Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 915 4 grids of unlimited water

The pink cube pig senses danger. The red eyes of the two people made him immediately choose to run away, but how could he run away at such a slow speed?

Cheng Ying stretched out his hand and caught it, and with a pop, the pink square pig turned into a square pork chop.

"Uh... I didn't control my strength well. The pigs in this world are designed to be beaten to death by hand. They are much more fragile than I thought. I have to start over." Cheng Ying was a little embarrassed.

This time he didn't grab it with his upper hand. If he didn't control it well, his strength would be like a pork chop again. This time he relied on controlling gravity. A pig was caught out of thin air.

The Cube Pig was suspended in front of him, still screaming in fear. This time, the force was controlled well, and it did not turn into a pork chop directly.

The two people looked at each other, held up the square pig and walked towards the space door. No matter how you look at it, this kind of square creature doesn't look like a creature that can appear in reality. What happens if they go outside the confines of the class?

Both of them were very curious about this, so they both stared at the cube pig suspended in mid-air. As the block enters, it crosses the boundary of the space gate.

The cube pig kept screaming in terror in mid-air. It suddenly stopped moving and screaming, as if it was a dead thing programmed not to move.

The two people hurriedly ran out of the demiplane and found that the pig could not move. Cheng Ying thought about it and threw the pig back. Over there in the MC demiplane.

It's just that after throwing it back, the thing still looks dead, and it doesn't seem to have the ability to move anymore. Trying to roll it with your hands like a tree has no effect. The touch is the same as real matter. The most important thing is that it has a certain degree of elasticity, which is completely different from other substances in the demiplane.

"How about we cut him open and take a look. He should be dead anyway." The Ice Emperor finally figured out that this pig was not a living thing at all, it was just a lump of meat that followed certain rules. .

Cheng Ying took out the scalpel and brought it down in one stroke. I saw that the square pig had been evenly cut into two symmetrical pieces. The interior, like its exterior, has a pinkish tint. Very even. Not a shred of internal structure.

Cheng Ying cut off another small piece and analyzed its composition with the drone, and quickly concluded that it was several organic substances with relatively simple structures. Some are similar to a mixture of protein and fat. The entire pig is made up of this homogeneous substance.

"It seems that the creatures in this world cannot be brought into the real world. When things like creatures are brought into the real world, they must comply with the rules of the real world. It is definitely not acceptable to throw this kind of meat without any internal structure into the real world. It will move." Ice Emperor was a little disappointed.

The square pink pig looks silly and cute. If she could take it out, she would like to try raising one! Even if the pig dies, there is no need to worry. Anyway, if the pig dies, it can only eat three large bowls with tears.

"Try something other than living things. For example, a clod of soil or something." Cheng Ying held a clod of soil in his hand and put the other one in his inventory.

Then he walked out of the demiplane and left the demiplane. The soil blocks in the inventory cannot be taken out, but the ones in the hand can still be taken out. It's just that it's only the size of what you hold in your hand, and it won't turn into a big clod of soil one meter square.

After being brought to the real world, these things turned into relatively hard, ordinary square-shaped soil. Can be easily crushed or shaped into other shapes. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Mobile version: https:/

It seems that the interaction between the real world and the MC world,

It still needs to be a process of compatibility with the real world, that is, the matter in the MC world is adapting to the laws of the real world.

Conversely, if you bring something from the real world into a demiplane, it has no effect. It's like a sudden addition among a bunch of blocks, full of details.

"It seems that the world you created has no effect other than producing pork with uniform texture." Ice Queen was a little disappointed. She saw many animals and wanted to try raising them, but there was no way. The grilled pork chop was so fragrant. It was obviously a pork chop with such low pixels that it looked like a mosaic, but after it was cooked, it tasted surprisingly good. First release (www) m/.x81zw./com/

"If it's useless, it's not that bad. Let me think about it. This world still has some useful features, such as... four grids of unlimited water."

This is a characteristic of MC. Cheng Ying also picked it up for him when he created the world. The content of the characteristic is as simple as his name. After digging out four grids and filling them with water, you can draw unlimited water from inside. The infinite fishing machine has a similar principle.

Cheng Ying punched the ground beneath his feet, preparing to create a space. It's just that he once again failed to control his strength well. In this world where the land is relatively fragile, the effect of his punch, which was not very strong, was like a big TNT explosion, blowing up a large open space under his feet. There are little squares hanging and rotating in mid-air everywhere. Those are the lands that he demolished.

Cheng Ying was a little embarrassed, so he picked up a bunch of these clods of soil, and then rebuilt a four-grid infinite water on the flat ground. Then he took the bucket to the direction of the water source, fetched a few buckets of water, and quickly filled the four grids.

Then Ice Emperor saw a strange scene. No matter how much water Cheng Ying took out from the four grids, the water in the four grids would not become less. Just like the name of this bug. There is actually an infinite amount of water inside.

Cheng Ying uses a real bucket to fill the water. There is still unlimited water in the four grids, and it will not be reduced just because it uses real tools. Obviously, the laws between different worlds also need to be compatible with each other, and it is not unilaterally affected by the other party.

The next most important step is to bring the water from the demiplane into the real world. But the creatures outside will die if taken out, or become what they should be in reality.

What would be the result if it were replaced with water? I think water is dead in the first place, so theoretically it won't die again.

Cheng Ying left the space door with a bucket of water looking forward to it, and then he was pleasantly surprised to find that there was nothing in the bucket. The water surface started to ripple, and when he put his hand into the bucket, the cold feeling told him that this was real water.

"It seems that this world created for verification is not completely useless. At least we no longer need to worry about insufficient water resources in the future."

[To be continued]

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