Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 888 Symbiote Mode

"See you soon Douluo ()"

Dark, viscous liquid gushes out of Smith Jianguo's body, covering him like a layer of gel armor.

When he finally killed the symbiote, the remaining body of the symbiote still integrated into his body. Different from ordinary symbiotes, this one's ability is obviously much more powerful.

After merging EVA and Vast Sea Xuanqi, as a symbiote capable of inheriting qualities and abilities, he has been strengthened to an incredible degree.

The most important thing is his huge size. Because he has been fused with the profound energy of the vast sea, his size is thousands of cubic meters. The transformation and protection capabilities that such a huge size can provide are far beyond those of his kind. of.

In danger of life, the symbiote formed by Smith Jianguo's fusion was finally activated, and the sword blade fell from the sky and landed on the body covered in black mud. The blade seemed to be entangled in glue, making it difficult to move forward at all.

"What kind of ability is this!" Chen Qin frowned: "Is it a million-year soul skill or... it looks familiar." He had also seen the original symbiote giant.

At that time, he had the intention to take action, but his attack method was too point-breaking and was not suitable for dealing with such a huge creature.

The black mud surging from the opponent's body in front of him made him immediately think of things like symbiotes. In fact, the Soul Beast Empire has never stopped using symbiotes. After the giant symbiotes were killed, they turned against them. The clan members were shocked.

With such good luck and such a strong parasitism, the host could not change its fate against the will of heaven, which also made them understand their next fate. If you serve your new boss obediently, you can still strive for a favorable living environment. If you resist, you will only be dead.

Especially since they have personally experienced the battle to defend the planet and know best what kind of true strength their opponents have. Different from this group of ignorant guys on the mainland. They have seen it before. The true appearance of the God-killing Fleet.

The appearance of the symbiote on the battlefield did not surprise Chen Qin. The one thing he was bound to obtain had already become perfect in terms of artistic conception, but in the end it was perfection in artistic conception.

After a real fight, you still have to follow the laws of physics. After all, artistic conception is just artistic conception. If you really want to classify it, it is actually just a kind of mental shock, a choice after your skills have improved to the point where there is no way out.

The continuous, seemingly endless black mud finally blocked his fatal blow, and after resisting the blow, his opponent seemed to have transformed and put on a dark armor on the ship.

Because the body surface is covered with this layer of black mud formed by the symbiont. The size of the opponent has also become quite huge. Compared to his height of three meters, he looks like a child.

This time the situation suddenly reversed. Smith Jianguo, who had the defensive ability to resist the peerless sword energy, naturally began to counterattack.

Huge blackness, the fist fiercely blasted towards Chen Qin, the air was compressed into a liquid state on the surface of the fist, and the air flow driven by this group alone shook the surrounding towering trees a hundred meters high.

Chen Qin fluttered away, but the location he just mentioned seemed to have been plowed by heavy artillery. A radioactive dog appeared where it originally was, as if it had been seriously punched by the bald head.

And this is just the beginning. Smith Jianguo, who has a million-year soul ring and a million-year soul bone, has a total of eight million-year-level soul skills. This shows that the million-year soul beast and the 100,000-year-old soul beast are different. There is a qualitative gap between the soul beasts.

The jungle was ravaged by violent force, and a heavy rain suddenly fell. The abalone was like a flood falling directly from the sky, turning the forest into a swamp.

And this powerful soul skill was just a preparation for the next soul skill. As the last foothold in the forest was replaced by the ocean.

Smith Jianguo's golden soul ring also shined again. The next moment, angry waves rose violently. In the man-made ocean, a giant whale with a body length of one kilometer jumped up and fell from the sky like a mountain that blocked the sky. .

Taking pictures with an aura that would destroy the world, Chen Qin also showed a look of success when faced with this overwhelming attack, and saw the Seven Kills Sword in his hand blooming with extremely sharp sword energy.

He compressed the sword energy onto the blade, then rose into the sky and rushed towards the giant whale.

The sword blade broke through the water and opened a hole in the middle of the giant whale made of seawater. It did not stop until it completely penetrated the giant whale.

Amidst the loud noise, the giant whales scattered into water splashes all over the sky, but what greeted Chen Qin was not the sky, but Smith Jianguo, who had been waiting in the sky for a long time.

The huge black fist slammed down, and Chen Qin, who had used up all his moves, slammed into the sea. The seawater looked like it was bombed by a missile, setting off huge waves. It landed on the water at this speed, and it was already the same as hitting the concrete floor. Not much difference.

Chen Qin, who rose up from the bottom of the water again, had blood on his face, and his old body could no longer maintain his strong fighting power.

During the battle, the medical robot will not help him treat him. As one goes and the other goes, Chen Qin's disadvantage will only get bigger and bigger.

"It seems that my body can't support it for much longer, so... let's decide the outcome with one move!"

All Chen Qin's energy and spirit were concentrated on this sword. He was once the strongest man of an era, but due to the changes of the times, he was eventually surpassed by others. Now he can only dominate in lightweight competitions.

How could someone as proud as him be willing to end up like this! Rather than continue to be surpassed by young people one after another, it is better to die in a vigorous battle.

Once you have the awareness to write a book, you no longer need to worry about those sword moves that you once wanted to use but didn't dare to use.

As his inner demon was eliminated, Chen Qin's momentum began to rise continuously, and his soul power, which had already reached its upper limit, also began to increase. For a moment, it was as if the whole world was resonating with him, and the sword energy spread across the ocean below. Divided into two halves, no current could cross the realm of his sword intention.

The bottleneck that has been suppressing him. After he had the consciousness of dying in battle, it suddenly shattered.

It was as if he had stepped out of his own way. Although Chen Qin's sword was ordinary, it gave Smith Jianguo a creepy feeling.

If you hit this sword, you may die!

Such thoughts urged him to use his strongest soul skill immediately. A purple halo condensed behind him, and in the center of the halo, there was a rich soul power that gathered into a purple-red light ball.

Hundreds of such light balls were compressed to the limit at the same time, and the purple light pillars were emitted, gathering together, like sunlight gathered by a magnifying glass, burning in the direction of Chen Qin.

[To be continued]

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