Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 912 Optogenetics

The turtle shell technique is suspected to be a relic of the ancient gods. It is undoubtedly one of the worst situations. Compared with a natural phenomenon, a contained object with fixed characteristics, a self-aware and indescribable existence, is more difficult to understand and understand. If you have too much control, the best way is to seal it to prevent more people from seeing it.

It's just that this obviously treats the symptoms but not the root cause. The turtle shell technique may only be a small part of the power given to the dependents by the ancient gods. Even if Chengying blocks its spread, it will not be of much significance.

"Prepare to destroy! Everyone who has looked directly at the content of the Turtle Shell Technique will undergo a B-level memory wipe, execute the contaminated D-level personnel, execute the nine-headed lizard man, strengthen the isolation time of volunteers, and activate character resurrection when necessary Program." First published at www.(x81zw) m./x81zw/

The so-called character resurrection is a kind of social deception based on humanitarianism, targeting volunteers who may be permanently isolated. The volunteer agreement clearly stipulates that the state must fully protect the life safety and personal freedom of volunteers, even if Something went wrong in the experiment, and permanent isolation, similar to a life sentence, is not allowed.

Therefore, there is a character resurrection plan. The principle is also very simple, which is to clone a clone that is exactly the same as the one in this question, and allow this clone to be remotely controlled by this question.

Later, false memories were implanted into the main body through illusion, making him mistakenly think that he had ended the isolation. In fact, the test spirit was immersed in the virtual world, and the clones were controlled in subtle ways. From the perspective of his supervisor, he was different from the one being cloned. Letting it out makes no difference. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Mobile version: https:/

For his relatives, friends and beings with whom he has social relations, he will not be able to tell the difference between clones and the original body. There is no doubt that this is a kind of hypocrisy, but the most hypocritical hypocrisy is better than evil, because at least If the mainstream of society is kind, hypocrisy will be born.

In order to avoid the spread of mental pollution, the quarantined volunteer can only indirectly control the body. AI will detect his words and deeds and block content related to mental pollution, thus achieving the blockade of mental pollution.

Although this approach is not foolproof. But there is no doubt that security has improved a lot. There are no foolproof protection measures in this world.

"Wait a minute, I think there may be another way we can try. It doesn't say that you have to be a human to use this ability. We are not human! Electrolux is simply a ghost." The Ice Emperor The sudden opening prevented Cheng Ying from destroying the original turtle shell technique.

"What you said makes sense, so what do you think? I suspect that even a pig will become a dependent of that indescribable existence after excessive use of the power of the turtle shell technique, and it is not possible for a pig to understand its content. An easy thing.”

"In fact, it's not that difficult! We can even create a kind of creature! If we don't consider whether it is artificial or not, we can even create clones and use their brains as tools to exert this power.

Of course this is a bit too crazy. But we can still try to create a creature with high intelligence but no sanity. Let them understand the content of Turtle Shell Technique and conduct real-time detection of their pollution levels. Destroy directly after the pollution reaches the critical point. "

"It sounds feasible, but I always feel like it's playing with fire. Why do I feel that all the organizations in the novel that dared to study this kind of indescribable power have been thrown into the street? Use the power that you don't understand yet. Isn't that right? A little inappropriate?" Cheng Ying was a little worried.

"When humans first used flames, did they understand what flames were? Before they used flames for the first time.

Fire is also an indescribable danger to humans. But if no one tries. Aren’t humans today still consuming their hair and drinking their blood? "

Cheng Ying scratched his nose: "I was educated by you, but you can definitely try it, just pay attention to safety. Knowing a creature that has intelligence but no sanity is actually not that difficult.

Cut off the thinking modules of the brain. A similar effect can be achieved, but it is quite troublesome for no living creature to learn the Turtle Shell Technique. You can try typing the contents of the book directly into the brain of this creature.

technology in this area. It should have been around decades ago, hell, it was developed by those crazy people in neurosurgery. "The technology Cheng Ying mentioned has actually been implemented on Earth, and it's called optical genetics.

The so-called optical inheritance has nothing to do with Eorzea and the M78 Nebula...

This technology also starts with frog legs. After humans discovered that electrifying frog legs can make dead frog legs twitch out, they realized that they could use electricity to stimulate the nervous system to affect the electrical signals between nerve cells, thereby affecting the electrical signals between nerve cells. To achieve the purpose of controlling biological behavior.

It's just that electric current stimulates a large area of ​​brain nerves and can roughly control the behavior and emotions of living things. This is still a long way from controlling the behavior and even thoughts of living things.

Optogenetics also replaces electricity with light. Scientists extracted a light-sensitive protein from algae, which can directly change the potential difference on the surface of nerve cells to form impulses.

By transplanting this protein into the brain cells of an organism, its actions can be controlled through light stimulation. However, light is not necessarily more accurate than electrical stimulation, in order to ensure more precise control of biological actions. Scientists use genetic techniques to make these proteins appear only on specific brain cells. This allows precise stimulation of light.

From the perspective of purpose, this is undoubtedly opportunistic. Even after the technology is realized, it will not be able to control individuals after adulthood, which greatly reduces the application prospects of this technology. The difficulty of implementing this technology.

What Chengying wants is to control a newly created creature without rewriting the brain of an adult individual. This technology, which is already quite mature and low-cost, is undoubtedly the most suitable to use here.

Cheng Ying thought about the difficulty of other techniques, nodded and said: "There are no problems with other techniques. It's just that it's not clear whether the turtle shell technique can recognize this opportunistic method.

We have already determined this before. Mental pollution and indescribable power all originate from knowledge itself. In this case, whether the cognition and understanding that is forcibly poured into a non-sapient individual can be regarded as having learned this kind of knowledge, it becomes whether we can use this kind of knowledge. The key to strength. "

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