Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 907: Enemy with the world?

"Who! How dare you break into my demiplane!"

Being questioned like this, Cheng Ying was still a little embarrassed, but after all, he was thick-skinned enough, so he still said shamelessly: "We are just curious, curious about the physical laws in your demiplane that are completely different from the outside world." While saying While poking at the Ice Emperor, he whispered: "Well, I forgot what his name was."

Bingdi held his forehead. How could Chengying forget? This guy didn't even look at the list, so he had no choice but to remind in a low voice: "Xiao Ling!"

"Oh! Player Xiao Ling, please calm down first. According to the competition rules formulated by the competition organizing committee, your use of demi-planes is a violation. The battle is divided into heavyweights based on energy. If you count the demi-planes you carry, Contained energy, you can only use the demiplane in super-heavy competitions.

I am investigating this violation on behalf of the competition organizing committee. I would like to check your demiplane by the way. After all, we need to collect evidence. Please understand and cooperate with the work! "

Cheng Ying was also shameless. In just the blink of an eye, he made up a rhetoric about the investigation by the competition organizing committee.

His appearance is not disguised. After all, this appearance is more convenient for negotiation. His credibility in mainland China is one of the best.

It's not an excessive request, and most players won't refuse.

But this time he miscalculated. After seeing who Cheng Ying was, Xiao Ling showed a shocked expression at first, and then a burst of ecstasy.

"Teacher! It's him! It's him who brought trouble to the world. Without the soul power extraction equipment he developed, there would not have been millions of spar patients. Without him developing fossil energy, the continent's environment would not have been destroyed to the point we are in front of us. With his appearance, this guy even invented many dangerous weapons.

He also invented the weapon that can destroy dozens of miles with one shot and leave no grass behind after the explosion! Sixty years ago, if it weren't for his appearance, the mainland would still maintain the status quo and maintain the peace it has enjoyed for thousands of years. It was his invention that brought disaster to the world! The teacher must take action to capture him! Prevent him from developing more terrifying weapons. "

Cheng Ying was dumbfounded when he was told about his responsibilities. The development of science and technology does come at a cost, but it wouldn't be like putting all the blame on him alone! However, he quickly realized that this person had probably been hostile to him for a long time, and this rhetoric was not something he could come up with on the spur of the moment. A genius can remember 噺バ一中文m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/ in one second

"Mysterious organization? Soul master supremacists?" Cheng Ying was not sure, but this group of people were probably the only ones who were inherently hostile to him.

Originally, he thought that this group of people had disappeared, but now it seemed that they were just hiding, and some of them even hugged Electrolux's lap.

"What a mysterious organization, stop talking nonsense! Duke Tulip! Let's capture him without any effort! In this world, no one can defeat the teacher. After all, your mecha and soul guide do not have infinite energy. Surrender obediently and I will kill you." Hand over those invented cracking methods and let me destroy them, and I can consider letting you live!"

"Call your teacher out! Whether I can stay or not is not up to you." Cheng Ying still held some hope of negotiating with Electrolux. At least on the surface, Electrolux had changed his mind. Be a good person.

"I am his teacher. You can call me Electrolux. I hope you can destroy those inventions of yours. Humanity's weapons are already too powerful. Those weapons will only bring destruction to them."

Electrolux seemed very polite, but his tone was unquestionable.

"Ah! What if I refuse?" Cheng Ying is just an avatar here. He is not afraid of doing it at all.

Anyway, if you can't defeat it, you will lose at most one incarnation. This loss is no different than nothing.

"If you refuse, then I can only let you stay here until you change your mind." A sharp look flashed in Electrolux's eyes.

"Although I have known for a long time that you are illiterate, I didn't expect that you still reject the development of technology. Should I say this is class instinct? Every class will subconsciously protect their own interests.

Since you want to start a fight, I have no choice but to accompany you! Use my trick to cure insomnia! "

Electrolux thought that a master like Cheng Ying would have to say a few more polite words and act cool before starting the fight, but he didn't expect that he would start with a sneak attack, and he didn't know where he got it from. A piece of brick smeared on Xiao Ling's face. It was really a brick to cure insomnia and provide physical hypnosis.

Even Xiao Ling didn't react. He was hit on the head by a brick and was completely stunned. Fortunately, Electrolux's reaction was not too slow. Under his command, the sea of ​​undead surged forward.

The open space was integrated into one. There were skeleton soldiers, abominations, and headless knights on the ground, and there were huge bone dragons in the sky. The weakest one had the strength of a titled Douluo. The scene was like a world war.

"Tsk! As for that? Harmony is the most important thing! In martial arts, harmony must be the most important thing!" He was the first to make the move and perfectly demonstrated what it means not to practice martial ethics.

Facing the undead army, Cheng Ying was not very weak. When he opened the storage soul guide, a large number of drones rushed out of it. The incarnation of Nian Nianyan was a civilian, so he naturally needed to be equipped with enough bodyguards.

Drones quickly occupied the sky. Although the bone dragons in the sky were powerful, in the face of high-energy rays, the plasma balls were released for free. The drones, which were like fighter planes in Thunder and Lightning, were unable to save themselves. Only to be dismembered and fall.

Although the drones also suffered losses, because they were small enough, only a small part were shot down by the Bone Dragon. Most of the drones began violent bombing of the ground. Missiles washing the ground was the romance of every big explosion.

Although the sea of ​​undead is terrifying, in the face of the covering bombardment, it turns into a pile of dead bones in an instant.

"It seems that you are not as strong as you thought. I thought you could cause me some trouble." Cheng Ying found that he overestimated Electrolux. Even though he may have created this place, it seems that it cannot be changed after it is created. Well, at least it's impossible to directly delete Cheng Ying's account like GM did.

"You don't think you can win like this! Then you underestimate the demiplane I created.

Here, no undead will die. No matter if you tear them apart, crush them, or even burn them to ashes, they will stand up again and again. First release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

Because this is the rule of this world, here, no one can kill any undead, because your opponent is the entire world! " Electrolux's voice rang in Cheng Ying's ears, and then he and Xiao Ling disappeared into the demiplane.

"Tsk! Why can't you talk properly! You say you are the enemy of the world! This is my first experience, so I feel a bit out of place. But in such a small world, I should be able to poke it open with that thing!" As he spoke, Cheng Ying had already taken out a big sword.

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