Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 911 Control Variable Method

Experiments conducted by D-class personnel do not need to consider the safety of the experimenters too much. After all, logically speaking, these are people who have been executed. From a social perspective, they are all dead.

After recording the normal distribution curve of mental pollution under different mental strength, Cheng Ying selected two D-class personnel with demigod strength.

In Tulip, which is close to the strength of a demigod in all aspects, criminals do not have the strength of a demigod and do not even have the capital to commit crimes, let alone death row prisoners. There are many people on death row who can reach the strength of the main god.

Those who have reached the ninth level have all found ways to weaken the cultivation of D-level personnel. In comparison, it is easier to find the strength of demigods.

In addition, this is a D-class personnel who is close to the average cultivation level of Tulip residents. Naturally, a controlled experiment must be conducted with D-class personnel of this cultivation level, starting with the D-class personnel as the control group.

Normal reading, without knowing, reading the original turtle shell technique, using vision

This is followed by the rest being the same as the control group, but the disconnection is done in stages

The mental pollution suffered by this group was significantly reduced. They had almost finished reading three-quarters of the content before obvious visual hallucinations appeared. The experimental results showed that the longer the interval, the lower the mental pollution they received. Those who read it all at once The shorter the content, the lower the mental pollution. If the content of the Turtle Shell Technique is broken down into phrases and one word is read every hour, mental pollution will not be triggered at all. Of course, such an experimenter will hardly be able to understand the Turtle Shell Technique. Content.

The second attempt was to let AI translate the Turtle Shell Technique, retaining the original meaning, and translating it into another language. The reader was also mentally contaminated, and it was almost the same as before the translation. This proved that the contained object was not text, but knowledge. In itself, the process of understanding knowledge will cause mental pollution, but this pollution is not permanent and will weaken over time.

It's just that individuals who are mentally contaminated will have an uncontrollable desire to continue to learn about the turtle shell technique. This desire will continue to increase as time goes by, just like a withdrawal reaction, and will not decrease until it reaches a peak.

Therefore, it is very difficult to complete staged reading by one's own will. In the experiment, D-class personnel had severe withdrawal reactions after stopping reading, begging, insulting, and even attacking the experimenters, trying to get the permission to continue reading. Power, and in extreme cases self-harm, is extremely dangerous.

Although it has been basically determined that the essence of the contained object is a kind of knowledge, Chengying still conducted the next experiment, reading through hearing. The result is basically the same as reading through vision. It will still be mentally contaminated, and the degree of pollution is still Almost the same as the control group.

"Can we be sure that the spread of mental pollution comes from understanding?" Cheng Ying asked AI. Compared with humans, AI can often make more calm and rational analysis. After all, humans cannot remain rational forever.

"I understand, let's carry out the third phase of the experiment! It's really the most troublesome situation! If the turtle shell technique requires an understanding of its content, then this containment object can only be contained and can hardly be used." Cheng Ying frowned Lock it up, if mental pollution is just pure pollution, it would be fine, but it would be most troublesome if the source of this pollution is conscious.

The third phase of the experiment was carried out, in which D-class personnel with the same degree of contamination used the Turtle Shell Technique. These were D-class personnel who used the interval reading method to read all the Turtle Shell Technique without losing their minds.

If Electrolux knew what was going on here, he would probably pop his eyes out.

He almost narrowly escaped death when he read the Turtle Shell Technique, and that was because he was gifted with extremely strong mental power. Even so, he almost fell into madness.

However, Tulip's D-class personnel can actually read the Turtle Shell Technique almost stably, which sounds like a fantasy.

"The results of the experiment are out. This is the degree of mental contamination caused by various spells during the use of the Turtle Shell Technique. The following table shows the recovery speed after mental contamination. There is a special node here. Once this node is crossed, The mental pollution suffered is irreversible. You can read the description of comprehensive mental pollution and try not to look directly at the process, otherwise you may be infected."

The AI ​​sent a piece of text without an image description. Apparently experiments have proven that related images have the ability to infect mental pollution.

"The D-level personnel applied for a comprehensive pollution test because they crossed the critical point of pollution. The application was passed and the test started.

The D-Class individual has a strong ability to continue to use contaminating spells, and is more inclined to use more contaminating spells. Mild brain damage to the D-Class individual is detected.

The level of contamination of D-class personnel has deepened, their sanity has decreased, their ability to respond to language has dropped significantly, they have lost all language expression skills, and their behavior has shown a tendency to be crazy and aggressive. They will attack living creatures that are close to them, but they will not attack the pollution. By.

The sanity of D-level personnel has dropped to its lowest point, and they have almost completely lost their intelligence. Their response to all external stimuli is offense. The power of pollution spells has greatly increased, and the distortion of physical laws can be clearly detected. D-level personnel have tried to use Creation many times. Spells, but were blocked by autonomous machinery.

The D-class personnel's sanity began to recover, but physical mutations began to occur. Scales grew on the body surface, and they used the fallen scales to cut their tongues and bifurcate them. The bifurcated tongues healed quickly, but the healing Later forks are preserved.

The head of the D-class personnel mutated, the facial features degenerated and became similar to a snake head, and sarcomas swelled on the shoulders and back. The sarcomas gradually broke into new heads, and the number increased to nine. In the process, the sanity of the D-class personnel was destroyed. He began to recover, no longer violently attacking randomly, and his speech ability returned, but in a language that no one could understand. First published www.(x81zw) m./x81zw/

First release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

This language is highly polluting, and its pollution is even greater than that of Turtle Shell Technique itself. People who hear this language will be completely unable to understand it at first, but as the contact increases, the language will be understood, and with understanding It must go deep enough to produce contamination, causing the body of the polluter to undergo the same mutation as the above-mentioned D-class personnel.

It is deduced that when the polluter can fully understand this language, the pollution will end and the infected person will completely transform into another creature. It is inferred that this species has high intelligence, but cannot communicate. It has a relatively gentle temperament and does not actively attack. However, it has powerful attack capabilities and has the ability to penetrate some types of shields. "

When Cheng Ying saw this, he realized that this might be the worst case scenario. The nine-headed lizard man looked like something belonging to an ancient god.

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