Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 892 Unit 1 VS Super Beast Mecha

"See you soon Douluo ()"

Five dark golden claws collided with the incoming beam, bursting out with eye-searing light, and the boiling ocean surface. This scene almost seemed to tear the sea surface apart, showing a completely different character from their class. Strength.

Seeing that the two sides were evenly matched, and seeing that this strongest episode was about to end in a tie, hundreds of tentacles suddenly shot out from under the sea, wrapping around Mr. Xiong's body.

The most taboo thing when fighting waves is that the main body is disturbed. This is the situation now. The sudden appearance of tentacles instantly becomes the key to victory or defeat. After all, Mr. Xiong did not expect that his opponent would have such a move. Trembling, the dark golden light emitted by the sharp claws couldn't help but dim for a moment.

And at this moment, the purple beam of light also broke through his defense. You can clearly see it even if you are standing in the audience a hundred miles away. A mushroom cloud rose in the center of the arena. The dazzling explosion light made it impossible to look directly at it.

Sixty years ago, no one would have imagined that a battle between soul masters would be such a scene. At that time, the so-called "moving mountains and reclaiming seas" was just an exaggerated adjective. Now it seems that this is actually a realistic description.

The entire arena has been turned upside down. Starting from the center of the arena, a large pit with a diameter of more than ten kilometers spread outwards, with nothing left under the pit.

Even outside the center of the explosion, trees withered under the high temperatures, and those closer were uprooted.

Among the ruins, Smith Jianguo was half-kneeling on the ground. Opposite him was Mr. Xiong, who was reading a message about resurrection in a blaze of light. There was no doubt that Smith Jianguo became the winner of this game.

The title of Demigod and below, and the destruction Douluo showed once again refreshed people's three views. In the God Realm peeking from the sky, everyone had to give Douluo another level of fighting power. It has reached a level that poses a certain threat to the divine world.

One or two god-level experts emerged from the forgotten world. God Realm will send people down to clean it up. Just like the flames of the Dionysian world. Or the evil crab god from the world of "Dzi Bead Transformation". But so many people suddenly appeared on Douluo's side. Let them have numb claws and have the determination of a strong man to cut off his wrists, and he can indeed clear them out. But the losses are huge.

The divine world now has to guard against the remnants of the tulips on the moon, plus the demon god who will come to the world in a few years. So much so that they finally gave up after deliberation. The attack on Douluo saved a dog's life.

The game ended with the cheers of the audience. Smith Jianguo won the entire game, and naturally became the most promising player among the young generation.

For a time, his popularity was even close to that of Rui Wenwen back then. He became a household name across the continent and almost became a national idol.

The most important thing is that he is not only powerful, but his experience is legendary. From an ordinary little guy in the military to where he is today step by step. He even saved the world once in the middle, which was so exciting.

There are even film and television companies that are preparing to release his movies and TV series, and are they contacting him to see if he can star in his true self?

In this era where fighting has gradually become a competitive sports event, popularity and popularity have gradually replaced personal strength and become a more important asset in this era.

Smith Jianguo's fame quickly inspired other contestants. Including those competing in the heavyweight division. Not to mention that the reward after winning the championship is a mecha customized by Duke Tulip himself, the fame gained after winning is enough to make them break their heads.

In this fiery atmosphere, the second round of heavyweight competition also started soon. Compared with the first round of competition, tens of thousands of people signed up to participate. The number of contestants in the second round was much smaller.

Even if the concentration of soul power on the continent increases dramatically, there are still only a few strong men with demigod-level strength. It used to be the trump card of various countries, almost equivalent to the Titled Douluo 60 years ago.

And the first game of the heavyweight match,

It was an extremely hot battle between giants. The two sides were Rui Wenwen, who was driving the Phantom Linshen, and the Tiandou Empire's Unit 1.

Just the inhuman size of both sides is enough to attract attention. On one side is a semi-biological giant mecha, and on the other is a purely mechanical super beast mecha.

The battle between the two sides can be seen even with the naked eye. Of course, if you want to see clearly, you can only watch the live broadcast from the drone. At the beginning, the audience also lamented that drones are awesome and can reliably transmit live broadcasts back on any harsh battlefield.

Helping people and reporting, no ordinary scary environment can prevent the drone's camera from recording the battle footage. It can be called the MVP of the whole game! Some people even doubt whether the contestants can defeat the drone. After all, this thing has never been shot down before.

However, no one has ever attempted to actively attack a drone. The rules for the competition state that anyone who intentionally damages the facilities will be immediately disqualified from the competition.

But after seeing it a lot, I got used to it. At first, everyone was amazed that this drone was so damn strong that it wouldn’t break even if it fell like this. Later, they didn’t care at all. Even in the last game, the arena was almost razed to the ground. On flat ground, no one cares whether the drone may be destroyed. Facts have proved that even though everything in the camera is a vast expanse of white, the drone is still transmitting live signals within the explosion range, which is a model worker.

At this time, in the live broadcast of the drone, two behemoths were confronting each other in the air. In comparison, Huan Linshen was a little bigger. The two sides were not in the same system, so the size inside was naturally a little different. Unit No. 1 was only about fifty meters tall. The Huan Lin Shen was close to seventy meters.

However, Huan Lin Shen appears in the form of a super beast, so the two sides actually look about the same size.

In addition, the outer armor of Unit 1 also has a very long horn, which further narrows the size gap between the two sides.

As the buzzer sounded for the start of the game, both sides charged at each other. The giant beast's step on the ground was like an earthquake. There were bursts of rumbling noises.

Huan Lin Shen flew fiercely and directly threw Unit 1 to the ground. In fact, Ren Xing was not a body type that was very good at fighting. He did not have sharp teeth and claws. Also lacks explosive muscles. Any carnivore larger than a human can basically tear a human alive with bare hands, unless the person can slide and shovel...

Therefore, in a simple hand-to-hand fight, Unit 1 was at a huge disadvantage in an instant. It was pinned down by the Phantom Lin Beast, biting its neck, and beating him wildly.

[To be continued]

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