Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 916 World Editor

Study and steal the power of the ancient gods from any angle. It's all a very deadly thing. But when this power is connected with MC, the style of painting completely changes.

In order to verify the compatibility of different worlds, Chengying later tried to create other different worlds, such as the world of LOL, the world of cultivating immortals, the world of science fiction, and a series of different worlds.

In fact, some succeeded and some failed, and the only common point is that the laws in the created demiplane are generally lower than those in the real world.

For example, in the world of cultivating immortals, Cheng Ying designed the cultivation of immortals to be very simple, so that you can practice Mahayana to transcend tribulations and ascend easily.

Although Tulip's current strength is very strong, compared with some fairy cultivating novels, it is not bad. If it can produce immortals in large quantities, it will undoubtedly be extremely good news.

But the imagination is very rich, and the reality is very skinny. After truly coming to the demiplane, everyone is a genius in cultivation. It only takes a few hours to overcome the tribulation and ascend, but the cultivation inside is of no use when brought outside, and may even cause damage to oneself, causing the cultivation in reality to regress.

As for the mysterious and mysterious realms that he has realized, it is of no use, because all the realms are set by Cheng Ying, as long as he wants people to poop and understand at the same time. All are possible.

Cheng Ying couldn't help but think of Chen Chen. Could the so-called Tao thing he realized be something similar?

Compared with the world of cultivation, the world of science fiction is similar. Only some things in it can still be used. Those have clear principles, good internal structures, and logically operate in a consistent manner. And those fantasy science fiction products are just a pile of scrap metal after being taken out.

Now it seems that the degree of reality in the created class depends entirely on the knowledge of the creator. It’s just that the richer it is, the more complicated things can be extracted from it.

But there are some interesting things happening in it, although most of the worlds are useless. However, elements can be produced in these worlds. For example, some rare metal elements.

Nuclear fusion is already very clean. Now even nuclear raw materials can be provided in almost unlimited quantities. What makes Cheng Ying a little disappointed is that his attempt to use the demiplane to synthesize antimatter failed.

After the synthesized lump is taken into the real world, it turns into a luminous crystal. Obviously his understanding of other materials is really limited.

But this is normal. Antimatter cannot be simply one kind. Normal matter can be so complicated that it can be divided into the periodic table of elements. Antimatter can naturally be classified very complicatedly, perhaps not in the periodic table of elements. But at least it's definitely not that easy to explore.

Even preserving antimatter is a troublesome matter, let alone studying it.

Compared with the material gain of half-face reality, the technological gain of half-face reality is the focus. Experts from all walks of life can easily conduct creation simulations in the demiplane according to the rules of the real world. Just find the loopholes in their theory.

This can undoubtedly greatly increase the speed of scientific research. In addition, a demiplane whose conditions can be completely set by oneself is an ideal proving ground for certain experiments.

Even without considering these, the bizarre demiplanes can help expand scientists' ideas. For example, Cheng Ying copied Don’t Starve Game.

The strange technology tree inside is still there. The most interesting thing is that in this world, everyone will become a paper person.

It is the loss of thickness, even the past matter of the real world.

It will also lose thickness. Everyone can only see a frontal projection, and the height of the sky is only divided into two levels, one for standing on the ground and one for flying.

Although such an incident is bizarre. But because the rules here are lower than those in the real world, no one will be hurt. After leaving the demiplane, it will return to its original state.

The endurance of Xiao Ke is limited, so after creating several small demiplanes, the first Xiao Ke was scrapped. Xiaoke is what Chengying calls these modified creatures because they look a lot like Cthulhu.

The cost of Xiaogram is not very high. Production does not require the consumption of precious resources. The most precious thing is the artificial intelligence specially implanted in their memories. But this kind of weak artificial intelligence is not a particularly precious existence in the entire Tulip.

Types slightly less intelligent than this have already opened up for home use. Cooperate with some set dialogues. They can achieve it. Converse like a real person and won't even be detected. New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Computer version: www. @x81zw@@

It is also called passing the Turing test, but even if they can pass the test, they are not considered strong artificial intelligence, they just pass the huge database. Just simulate human language.

"Are you sure you want to mass-produce this? I always feel that this thing is not safe. If the so-called ancient god behind it really has his own will, then he only needs to change his mind a little, and all the rules he has made will It will be useless." Ice Emperor said uneasily.

"Don't worry, these things that won't be mass-produced will only be used in the laboratory. Of course I am very aware of their dangers, so I will set up a self-destruct device. This thing is more troublesome than imagined. It is not a force. It can be solved with strong values.

When I just executed the nine-headed lizard man, I couldn't kill them at all. Even if I chopped them into pieces with knives, I couldn't kill them directly. Even the anti-matter annihilation bomb was used in the end. Even this seemingly fatal attack failed to have the desired effect in the end.

The nine-headed lizardman who was annihilated to the point of being resurrected again for some unknown reason. In the last successful execution, no one even knew how he was killed.

All I know is that the furious experimenter ordered a large number of bombs to be thrown into the execution chamber for five minutes. When the explosion ended, the nine-headed lizard man died.

I suspect that there are specific steps required to kill such a familiar. It's possible that the explosion was able to kill him simply because the steps to kill him were inadvertently met in the explosion. I'm very aware of their dangers, so there's no way I'm going to let this kind of equipment spread.

Editing the world is already close to the origin of the universe, so it is naturally impossible to mass-produce it at will. "As Cheng Ying spoke, he had stopped the production of Xiao Ke. In the future experimental process, he could only scrap each one and produce one. The number will never be allowed to continue to increase. And be ready to destroy their groups at any time.

[To be continued] New 81 Chinese website is updated the fastest. Mobile version: https:/

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