Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 914: A world with different painting styles

The Ice Emperor watched in surprise. The whole world became grotesque under the influence of Mai Chengying, and everything here became square. The colors on the square objects also become as mottled as camouflage uniforms. It looks like large pixels.

The land is like a stack of blocks. There is a small layer of green on the top layer of blocks, which seems to be lawn.

The world looked so strange that Hyokui tried to touch these objects. It feels smooth to the touch. But the feel is not much different from real soil. It just won't stick to your hands.

Hyokui tried to grab a piece of dirt. But she couldn't catch it, the ground seemed very hard. It feels earthy to the touch, but like rock. The full text of the full text is the fastest んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

Ice Emperor subconsciously used more strength. This time the land was in front of her. It disappeared all of a sudden, making a sandy sound similar to shoveling.

The Ice Emperor looked around curiously to find where the missing piece of soil had gone: "The world you created is also full of bugs? I just touched the piece of soil and it was gone."

"It's not that it disappeared. Look carefully at the ground in front of you. These are just the rules of this world. They are all operating in compliance with the mission rules." Cheng Ying reminded.

Hyokui was stunned for a moment, and then he took a closer look at the place in front of him where the vomit was about to disappear, and then he noticed it. One has appeared in the empty space just now. A smaller cube. Also boxy. But the side length seems to be less than 1/4 of the original land mass.

And this time the small clod of soil was suspended in mid-air. Still spinning slowly little by little. It looks very strange. The Ice Emperor stretched out his hand, wanting to touch the suspended small square.

Unexpectedly, as soon as her palm touched the square, the rotating square suddenly disappeared: "Ah! Where did it go?" With the experience just now. She no longer thought it was a bug in the world, but began to look for where the missing little square had gone.

"Pay attention to the bottom of your field of vision!" Cheng Ying reminded.

Ordinary people's field of vision is generally concentrated directly in front of the pupil focus, and their attention is actually only concentrated on a small area. If something appears at the edge of your field of vision, you may not notice it at first.

After Cheng Ying reminded him, Ice Emperor noticed that there was an extra line of inventory at the bottom of his character. At this time, the clod of soil was appearing in the inventory. The quantity in the lower right corner of the inventory is 1. It seems that he only owns one piece of soil.

Seeing this, she understood a little bit how the world should be played. She still knows about the inventory. After the establishment of the Internet, many games have this concept.

Especially those immersive neural connection games. It will also directly control the items with the player's thoughts, so to control the items that appear at the bottom of the field of vision, you only need to move your thoughts. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Computer version: www. @x81zw@@

As soon as her thoughts came to her, a clod of soil appeared in his hand. The clod felt to her as if it had no mass, and it stuck to her palm. When she waved her palm, the clod would also wave with it. It feels like a projection.

She thought for a moment and decided to put the clod back on the ground. So she randomly found an open space and thought about putting down the clod of soil. Sure enough, the soil in her hand quickly appeared where she imagined it would be.

And it has returned to its normal size from the reduced version in his hand just now. In the position he just imagined. Fills a 1m x 1m square.

"Eh? It's a very interesting setting! In this case,

Can I change the terrain here at will, and the land I touch will not disappear? Is this conservation of mass? "The Ice Emperor said excitedly.

"Well... not entirely. After some things are removed, they cannot be changed back. I am also considering the issue of compatibility between the two worlds. But it seems that this problem does not need to be solved by me. The laws of the universe between different worlds They seem to find ways to fit in with each other.

Normally, if an ordinary person in this world wants to pull off a piece of soil, they need to use their hands to roll it on a piece of soil many times, but your strength is too great, so you only touch it lightly. The soil turned into small clods. "

While he was talking, Cheng Ying had already come to a tree. As the saying goes, if you want to be rich, you must first lift the tree...MC players always start by lifting the tree.

Cheng Ying pulled out a few pieces of wood and soon pulled out a tool table. The boxy tool table looks like an ordinary piece of wood that has changed color. But Cheng Ying was able to take out crude pickaxes and axes from it, which seemed very unscientific.

After he took out these tools, he started to use these tools to pull the tree. However, after taking these tools, his speed of pulling the tree became slower. I am not as fast as him, because he has to worry about not doing it. If the ax is broken, the ax will have durability in a normal game.

If Cheng Ying used his actual strength to swing the axe, the fragile wooden ax would break after just a few swings. Even if it was upgraded to a diamond axe, it would not be able to withstand such a powerful force and would break after just a few uses. break.

"The weapons in this world are very average in strength, at least compared to what we can make now, they are very average. So there is no need to think about what equipment is expected to be produced here. I created this world just to try to create a world." The effect of the spell.

Now it seems to be quite useful, the first little thing has not been completely mentally contaminated. It has successfully constructed the first logically self-consistent world.

But this is also related to the simple logic of the world in front of me, I noticed. Every time a build goes awry, the level of mental contamination deepens. If you always make mistakes and conflict with the rules. I'm afraid it would take a very long time to construct such a demiplane. No wonder it took that old man Electrolux more than six thousand years to come up with so many. Based on his cultural level. I can already burn high incense before I go crazy. "

Cheng Ying also created the world for the first time, and after it was over, he carefully summarized his experience. Although it is only a small world with a length, width and height of one thousand meters, these experiences are not something he can accumulate with the current level of technology.

"Speaking of the painting style of the world you created. It's a bit different from the outside. In theory, the materials in the two worlds should be interchangeable. So what do you think we can do if we bring the cube-shaped pigs here to reality? If the world goes to hell, can it still survive?" Ice Emperor asked a question that stunned Cheng Ying.

As the saying goes, practice is the only criterion for testing truth. After the two people raised this question, they all stared at the pink square pig with malicious intent.

[To be continued]

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