Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 897 Experimental Ideas

"See you soon Douluo ()"

Faced with Ice Emperor's question, Cheng Ying thought for a moment before giving the answer: "First of all, things like force may differ by race, although most of the intelligent races we have discovered in the universe so far are They are human beings, or they have humanoid forms and social forms similar to humans, but there are also obviously symbionts, which are completely different life forms.

Secondly, haven’t you discovered the problem yet? Each planet's year should be different. Why does Heaven use the Douluo planet's year as a cycle? Why is Douluo's year also three hundred and sixty-five and a quarter days?

Isn't this strange? The simplest explanation is that the way of heaven has a personality, and human beings' personality and the time of a year have special meaning to it. "

Cheng Ying's explanation was enough for Ice Emperor to understand, and he nodded in agreement: "I understand if you put it that way, but there is another problem. Many of the planets we discovered have 365 days in a year. Ah! Both Dzi Bead Transformation and Dionysus!"

Cheng Ying shrugged helplessly: "So you think this conjecture of mine was just a temporary thought? The year when those planets were discovered was also one year. Even before that, the year when Douluo Planet was discovered was three hundred and sixty-five. Days ago, I had already had similar speculations.

To be honest, this conjecture is actually quite unfriendly to materialists. It seems to tell you clearly that there is an omnipotent true God in this world. "

"Eh? Have you started to doubt these issues so early? Then why are you still focused on climbing the technology tree?" Ice Emperor blinked curiously, and then while Cheng Ying was explaining, he ate the longest fries in front of him. of one,

"It's not a contradiction. Even if there is a true God, doesn't science exist? It's always true that knowledge is power. If the world is created according to logic, then science can still develop. Even if it develops to the limit, it cannot become the way of heaven. existence, does that mean it has stagnated? It’s definitely impossible!

Of course... at that time, I couldn't beat the God Realm, and I was worried about being beaten to death by the opponent, so crazily climbing the technology tree was also one of the reasons..."

"I think the latter one is the main reason." Ice Emperor rolled his eyes as he sipped the fat house happy water.

"Ahem! AI! Can you tell me when Chen Qin's latest peak is? We're going to step up monitoring!" Cheng Ying abruptly changed the subject.

"After the twenty-nine days, Chen Qin will experience his third highest peak of the year. You can take the test on this day." The AI ​​quickly came to the conclusion that it may not understand what a force is, but According to the way humans think, it is very simple to edit a set of algorithms for calculating the force index.

"Uh... It seems that the experiment can't be carried out for the time being! Ahem! Then let's go help Rui Wenwen repair the mecha! It's time for the super beast mecha to be upgraded. We have brought back a lot of new technologies from Tony!"

Chengying coughed twice and was about to eat some French fries to calm down his shock, but then he saw that there was only ketchup left on the plate in front of him.

"Didn't we agree to only eat the longest one? Why are there not any left?" Cheng Ying looked confused.

"Because after eating the longest one, the second longest one will become the longest one!" Ice Emperor's answer was impeccable, and Cheng Ying didn't know how to refute it for a moment.

At the Soul Beast Empire helipad, Cheng Ying personally came over with a hammer and screwdriver, saying that he would upgrade the Soul Beast Empire to the Super Beast Armor. Real engineers can build mechas with only a hammer, like Big Big Wolf. …

"Ah! You're here! If you don't come, my next game will start!" Rui Wenwen ran over as soon as she learned that Cheng Ying was coming.

Although she is still the national idol, she rarely appears in programs or participates in concerts. After all, it is okay for a person to be popular for a few years or more, but it is too strange to be popular for more than sixty years. It will leave people with Psychological shadow, especially short-lived human fans.

"Speaking of which, how are we going to upgrade this time? Will it be like last time when a bunch of return capsules fell from the sky?

Then a new mecha dropped! "Rui Wenwen looked at Cheng Ying curiously, looking for a place to hide the mecha on him.

"Ah! Don't bother me. Didn't I bring a hammer? Your mecha is very easy to repair!" After saying that, Cheng Ying picked up the hammer and started tapping on the mecha. Rui Wenwen looked at it. Confused.

"Is this... the return of technology to its original nature?" Rui Wenwen couldn't understand it at all, but she felt so awesome.

In fact, Cheng Ying holds a hammer in his hand just for show. If he wants to repair these mechas, he doesn't even need a hammer. After gaining the power of atomic control from Dad Qiu, Cheng Ying can extract the atoms he needs by himself. Combine the materials he needs.

He himself is an ultra-high-precision processing factory. Moreover, it is an almost all-powerful factory. You can make anything you want with your own hands, which is comparable to the incompetent Steve.

Just after holding a hammer, the original high-quality picture immediately changed. It looked as if the places he'd hit with a hammer had healed themselves, with those hideous cracks and even missing scales. All restored automatically.

Not only that, there seems to be an extra layer of light silver coating on the surface of the mecha. Although I don’t know which layer is what, it looks very powerful.

What is attached to the surface of the mecha is obviously vibranium and Adamantium alloy. As Marvel's two super metals, in terms of strength alone, they are even stronger than the epidermal cells of God Shura.

In addition, the internal mechanical structure of the mecha has also been modified. The previous structure actually had many unreasonable points. Fortunately, with the two workers Tony and Ivan, Chengying's understanding of mechanical design has reached a new level, and the upgrade and transformation of the super beast mecha have also become more comprehensive. Handy.

As for things like anti-matter main guns, Cheng Ying has not installed them on mechas. Those high-yield arts are not weapons that should appear in the atmosphere at all.

Anti-matter weapons will react directly with the air. If you shoot out, you will be blown up first, which would be embarrassing.

Cheng Ying struggled for a long time before he solved all the problems, and a brand new Huan Lin Shen appeared on the spot. Not to mention anything else, this one looked much better than the previous one. In order to take care of the deformation Functions, there are many parts that are of little use. Now that they are all hidden, the mecha looks more streamlined.

Rui Wenwen looked at the brand new mecha with bright eyes.

"How's it going? Do you want to try it?" Cheng Ying said cheerfully.

[To be continued]

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