow back.

Even arthropods don't have this ability. Even if a gecko's tail is reborn, it will only grow a false tail without bones.

Among vertebrates, probably only the adult body of the salamander has the ability to regenerate severed limbs.

His ability has gone beyond the scope of ordinary self-healing, and he can't help but think of the immortality in the Great Soul Fighting Arena. It seems that the recovery process of those strong men who have suffered non-fatal injuries is similar to his.

In the process of traveling through the jungle, he had already fully recovered from his injuries. Even his physical strength had been restored to some extent. Only his soul power was probably slowly being depleted, but he had a million-year soul ring. , the total soul power is no less than Chen Qin.

As the two sides chase each other, you can see towering trees falling down from time to time in the forest. Smith Jianguo will occasionally fight back. It's just a pity that most of his first eight soul skills are to cooperate with the mecha. Driving.

For example, increased hand speed, faster reaction, etc., but lacks the ability to have strong attack power and kill with one hit. Similar abilities. He does have a million-year soul ring and a million-year soul bone, and there are eight of them in total.

The problem is that these skills generally require a large hand, and it is easy to be caught and broken. With Chen Qin's attack power, he can be killed instantly with one solid move.

On the contrary, as long as he delays. Sooner or later this old man will be unable to support himself. According to the information, this old man is already very old, and he should not be far away from dying. If the consumption is too large, it may just burp.

What's more important is that if Shao Zhongzheng invites this situation. Even if you are in a big spirit battle arena. It is basically impossible to save them. This is confirmed by those soul masters who are about to die. Otherwise, this place would already be crowded with people who are about to die.

Such Chen Qin should cherish his life, at least not let himself spend too much in this battle. So big that it threatens lives.

As long as Smith Jianguo relies on his youth and strength to delay the old man until he can't hold on, he will win.

Just a plan is always a plan. As a long-established strong man, Smith Jianguo also has his own pride, after failing to catch the opponent many times in the jungle.

He was also ready to open it up: "Boy, you are much more slippery than I thought, but it's no use. The most powerful sword move only requires one strike.

To kill, only one sword is needed. "

Chen Qin stopped, and Smith Jianguo felt as if the space around him had solidified, even though he was still flying at high speed. In his perception, it was as if he had turned into a small insect in amber. Facing Chen Qin outside Amber, he had no ability to evade.

This sword seemed to be impossible to dodge no matter what, and it was also a unique move that Chen Qin had never used before.

He originally planned to use this move in the finals. However, he considered that his opponent in the final was Mr. Xiong, so such a sword move was of little significance. The normal-sized humanoid creature was stabbed in the heart by his sword. Basically it means it's cold. Therefore, this move is extremely powerful.

The problem is that his opponent in the next match is not a human being at all, his true self. It's hundreds of meters high. If he didn't use the real body of the weapon soul, he would have the Seven Killing Sword in his hand. It's equivalent to a toothpick.

Being stabbed hard into the body by a toothpick will indeed be quite painful. But it's just pain. To deal with such a large target, the best way is to use a large-scale attack.

Therefore, his unique move was saved for the semi-finals. Smith Jianguo felt that death was right in front of him. He could not avoid this sword no matter what. Even though he knew that he would not really die, the tension was still unavoidable.

In the face of death, no one can be fearless. The so-called lack of fear of life and death is just that the will temporarily overcomes the fear of death. Of course, people with brain diseases may still not be afraid of death. After all, the part of the brain that feels fear can be cut off...

As long as he is hit by this sword, he will be cut in half. No matter how strong his recovery ability is, he will be dead if he is cut like this.

He could even feel where this one was going when it was about to fall. Opponents try to prevent his powerful recovery ability from taking effect. Directly intending to split him in half from the central axis above his head.

If he can recover on his own in this way, it is no longer self-healing, but mitosis.

Feeling the biting chill from his forehead to the bridge of his nose and even his chest, Smith Jianguo felt an extremely strong desire to survive.

And with the emergence of this desire, a certain power hidden in his body was also stimulated. In previous battles, no one could push him to this point. But this time it was different. This power seemed to only burst out when he was forced into a desperate situation.

The familiar feeling of power growing exponentially reminded him of the black mud-like things that were injected into his body when he obtained the million-year soul ring.

[To be continued]

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