Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 896: Competence equals Taoism?

"See you soon Douluo ()"

In this world's best martial arts competition, Cheng Ying's biggest gain is to discover a guy like Chen Qin who can master the "Tao". Chen Qin's strength is average in Cheng Ying's opinion, but this power really makes him What is elusive and difficult for humans to understand seems to be the key to another technological door.

But this time, the detection bracelet once again detected that Chen Qin had entered Taoism, and this time he even entered this state multiple times in one day. The most important thing was that he did not practice at all on this day. In other words, "Tao" is probably something that cannot be learned through practice.

"Can you analyze the pattern of his actions today?" Cheng Ying asked the AI ​​responsible for analyzing the data.

"Unfortunately, no pattern was analyzed from his actions. Abnormal changes in physical laws were detected many times today, but what he was doing was different every time. Sometimes he was in a daze, and sometimes he was in a daze. meals and even one time while he was sleeping.”

The AI ​​analysis made Cheng Ying frown. If Chen Qin had no special circumstances at all, then it would be too strange for him to enter the Tao multiple times today. The appearance of "Tao" cannot be completely irregular, otherwise he would not have appeared multiple times. on the same person.

"If there is nothing unusual in his behavior, the problem may be that today is a special day. Check the movement of celestial bodies today, search the ancient calendar to see what special day today is, and monitor the energy fluctuations of the planet to see if Abnormal.

Also... although it sounds unreliable, check Chen Qin's life and see what happened to him on this day every year. Is there anything noteworthy? " Cheng Ying's words stunned the Ice Emperor who was watching the excitement beside him.

"When you investigated Chen Qin's past experience, did you consider psychological factors, which may also have an impact on the emergence of Tao?"

"On the one hand! The bracelet can monitor Chen Qin's mood swings. Although it is not mind-reading, if he has any strong mood swings, he will definitely be able to sense it.

So the possibility of psychological factors having an impact is not too great. What I'm more worried about is that something symbolic is at work.

For example, Chen Qin has experienced things that he himself cannot remember. And this incident happened to make it particularly easy for him to enter Taoism today. This is very unscientific, but it is a possibility. "

Hyōtei tugged at the hair on his temples, feeling his mind was in a mess: "The symbolism you mentioned has nothing to do with one's objective state!

Are you saying that he did something on a certain day in the past that had almost no impact on his physical state, and on the same day this year, it was because of this thing that it became easier for him to achieve enlightenment? This sounds too unscientific. Not only the physical level, but also the psychological level may not have changed. What caused the change in the probability of enlightenment? "

"Here's the problem. Although our instruments are not accurate to every elementary particle, it is not too close. There is indeed nothing special about its physical state.

But strictly speaking, anything that happens to him will leave traces, but I don't think it is this trace that triggered his special state of enlightenment.

The human body metabolizes, and the impact of some insignificant things on the human body is often erased by metabolism within a short period of time.

But from another perspective, anything that happens to an individual will leave an impact on the information.

Even a piece of stone contains almost infinite information, from its birth in the movement of the earth's crust to its weathering and deformation, being kicked away by ancient behemoths, being used as a spear tip in the hands of primitive people, and as a material for filling cracks in walls. , dug out by later archaeologists, and even displayed in museums for viewing.

Many of these things will not affect its physical properties, but these are the information contained in this stone. Even if a child glances at it through the glass, then on a certain day of a certain year, a certain month, a certain child Staring at it at a certain angle for a while,

It should also be the information contained in it.

In my conjecture, the universe will not lose information. Everything that has happened before will be recorded by the universe. However, in the past, I only thought that information would not be lost, but there was no special mechanism responsible for recording information. .

Now I have a new conjecture. Perhaps there is indeed something that records this information. In fact, the person who records them can be called the existence of heaven, and it may also have a personality. "Chengying's subsequent guess was made after reading the report sent back by the AI.

In the report, there was nothing special about star movement, planet climate, planet energy fluctuations, planet history events, etc. Only Chen Qin himself had problems. About thirty years ago today, he killed a Before killing the giant warrior, he talked a lot of nonsense. Objectively speaking, this nonsense was very convincing, just like, you are already dead, so give it to Lu Dayou (cross out).

This is something Chen Qin almost never did in previous battles. It is also the most special situation that happened to him on this day in history. After ruling out other reasons, this seems to be the only reason why Chen Qin is so easy to enlighten today. .

"Why does the way of heaven you talk about sound weird! I remember that the way of heaven in the novel doesn't seem to be what you are talking about, right? It's not that kind of... it's just a very mysterious kind, ah ah! I can't understand it anyway. ." Ice Emperor pulled his hair and looked crazy.

"It's different. I just call the carrier that records information the Dao of Heaven. How should I put it... something that records all the information in the universe. If there is a personality, then it is actually almost the same as the Dao of Heaven. And if it is really existence, that probably means that the essence of all things is information.

Let me think about it, we can design an experiment to verify this, AI! Search to see if Chen Qin in history has done something similar. Arrange the force index of each item in the year in descending order. You should be able to edit an algorithm to calculate the force! Find the number of days in which he ranked in the top three, and let's see if Chen Qin's enlightenment efficiency has been significantly improved in these days.

At the same time, volunteers are selected and trained to see if they can artificially control the probability of enlightenment and create new enlighteners. "

Bingdi was even more dizzy after listening to Cheng Ying's explanations, or nonsense, and said, "Wait a minute, why do you say that every year on this day, Chen Qin's enlightenment efficiency will increase, does that mean that the way of heaven has a personality? It can't be the same person. A natural phenomenon?”

[To be continued]

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