Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 909 Contained objects are not objects

"Finally killed...?" Xiao Ling also saw the chaos in the demiplane. In that chaotic environment of high temperature and pressure, it was like before the creation of the world. Almost nothing could survive in such a world.

The shadow that once hung over the mysterious organization, the tyrant who once oppressed the soul master supremacists and was unable to stand up, was killed like this, which made him feel unreal.

But what followed was a burst of powerlessness. Even if Chengying was dead and Tulip was gone, the soul master could not continue to be supreme. First release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

Various training systems and various technological equipment have spread all over the continent, and soul masters have almost no advantage. Under such circumstances, how can it be possible to achieve the supremacy of soul masters again!

Killing Duke Tulip is just completing the revenge of the mysterious organization. There is no need for the mysterious organization to exist anymore.

Just when Xiao Ling was thinking about losing his life, two figures suddenly appeared in front of him. Xiao Ling looked at the two people and couldn't help but rub his eyes. He suspected that he was hallucinating. How did he see the two people in front of him? They were both Chengying and Ice Emperor who had just died.

"Is it an illusion? Even my subconscious wants to establish a reason for me to continue the mysterious organization?" A strange thought came to Xiao Ling's mind.

"It's not a hallucination! Your nightmare has really come back! There's nothing false about it." Cheng Ying showed a ferocious smile, which could stop a child from crying at night.

"Do you feel the despair of being run over by the wheel of history? You don't have to fight anymore for the tears of these times! Because the group of soul masters has long been integrated with other people!" Cheng Ying carried Qi Qi with nearly unlimited energy. Killing Sword, approaching Xiao Ling step by step, like a big villain.

" could you still be alive? Haven't you fallen into chaos?" Xiao Ling retreated subconsciously.

"None of this is important. The important thing is, how did you build the demiplane? The technology required here cannot be achieved by one person!

You may not know what the containment object is, but I think Electrolux should know what I want. "Chengying did not continue to attack. In the demiplane, the gap between the two sides was too big, and there was no point in fighting at all.

"You devil, do you think I will tell you anything?" Electrolux just said this and stopped talking.

"There's no point in not talking. Don't put on that expression of despair. I won't torture you. Tulip has long lost the bad habit of torture to extract confessions.

That is too inefficient. We just want to know the truth, so why torture those who know the truth? Wouldn't it be more effective to directly read the other party's memory?

However, after the total ban on torture to extract confessions, the sales of torture instruments and torture equipment have increased. If you have needs, I can also satisfy you. After all, the xp of intelligent creatures is unlimited, and I will not discriminate against you. "

Electrolux: "???"

He understood every word Cheng Ying said, but when they were put together, he had no idea what they meant. But the next moment, he lost consciousness.

Within the scope of the earth and moon system, everyone was enveloped by Cheng Ying's mental power. Electrolux fainted before he could even think of resisting.

As for how the spirit body becomes comatose, this is an academic question. Among the scientific research departments, the most unreliable one is the neurosurgery department, which has the most experience in this matter.

Cheng Ying didn't have much time, so he took the two of them directly to the moon base.

Conduct more in-depth research.

Memory reading is not a particularly high-end technology, but it requires a brain. For the brainless Electrolux, reading memory is quite troublesome. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Computer version: www. @x81zw@@

Especially since he doesn't even have a body, and there's no place to attach the electrodes attached to his brain.

Fortunately, not having a body is not a big problem. Reshaping a body is enough. The memory is actually in two copies, one is stored in the soul and the other is stored in the brain. The brain of the new body is empty, but the memory will be automatically backed up and entered into the brain, and then the brain will be read. It's much easier to take.

Unlike mind reading, where only vague images are enough, reading memories requires more precise control with Tulip's current technological capabilities, and is best read on the brain.

After all, the soul is too fragile. Using a knife on the soul is basically equivalent to welding a detonator to a light bulb. If it fails, the soul will be scattered. Even if you fail to read the body's memory, you can still create a new body and start over. Sooner or later, you can try it out. of.

The reading process seemed a bit curious. In order to facilitate the installation of sensors on the brain, Electrolux's body had no braincase, and the pink and white brain was exposed to the air. For some reason, Chengying remembered a device he had seen before traveling through time. He felt that the only function of the brain-shaped flying x-cup was to leave a psychological shadow on the user.

But the scene in front of me was even more curious. There were electrodes inserted into the brain exposed to the air, and they were poked like a hedgehog. If they were inserted a little crookedly, they might suffer from cerebral palsy in the future.

However, it turns out that the invasive brain-computer interface is still more useful than the ordinary type, and relatively easy memories can be read out and stored in the form of videos.

Memory is in the form of video because of the limitations of human sensory organs. Compared with vision and hearing, smell, taste and touch account for a much smaller proportion in human perception. This is why movies have images first and then sound. , and finally there will be all kinds of messy functions. If you can't watch or listen to movies, you can only smell and touch them...

That...maybe it's a completely different kind of exercise, the same one when you turn off the lights.

During the detection process, the AI ​​roughly restored Electrolux's memory and extracted the parts that were useful to Cheng Ying. Six thousand years of memory is too long. Day lilies would be cold after watching them all, and they would have to be memorized the next day. Erase and continue to participate in the competition.

"We found a useful memory. We seem to have guessed wrong. It seems that there is no actual containment object." After briefly browsing Electrolux's memory, Cheng Ying roughly knew what was going on!

"It's true that we are narrow-minded, and we didn't say that the contained object must be something." The Ice Emperor couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Contained objects do not necessarily have to be objects. They may just be a sentence or a piece of information. For example, the repeater phenomenon in the water group belongs to a memetic contained object. This kind of contained object is also the most difficult to contain and must be strictly restricted. Its number of people cannot make people completely unaware of its existence.

The contained object on Electrolux is probably of this type.

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