Chengying is very looking forward to the application of this technology. Creating the world, and creating physical laws that suit one's own needs, has an unparalleled attraction for any scientific researcher.

On the one hand, the created world has an ideal environment. Many experiments that cannot be carried out in the normal world can be carried out in such a special world.

There was once a joke to satirize the oversimplified conditions in scientific research. It was said that a farmer raised chickens, but his chickens were infertile. So he asked a physicist to help. The physicist did some calculations and said: I already have a solution, but it only works for a spherical chicken in a vacuum.

Although this is an ironic joke, from another perspective it is undoubtedly saying that after simplifying a large number of conditions, physical experiments will become very easy.

In an open God-mode space, a spherical chicken in a vacuum is not impossible to exist. This will undoubtedly greatly facilitate scientific research and verify whether the data calculated by scientists is consistent with reality. .

As long as the universe model is constructed. Created through the creation ability, and then tested in it to detect the gap between it and the real world. Just a little bit. Detect fallacies in models of the universe and make it easier to find ways to improve them.

There is no doubt that this will be a brand new technology that will change the scientific research world, and it is not impossible to take a little risk for this technology.

Creating an entirely new creature sounds like an intrusion into the power of the realm of the gods. In fact, it is not as difficult as imagined. Chengying does not need to create a brand new creature base by base. It is just uncomfortable.

Even the shortest known genome on Earth, the cyclist Naarchaea, has a full 490,885 base pairs. The genomes of vertebrates are countless times more complex.

Cheng Ying only needs to deduct what he needs from the ready-made biological genes, just like writing a graduation thesis, choose the good ones and follow them, and change the bad ones... This doesn't seem to be how it is used... …

The genes for synthesizing this kind of creature mainly come from humans. After all, the brain is very large in nature. This brand-new creature does not need other physiological functions, it only needs a brain.

Naturally there is a need for humans with developed brains. In addition, this creature needs well-developed information-receiving organs. So he needs the developed optic nerve of a squid. As long as it is paired with the myelin sheath of vertebrates, the efficiency of nerve signal transmission can be increased a hundred times.

In addition to visual information, the receiving organ also needs auditory information. Therefore, there are still some bat genes in the genome. This creature can use echolocation to identify obstacles in dark environments. Possessing keen hearing allows the user to issue commands to this brand new creature.

As Cheng Ying worked hard, he felt that this thing was getting more and more powerful. It had the wings of a bat and the tentacles of an octopus... It wasn't too exciting at all, but the style of the painting did go well with the mental pollution turtle shell technique.

"The test product is almost ready, let's try to synthesize it! I have no expectations for the appearance of this creature." With that said, Cheng Ying pressed the synthesis button.

The gene begins to be transcribed, cells are synthesized, and finally transformed into an embryo, which grows into an adult biological individual in a very short period of time. Because this is a creature without consciousness, after adulthood, it only squirms instinctively.

As for the appearance of this thing, it probably looks like a small Cthulhu, with bat wings and octopus tentacles, and a large number of irregularly divided eyes on the tentacles. If it were not only the size of a palm,

It can make people's scalp tingle just by its appearance. Even if it is extremely small in size, this thing is big enough to pollute the mind. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Computer version: www. @x81zw@@

"I don't understand why this little thing has a prototype saw-toothed mouth underneath. This thing doesn't even have a digestive system. What's the point of designing such a mouth?" Ice Emperor couldn't help complaining.

"Ah... that is not actually a mouth, nor is it used for eating. It just looks like a mouth. In fact, it is a pollution level monitor. When the pollution level reaches a critical value, the teeth in the mouth will proliferate, and the It is crushed from the inside to achieve the purpose of destruction." Cheng Ying explained.

"I always feel that you designed him into this shape on purpose." Ice Emperor rolled his eyes.

"Ah! You discovered it! There is nothing wrong with Chang De Ke at all. At least it can always remind us that this thing is not safe, so that we will not relax our vigilance against them." After Cheng Ying finished speaking, he pinched Little Cthulhu got the tentacles, and then the little thing projected a spiritual light screen, which was the operation interface of the turtle shell technique.

The service life of this thing is limited. After being used for a period of time, the mental pollution will be transferred from the spiritual level to the material level. Even if this little thing does not have sanity, it will be born with sanity after the mental pollution reaches a certain level. If not as soon as possible Destroying it would be quite dangerous.

Cheng Ying performed some manipulations on the interface, and a space door suddenly opened in front of him: "It's done! Inside is the creation space, but the pollution that small things can withstand is limited. We can only create a small one with a length, width and height of no more than one kilometer. world."

"Speaking of how to create the world?" Ice Emperor jumped into the space door out of curiosity and found that it was dark and empty inside. She was suspended inside: "Is it like this? I said there must be light!" ⒏⑴Full text is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

Snapped! The small world, which was one kilometer long, wide and high, was instantly filled with light. All six sides were shining, almost blinding the two of them.

"Stop, stop, stop! Creation is not something you do randomly. There must be a set of logical and self-consistent rules. Don't look at the world created by Electrolux, which is full of loopholes. It also took a lot of experience to create it.

Leave this aspect to me! When it comes to creative models, I am quite experienced. "

Chengying quickly turned off the light created by Ice Emperor. The instructions they could input through indirect methods were limited, so they tried to keep the instructions as simple as possible.

It is not easy to create a world that is too complex and logically self-consistent, but a simple world is very easy for Chengying. First, divide the world into one-meter-square units, and then start designing the soil in this unit. , water, rocks, iron ore, coal mines, trees, grass...

That's right, Cheng Ying is copying Minecraft. The game has been tested by countless players and is already quite perfect in terms of logic. Here, he wants to create a world full of blocks.

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