Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 908: What is more artistic than nuclear explosions is billions of nuclear explosions

What Cheng Ying is holding is the Seven Killing Sword that was picked from the sun. It has absorbed nine million years of solar energy, and it was absorbed on the surface of the sun. Even if it cuts out ten Great Ivan-level powers every second, it will still take a long time. It takes nine million years to run out.

Although the gap with infinite energy is still a bit big, for a planet-level civilization, it is not much different from infinite.

"This is..." Electrolux felt the insane intensity of the energy. Even though he was already dead, he almost drew it. Even the power of God was insignificant in front of this sword. The energy in it could even fight easily. A planet as big as Luo Xing was torn in half.

His demiplane is only the size of a prefecture-level city at most. Faced with such huge energy, even if it were suppressed with the power of the entire world, it would probably be far behind.

"This is a solar-powered sword. It has a light body, is environmentally friendly and pollution-free, and has a sharp edge. It has at least nine million faces and is of great collection value. Buy it now with a 9.99% discount and a 1% reduction in postage. ."ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Electrolux: "???"

Isn't this person really crazy? I can't understand how this kind of thing was invented at all.

However, Chengying was just talking trash, but the movements of his hands were not slow at all, tearing!

As soon as the sword was slashed out, there was a nuclear explosion. The earth trembled, strong winds swept across, and the sky was filled with yellow sand. All the resurrected undead were turned into powder, and even the soil on the ground was plowed clean. However, an attack of this magnitude was unexpected. None of them could damage the barrier at the boundary of the plane.

Electrolux was even a little scared. If he hadn't escaped outside the demiplane before, he might have been crushed by the attack just now.

However, seeing that the demiplane was still stable, Electrolux breathed a sigh of relief, and his voice was transmitted to the demiplane: "It's useless, your enemy is the entire world! No matter how strong your attack is, it can directly destroy the time and space you stand on. Is it? My undead army will be resurrected again and again, and eventually tear you into pieces."

Cheng Ying was also thinking about the Seven Killing Swords. The feeling he had just received told him that the boundary of this space was extremely solid and almost impossible to destroy.

Space is space, and it cannot be broken by increasing the strength. The two are not in the same system. The so-called using force to defeat cleverness, one force reduces ten benefits, is pure brain twitching. The microwave oven at home is broken, you give it a force With ten benefits, it can be repaired with just one stick? Not everyone can use the fighting nation repair technique. The most likely outcome is that the old father in the family will draw out the seven wolves...

"It seems that this world barrier cannot be destroyed by energy, but the undead can be resurrected again and again, I'm afraid that's not necessarily the case!" Cheng Ying took the Ice Emperor's hand, and their shields were like bubbles touching each other, The bubbles merged together and turned into a bigger bubble.

"Come closer, the attack will be quite violent in a while. The surface area of ​​the shield must be reduced a little." Cheng Ying pulled the Ice Emperor into his arms, and the size of the shield also continued to shrink, until it reached Cheng Ying's height. Have to sit down and curl up your legs.

Ice Emperor could easily shrink into Cheng Ying's arms at first, but as the shield shrunk, he could only lie on Cheng Ying's chest and ride on Cheng Ying's waist with his legs like a duck, his body... ahem, posture Extremely ambiguous.

"You did it on purpose!" Ice Emperor said angrily.

"How is that possible? This is just to withstand the attack for a while! The conditions are a bit crude, so we can only make do with it! Look, there is still a little gap between the two of us! It will definitely save more space to become a negative distance! "Cheng Ying shamelessly suggested.

"Stupid... stupid! Still on someone else's home court! What are you thinking!" Ice Emperor's face turned red.

It seemed like it was about to boil. A genius can remember 噺バ一中文m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/ in one second

"Eh? I'm talking about turning on the space expansion function. You're blushing like a bubble teapot!"

"Idiot! Shut up! That's too bad!"

Electrolux would never have guessed that two people who thought they were already in trouble would still be flirting with each other, and he had no idea what Cheng Ying was planning to do.

In the demiplane, after arranging the lower layers of shields, Cheng Ying also controlled the Seven Killing Sword, unleashing the maximum power he could release.

What is more artistic than nuclear explosions is billions of nuclear explosions!

Devastating explosions continued throughout the demiplane. Almost all matter was evaporated into gaseous state in the explosion. The undead army had no chance to survive and was evaporated as soon as it appeared. As the Seven Kills Sword continues to release attacks, the temperature of the outside space is getting higher and higher.

With the continuous injection of energy, the thermal motion of molecules becomes stronger and stronger, and eventually becomes more and more chaotic. Just like ink in water, it will spread little by little throughout the whole glass of water. Every atom in this small world is With such movement, the matter that was originally scattered anywhere in the space now becomes evenly dispersed in the space.

Although this is not yet heat death, it is absolutely impossible for the undead to exist. All atoms are evenly mixed together, and the entropy increase has reached a very terrifying level. It is impossible to provide enough low-entropy matter for the undead to resurrect.

Even if the space cannot be destroyed, this demiplane is already ruined. It is impossible to produce any low-entropy bodies anymore. Everything has been transformed into chaotic atoms by energy.

Of course, it may not be completely useless. If the space door is opened, a torrent of high-temperature and high-pressure matter will probably be ejected, and the lethality should be pretty good.

Cheng Ying reopened the shield with a satisfied expression. In the near-heat-death environment, no one could observe what happened inside the shield. Only the tooth marks on his neck seemed to record everything that had just happened.

"It seems that it is impossible to break through this place with pure strength. Thinking about it, the space barrier cannot be destroyed by strength. However, although violence cannot solve the problem, it can solve the person who caused the problem."

Cheng Ying grabbed the Ice Emperor, who looked ashamed and angry and wanted to die with him, and left this half of the plane with a teleportation.

"Teacher! Have we defeated those two guys?" Xiao Ling asked anxiously.

"I don't know. I can no longer check the situation in the demiplane. It is full of violent energy. They are probably dead. No one can survive in such a harsh environment. It is pure chaos that can swallow everything. .”

Electrolux sighed. Such a powerful existence has exceeded his guess about God. Maybe even God is not so strong. He directly completely abandoned his largest half plane. He didn't even dare to open it at will. The space gate, otherwise the material mixed inside, which is a hundred times hotter than magma, would swallow up everything around the space gate in an instant.

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