Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 910 Indescribable

Contained objects are not necessarily objects, they may also be memetic existences, and this kind of existence is often more troublesome. It may directly affect the human mind and even cause mutations at the physical level.

Electrolux has come into contact with this kind of troublesome existence. Electrolux once said that in his early years, he obtained an ancient secret book called Turtle Shell Technique, which gave him the power to control fate. Even a god is just a cog in the web of fate. A speck of dust.

In Cheng Ying's view, the indescribable knowledge recorded on it is the containment object itself. The so-called control of destiny is just an illusion of its ability. The essence of its ability is still the law that affects the universe.

The price of controlling one's destiny is actually a side effect of the containment, the result of the mind being corroded by indescribable knowledge.

"The content of the Turtle Shell Technique has been blocked and recorded. Now it seems that the AI ​​will not be affected. It should be that their intelligence has not yet reached the standard of biological beings.

So below? What needs to be done is to test it. You must first know its side effects before you can consider whether to use it, right! Roddy, please help edit the memories of these two guys. Be honest and don’t edit some messy things. They have to be sent back to participate in the competition tomorrow! "

Rody, who was helping the game development department with the internal testing of galgame, immediately responded to the message and said it was a minor problem and could be easily solved.

The next day, Xiao Ling was banned for life for deliberately exposing his genitals during the game.

"Is this the little problem you're talking about?" Cheng Ying raised his head. He shouldn't have believed in neurosurgery that could treat neurosis into psychosis. What kind of strange memory did Roddy edit for him? How could a normal person become so perverted? Woolen cloth?

"Ah! I'm reviewing a brand new galgame, so I injected the memory of the male protagonist into him." Roddy looked like he was about to praise me.

"Gan! The person who designed this game is also a pervert!"

Cheng Ying hurriedly stayed away from the pervert. He was about to test the mental contamination of the Turtle Shell Technique. At this time, being infected by the pervert would affect his judgment.

The test process is divided into three steps. The first step is to let uninformed volunteers and informed persons read the Turtle Shell Art, and observe the difference between the two, the degree of mental pollution received, and the degree of pollution. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Mobile version: https:/

Because volunteers are used, it will be stopped as soon as mental contamination occurs.

The second stage will not use volunteers, but will directly use death row prisoners, that is, D-class personnel. They will also be divided into two groups: those who are in love and those who are unaware. In addition, there will be a one-time reading end with segmentation

There are many experimental details in the subdivision. For example, in addition to the control group, the turtle shell technique of reading and rewriting some characters and the turtle shell technique of changing the original meaning will be set up to observe whether they will be mentally polluted, as well as the degree and details of the mental pollution.

The third stage is to let the subjects who have read the Turtle Shell Technique use the spells recorded in the Turtle Shell Technique, and observe the degree of mental pollution they have suffered, and the connection between the mental pollution process and the use of spells. Of course, the ability to observe spells is different for different people. The effect when used is also necessary, and the most important thing is to use the spell to bypass the mental pollution part.

The design of the experiment was designed by Cheng Ying and a group of leading scientific research figures in the new era. They strived to be rigorous and try their best to analyze all the characteristics of these indescribable knowledge.

The experiment first started on volunteers. Compared with D-class personnel, volunteers were more active and more willing to actively cooperate with the test.

“The volunteers in Group A showed signs of mental pollution.

"Following the report, Cheng Ying also quickly checked the sentences recompiled and output by the AI. In order to prevent mental pollution from spreading through conversation, everything the volunteers said will be understood by the AI ​​and translated into another language and output, which is the so-called Machine flip.

Of course, it is impossible to be as stupid as using Google to translate twenty times. Since AI is not considered a living thing, translation by AI is the safest choice.

"I began to have the urge to continue reading. Even if I was not interested in the content, I still couldn't help but want to continue.

This feeling began to appear after I read the third section of Chapter 2, but it was not until Chapter 4 that I realized this. I began to see some strange phenomena. I saw spiders appearing in the corner. This was strange. Yes, there should be no spiders in the laboratory. Spiders are one of the creatures I fear most, but I don’t feel fear when I see them. A genius can remember 噺バ一中文m.x/8/1/z/w.c/o/m/ in one second

I feel like I can no longer resist the urge to continue reading. The abnormalities in my vision make me happy, and I begin to like writing knowledge. "

"Stop the experiment in Group A immediately, isolate the volunteers for observation, and observe whether the mental pollution will subside or even recover. What is the situation in Group B?" Cheng Ying asked AI.

"Group B is in stable condition and has no obvious signs of contamination without knowing it, but it cannot be ruled out that the reading progress is not enough."

"Observe the volunteers in Group B closely. If any abnormality occurs, terminate the experiment immediately!" Cheng Ying gave the order and continued to observe. When Group B read the fifth chapter, the volunteers clearly expressed their desire to read the follow-up as soon as possible. Cheng Ying The experiment was ordered to stop immediately and the two volunteers were quarantined and observed.

At the same time, the second phase of the experiment began. The first phase of the experiment has proven that reading turtle shells without knowing it can significantly reduce the process of mental pollution.

The subsequent control group will be more inclined to uninformed experiments.

The first set of experiments in the second phase involved eleven D-level personnel, ranging from ordinary people with no soul power at all, from one to nine levels, and demigods equivalent to the strength of a second-level god.

At the same time, I read without knowing it. The mental power of the experimenters was in a normal state. In another group, there were experiments with the same soul power cultivation but different mental power intensities.

In the mental power experiment, there is a significant difference in the degree of mental pollution among D-class personnel with the same soul power. Those with stronger mental power are significantly less polluted, but this does not prove that strong mental power can resist Mental pollution.

In the experimental group of eleven people, the degree of contamination increases with the level of cultivation and approaches a normal distribution. Ordinary people with no soul power are almost unaffected. As the level of cultivation increases, the degree of pollution will also increase. As the cultivation level reaches the soul emperor, this influence reaches its peak. As the cultivation level continues to increase, the degree of influence begins to decline significantly. When reaching the demigod level, the influence is almost equivalent to that of a second-level soul master.

However, it is not difficult to see from the results of the previous experiment that the factor that affects mental pollution is mental power. This can be proven by doing a set of controlled experiments with the same mental power but different soul power.

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