Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 906: Creation Containment Object

Gravity in the eyes of different people is different. In the eyes of primitive people, there is no gravity at all. It is natural for objects to fall downward, just like air, which is not noticed.

In later generations, some people summarized the rules and saw that feathers fell slowly but stones fell to the ground in an instant, so they believed that the lighter the object, the slower it fell to the ground.

It wasn't until someone summarized gravity and distinguished the differences between speed, acceleration, mass and weight that we gradually understood the existence of gravity.

The gravity in Electrolux's eyes is probably still at the level that the lighter the object, the slower it falls. This is difficult to detect simply by relying on instruments. After all, no one has a brain problem and specializes in studying this kind of gravity. The machine comes out.

However, it is not difficult to verify. The drone does not carry an iron ball, but similar solid objects are easy to find. After cutting into two pieces of different weights, the drone flies into the air and hovers. And let two objects fall freely at the same time. First release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

The difference is not obvious at first, but as the falling time increases, it is obvious that the one with greater mass begins to fall faster than the one with smaller mass.

By the time it hits the ground, this gap can be easily captured with the naked eye.

"It seems that we guessed it right. The physical laws here are probably constructed by Electrolux. The gravity simulated based on his common sense is not real gravity in nature. Therefore, mass-dense objects at the same height will fall to the ground. The time is obviously different, but how exactly is it done? Could it be a contained object?"

Chengying couldn't help but think of the big hole in the spiritual network. The contained objects in the Douluo world seemed to come from there, and they could even directly affect the future through the past.

Is it possible that other universes also have such things as containment objects? If this is the case, it is easy to explain the problem of Electrolux creating the world. After all, everything is possible in front of the contained objects.

"You mean, Electrolux is actually the holder of the containment object? This is also possible." The Ice Emperor turned over the Divine Seal Throne that Cheng Ying had written silently, and pointed to Electrolux's achievements in it: "It is written about him in the book To fight against an entire continent by oneself and directly destroy the empire is obviously not something that a demigod can do.

Even if necromancy has great advantages in large-scale battlefields, it is too exaggerated to achieve this level with the strength of a demigod. If Electrox holds a powerful containment object, this makes sense. . "

Cheng Ying is also inclined to believe that Electrolux may be the holder of the containment object. The containment object may be very useless, but it may also be extremely powerful. From Cheng Ying's own point of view, what he got is an extremely practical containment object.

Best Metal, which can be deformed at will and is extremely strong, is terrifying for Cheng Ying and others to improve their combat power. When he was not as strong as he is now, he used this thing to force his way into the God Realm and beat the Supreme God to the point where he couldn't find him.

If Electrolux holds some practical containment object, it is not impossible for him to take on the entire continent alone.

"But there is a problem with this conjecture, that is, there is only a trace of the remnant soul of Electrolux left. Even if he hid the containment in his crotch before, it is definitely gone now. Why can he still use the demiplane, and even put him If you give it to your inheritor, is it possible that the containment object just happened to be bound to his remaining soul?"

What Cheng Ying raised was indeed a question, but just guessing out of thin air would not lead to results.

"Always find a way to ask clearly. It's too dangerous for the body to enter the demiplane. It's best to let the biochemical incarnation go." After his own strength breaks through to a certain level,

Cheng Ying rarely appears in his incarnation vest. Even if his true form is exposed, no one in Douluo can kill him. In this case, why is there any need to hide it?

However, the demiplane was most likely created by Electrolux. If he still retained the ability to control the laws of the demiplane, it would still be extremely dangerous.

There is no way, no matter how powerful the player is, it is useless to encounter GM, they can directly cancel your account.

"It's best to try to negotiate. Even if Electrolux is the holder of the containment object, he probably won't be able to get the containment object." Cheng Ying muttered softly.

"I'm afraid it won't be that simple. It sounds like Electrolux has joined the righteous camp, but he once massacred an entire continent. He is definitely not a kind person.

And even if Electrox belongs to the justice camp, he is definitely not from the lawful camp. We might still want to get rid of them and lead the evil ones quickly! "As an immortal, the Ice Emperor probably has a deeper understanding of the mentality of Electrolux, who is also an immortal, than Lan Nuo.

"Anyway, just bring some equipment in. Even if you can't bring a battleship, you won't be overturned by two demigods. The only thing worth worrying about is the weirdness of the demiplane." Cheng Ying chose among his many incarnations. , and finally chose the squinty-eyed incarnation that she uses most often.

Of course it's not Xing Tian's squinting eyes, it's the incarnation with the Sharingan opened. Because the Sharingan's ability is to passively cut everything it sees, so it has to keep squinting, and the result is this unique squinting. Squint incarnate.

In contrast, the Ice Emperor's incarnations are more homogeneous. Because his bloodline is relatively strong, most of his incarnations are the Ice Jade Emperor Scorpion Spirit, so he simply picked one at random.

Before the game was over, the two people used the drone as the coordinates and teleported into the largest demi-plane.

The game ended quickly. In front of the infinitely resurrected sea of ​​undead, even though the spherical lightning soul master had powerful destructive power, he could not do anything to defeat his opponent. In the end, his energy was exhausted and he had to admit defeat. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Mobile version: https:/

During the competition, it is not allowed to carry energy amethyst direct props, so the consumption and distribution of soul power must be accurately calculated.

In the demiplane, the incarnations of Cheng Ying and Ice Emperor had already appeared on a high ground. Because they had already surveyed the terrain of the demiplane through the drone's detector, they were not too surprised after being teleported over.

The purple sun and sky are both textures on the curved dome. When you don't know, you can automatically make the sun into a sphere. Once you know the truth, you can see how to see it and how to violate it.

The creatures wandering in the demiplane looked towards the two of them. Chengying just waved his hand and they dispersed on their own, as if they had never noticed the two people who suddenly appeared.

"I didn't feel anything special. The avatar's perception seems to be no better than that of the detector!" Ice Emperor stuck out his tongue.

"There is still a difference. We have been discovered. There seems to be a mechanism to detect the living." After Cheng Ying finished speaking, a figure appeared in the demiplane.

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