"See you soon Douluo ()"

The game officially started after a battle between the fans. The contest between the fans was evenly divided. Both sides used the linked soul guides and the vast sea of ​​mysterious energy to fight wildly. The impact was probably greater than the ultimate moves of their idols.

Compared with the tense situation between fans on both sides, the contestants themselves did not show much hostility. On Douluo Continent, sea soul beasts have never been classified as soul beasts. Therefore, Xiong Jun expressed his hatred for Smith Jianguo. The million-year soul ring has no feelings at all.

Smith Jianguo was face to face with Mr. Xiong for the first time. Facing such an almost completely unfamiliar opponent, it was difficult for him to feel any hostility.

Both sides bowed to each other according to their own etiquette. As the autonomous robot announces the start of the competition. The battle broke out in an instant.

Smith Jianguo launched the attack first. Although he was defeated in the last battle, his strength was greatly improved. At least he can master the power of combining himself with the symbiote.

A sea of ​​black mud poured out of his body. It turned into black tentacles and wrapped around Mr. Xiong. At the same time, he also began to prepare for his million-year soul skill.

The sky became cloudy with his thoughts. Heavy rain fell from the sky. It's really like water pouring down from the sky. The water level in Mitsubishi is rising at a rate visible to the naked eye. Gradually it began to submerge the towering trees in the forest.

If this kind of world happens outside, it will definitely be a devastating disaster to the ecological environment. But there are not so many troubles inside the Great Soul Fighting Arena. The ecological environment here is artificially created in a short period of time. Even if all the animals and plants here are reduced to ashes in an instant, it can be restored by just adjusting the operating instructions.

Mr. Xiong faced the tentacles that the symbiote had transformed into. He stretched out his claws, and with the sharp metal claws, he easily cut off the dark tentacles.

However, the severed symbiote tissues were not eliminated. It still remained active and attacked him like a separate individual.

This slime-like characteristic is very annoying. And it just so happens that Mr. Xiong is not good at the ability to turn his opponents into ashes. The symbiote tissue was cut into small pieces for a while, making it extremely irritating.

But his fighting instincts soon came into play again. He was originally huge and kept cutting his tentacles. Suddenly shrunk into human form. It shuttles back and forth in the sky like a flexible fighter jet.

He is only good at cutting attacks, but this will split the opponent. In this case, let's change the way of playing, even if we don't use cutting. There are other ways to block these tentacles.

Just like his seemingly unruly walk now. But there were fewer and fewer shots that could catch up with him. At first, some people didn't understand what was happening, but soon the audience realized what he was doing.

The numerous tentacles were flying after him. Intertwined in the air. Under his guidance, he became entangled with himself. Selling does not happen to have the ability to cut itself off. Once entangled, it will be difficult to get out unless the previous entangled actions are reversed.

Only while resolving the entanglement of the symbiote. Mr. Xiong is also facing another problem. The earth has been flooded and there is no place to stand under his feet.

In the last round, he relied on the native metal of the five elements to defeat his opponent, and also relied on the power of the earth under his feet. But this time the ground has been cut off by floodwaters.

He was already at a disadvantage on Earth. And his opponent's million-year soul ring belonged to the Deep Sea Demonic Whale King. This will greatly increase the opponent's combat effectiveness in the ocean.

Bears are not afraid of water, and Mr. Xiong may not be unable to win in a water battle, but he does not want his opponent to get what he wants.

The seawater under his feet was not water in the real sense at this time. In the closed environment of this fighting spirit field, the total amount of water was limited. Conventional water would not be able to cover the entire forest anyway.

This extra water is an illusion created by soul power.

Mr. Xiong has no ability to control water, but he came up with a bad idea.

He opened his mouth and began to inhale fiercely, absorbing all the air within a hundred miles into his body.

While avoiding the harassment of Smith Jianguo, he compressed the air into a liquid state and put it into the storage soul guide.

As one of the supreme rulers of the Soul Beast Empire, the storage soul guide he wears has a very huge reserve, and can hold even all the gas in this area after being compressed.

And as Mr. Xiong pulled out a large amount of gas, the ocean covering the forest suddenly began to boil. It looked like the ocean was half boiled, but its temperature was not high at all.

Because most of the seawater that makes up the ocean is fake water formed by mixed soul power. During the three-state change, the fake water condensed by soul power is far less stable than real water and begins to disintegrate on a large scale in the boiling process. It turned into soul power again and floated in the air.

As the extra water disappears, the water level in the forest is also falling rapidly.

Smith Jianguo never thought this might happen, but he soon realized what the problem was. Although the scope of the battlefield is hundreds of miles in radius. But in fact they were sealed in a confined space.

Mr. Xiong has taken away the air, and the air pressure here must have dropped significantly. As a result, the boiling point of water will also drop. When the temperature is still very low, the water in the sealed space begins to boil. This caused the fake water he condensed with his soul power to decompose unstablely.

However, his battlefield layout has been completed. Even if the water level has begun to drop now, he can already use his most powerful million-year soul skill. In the boiling sea water, a thousand-meter giant whale rises into the sky.

The body of the giant whale is still boiling and dissipating involuntarily in the air, but circles of purple halo have condensed around his body. The destructive soul power is condensed in the halo, compressed and gathered, and hundreds of such halos are turned and aligned. Mr. Xiong, prepare to launch a devastating shot at him.

Mr. Xiong didn't hesitate at all. He had already weakened his opponent to the current level by applying tricks before. The only thing he could do now was to use his strongest ability. Then compete with your opponent in a head-to-head duel!

Mr. Xiong's sharp claws shimmered with dark golden light. Mr. Xiong's strongest attack was no longer the pitch-black sky-searing claws, but as if he had returned to his original nature, restoring the most traditional dark gold color of the Dark Gold Terrorclaw Bear.

The five sharp claws drew out a dark golden sky-shattering rainbow, and faced the attacks coming from all directions, they faced them without any sign of weakness!

[To be continued]

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