Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 893: Absolute Domain vs. Fire Cloud Jue

"See you soon Douluo ()"

Compared with the purely mechanical Huan Linshen, the No. 1 machine body as a biological weapon does not have a very strong alloy defense. For a moment, his skin was broken open by fangs and claws, and blood splattered.

With such a large size, tons of blood would come out if it bleeds out, and large swaths of the forest would be dyed red.

Biological weapons are generally not as strong as mechanical weapons, but after giving up the attribute of solidity, biological weapons also gain great advantages in flexibility and other aspects.

And this copycat version of the No. 1 machine has a strong recovery ability. The body, whose neck was almost torn off, recovered quickly.

He even turned around and bit his opponent. Even though the crops on his chin fell off because of this, he still bit off two scales from the Phantom Lin Beast.

Although there are only two scales, it is not that simple for the mechanical mecha to recover. The two sides are just like ordinary humans and beasts. Rolling through the forest. Just like ordinary humans and beasts fighting in the bushes.

Even though it is in human form, Unit-1 has a strong recovery ability. He was also beaten physically. If this continues, sooner or later there will be a time when I can't reply.

Obviously, what Unit 1 is best at is not close combat. His best ability is the AT force field, also known as the absolute field, the light of the soul, which is an obstacle avoidance that makes it impossible for people to absolutely understand each other.

This is also one of the reasons why EVA pilots need to be 17-year-old autistic teenagers. The pilots of the Tiandou Empire seem to be individuals specially selected by similar people to stimulate AT force fields. Their talents may be very high, but their personalities are definitely There is some kind of problem.

There was no way to use this power in the initial battle. As the pilots of this kind of biological armor, their bodies are interconnected with the mecha. The senses of both parties are shared, and the pilot will feel the damage suffered by the mecha as it is.

Even if the mecha is split in half or even eaten, the pilot will feel the pain intact. The pain of being bitten by the Phantom Lin Beast had already made the young pilot almost collapse.

The cockpit of Unit 1 also turned red, and the sirens blared.

A certain kind of power had reached a critical value. As the pilot roared hysterically, Unit 1, which had been suppressed all this time, suddenly erupted into a shock wave.

Everything within a few hundred meters was bounced away by the shock wave, and even the ground sank due to the impact.

An unprecedentedly powerful absolute domain was released from his body. Unit No. 1 also entered a state similar to berserk, and both its speed and strength increased to an incredible level.

The huge body that was nearly fifty meters tall was actually able to produce afterimages during the movement. After releasing the shock wave, he flashed in front of the ejected Phantom Lin Beast like a ghost, as if he had turned into a wild beast, and his hands continued to move. He scratched at the Phantom Lin Beast's abdomen at high speed, and a large number of scales and parts were torn off by his attack.

Although the Phantom Lin Beast had no blood, the engine oil sprayed out under the attack, and it looked miserable for a moment.

After the pilot of Unit 1 went berserk, almost every attack was accompanied by absolute domain power. In the original work, it was a force that could easily withstand the center of a nuclear explosion. It is also extremely powerful when used in attacks.

When Cheng Ying saw the battle situation, he couldn't help but shook his head: "It seems that they need to upgrade their super beast mecha. These are old models from many years ago. Now they are a bit behind the times."

The super beast mecha still uses early materials. The strongest ones are only super alloy and Shura God's epidermal cells. The subsequent Adamantium alloy and vibranium are not used, and the overall strength is still very limited.

Facing the continuous attacks like a violent storm, it suddenly seemed a little powerless.

Fortunately, the buffering measures in the body were relatively good, and the pilot was powerful and had no sensory sharing, so Rui Wenwen did not suffer much impact.

After being knocked away again, Rui Wenwen also realized that the animal form was no longer suitable for dealing with Unit 1. The beast form is inconvenient to turn around in mid-air, so it is still at a disadvantage when dealing with humanoid enemies that are faster than itself.

After being hit into the air again, she also activated her transformation and turned into a human form in mid-air. At the same time, Rui Wenwen in the cockpit also transformed into a human form.

After transforming into human form, her size advantage was immediately apparent. However, he was still suppressed in terms of speed and strength. It was entirely because the material was strong enough that he persisted. Even so, parts were constantly being knocked away from Huan Lin Shen's body under the attack of the violent storm.

Rui Wenwen didn't know if there was a time limit for the opponent's rampage state. After defending for hundreds of moves, she finally decided to fight back. If she continued to withstand the attacks, her mecha would probably be too damaged, and she would not even have the chance to fight back in the end.

Immediately, she took advantage of the gap between attacks to widen the distance between the two sides, gathered the few energy in the rack, closed the surface shield, and used the redundant energy to attack.

High-temperature, high-energy plasma condensed on Huan Linshen's chest. As the audio recorded in the mecha was played, Huan Linshen's signature trick was also released.

"Huoyunjue! The enemy will either run away or be completely defeated in front of me!" Rui Wenwen has requested more than once to remove the voice before each enlarged move, but Chengying said nothing.

With the modern technical capabilities of the Soul Beast Empire, there is no way to break through the system's firewall. To modify the voice program inside, Rui Wenwen even wanted to dismantle the mecha's sound-generating device directly from the hardware, which would be a big deal when the mecha was turned on in the future. It is better to bring a speaker instead of using a microphone than shouting out a second line every time before turning the volume up.

Unit No. 1 also felt the powerful energy fluctuations here. Therefore, the driver's sanity declined somewhat after the violent beating, but at this time he also began to gather energy to prepare for defense.

The powerful absolute field enveloped the entire Idehaji, and the high-temperature plasma light ball flew towards him. Circles of hexagonal sleeves and force fields began to appear on the Absolute Domain, which meant that the Absolute Domain was under intense attack.

After being disturbed by the Absolute Domain, the already unstable high-temperature plasma light ball exploded instantly, and a mushroom cloud once again erupted in the arena. The bright light made it almost impossible to see what was happening in the arena. Even the footage from the drone footage was completely white, making it impossible to tell who had won the battle.

[To be continued]

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