When it comes to Tang San's wife, we have to mention Xiao Wu. Xiao Wu's identity is also quite easy to determine. Although the Azure Bull Python and the Titan Giant Ape are weaklings among the hundred thousand year soul beasts, they have nothing to defy the heavens. With his bloodline, he can't even overcome the 100,000-year catastrophe, but he is still considered a relatively famous soul beast in the contemporary era.

They were famous for often going to the core area of ​​the Star Dou Forest to grab territory, and then being violently beaten by Di Tian and other super soul beasts. Now these two guys have barely survived the 100,000-year catastrophe and entered the ranks of super soul beasts.

After a sudden bottleneck of 100,000 years, the two of them finally became honest and realized that they were not the king of soul beasts at all, and they were still far away from being the truly powerful among soul beasts.

These two relatively famous soul beasts are easy to find. If you find them, you will not be far away from finding Xiao Wu, the hundred thousand year old rabbit who lives with them.

This search scope has been greatly narrowed. There are already very few rabbits that are one hundred thousand years old. After all, the chance of this kind of soul beast with low talent to break through one hundred thousand years before its spiritual energy is revived is very slim.

It's just that Xiao Wu now makes Cheng Ying feel a little disillusioned. Although he has no intention of stealing the heroine, he still has a good impression of the heroine in the original work who dared to love and hate.

But the current Xiao Wu is far from the one in the original work. It is not an exaggeration to say that the two are completely different. It can only be said that the environment affects people's development, and Xiao Wu is obviously affected by the environment.

After the establishment of the Soul Beast Empire, the Soul Beasts began to come into contact with the colorful world of the outside world. Ice Emperor, who had lived for hundreds of thousands of years and was not familiar with the world, could be deceived by a bunch of candied haws. Gradually, as the Soul Beasts came into contact with The human world is extinct.

Even hundred thousand year soul beasts are no exception. Rather, they are the pioneers in contacting new things.

Theoretically, one hundred thousand year soul beasts actually have a high social status in the soul beast empire. Before the spiritual energy was revived, there were only three to four million one hundred thousand year soul beasts in the Star Dou Forest. The soul beasts’ cultivation speed was slow and their social status was low. The speed of change is also slow. In theory, soul beasts that have reached the realm of one hundred thousand years of cultivation can maintain a great advantage.

Whether it's running an industry, entering management, or managing fans, you should have made pretty good profits by now. However, Xiao Wu is obviously a step too late to catch on, and lacks any skills. The only face worthy of praise has also been lost because of the loss. She had the first opportunity but failed to gain any advantage. The fans she gained could only allow her to live like an ordinary resident. If she wanted to sell something, she had to look at her wallet. I guess she can pay back the money next month...

The life of ordinary people will always wear away people's edges and corners, making ambitions and romantic fantasies dull. It is like the age of the second grade in middle school that is gone forever. When people think about it, they will cover their faces and roll themselves in the quilt. .

Xiao Wu is also in ordinary life,

Gradually becoming a philistine, becoming like ordinary people, struggling like ordinary people about what to eat next, whether to go out to a restaurant on the weekend, which new cosmetics and bags to choose, and what to wear when going out with colleagues. Only then will you have more face.

When their own financial strength cannot satisfy their vanity, people tend to shift their demands to others, such as their spouses.

In the records found by Cheng Ying, Xiao Wu has had several boyfriends. It is not clear whether Cheng Ying has broken the melon or not. As for Xiao Wu's performance, it is not an exaggeration to say that it is green tea. It really surprised Cheng Ying. The bustling world dazzled her eyes, and she was no longer the single-minded Xiao Wu who could sacrifice her life for her lover in the original work.

Cheng Ying was a little disappointed. Most of Xiao Wu's boyfriends gave her a bunch of gifts before being kicked off, and they were reduced to miserable tool men. It seemed that as long as they were rich enough, they could have sex with her. This made the eldest brother still old. Cheng Mou, who had naive illusions about love, felt heartbroken.

"Haha! Is this the heroine? So is the audience for this book NTR lovers?" Ice Emperor showed a yandere-like expression, stretched out the tip of his tongue and licked Chengying's ear. The woman was talking about her love rival. When something like this exists, no matter how cute it is, the painting style will inevitably collapse.

"Ahem! Calm down! Calm down! I'm not interested in rabbits or anything like that. Did she say that the Swordsman Tower can't rest yet! How could I be interested in her!"

ice King:"???"

Not to mention whether Cheng Ying was disappointed with Xiao Wu now, in Xiao Wu's current state, the probability of Tang San being able to win over her was extremely slim.

Unless Tang San could become very rich, this would be too difficult for him. The Tiandou Empire did not have nine-year compulsory education. It only had about one year of free literacy education, and its content only taught people literacy and simple things. so that these people can work in factories in the future.

As for Tang San, with his current family situation, it is almost impossible for him to have money to further his education, unless he finds a way to make money on his own, and the prerequisite for making money is that he has a skill, even if he bakes cold noodles deliciously.

But he obviously doesn't have similar specialties. Let alone baking cold noodles, he can't even make hand cakes. As for hidden weapon kung fu, it is indeed quite magical. With the same level of cultivation, few people can be as skillful as him and can attract many people to watch his performances.

But in the Tiandou Empire, street performers must be driven away by the urban security management and law enforcement brigade. Following the tradition of Tulip, the firepower of the urban security management and law enforcement brigade is simply crazy, with individual power armor and two six-barreled Vulcan cannons. There are also two rockets and a missile on their backs. Once they encounter elements that disturb the security of the city, they can directly send these people to the sky.

Performers must spend money to get a license. Otherwise, if they are caught, they will not only be fined, but also criminally detained. A record will be left on the criminal record, which will have a huge impact on future studies and job hunting.

All in all, if Tang San wants to become a rich man, he can only rely on luck, otherwise he will not be able to complete the primitive accumulation of capital in this life. This is also the most difficult step in the capital snowball.

And with Xiao Wu's current mentality, I'm afraid it's hard to accept a penniless poor boy. Even if they get together by accident, they probably won't be able to get far. If they get NTRed by a dead fat pig, then... Even more miserable.

But Tang San obviously didn't think so. While he was practicing, he was also thinking about how to make money. The hidden weapons he could make by himself were definitely limited. If he wanted to make a lot of money, he had to outsource the making of parts to other blacksmiths. However, in order to prevent other blacksmiths from stealing from you, you need to find ways to make some anti-cheating equipment and outsource different parts to different blacksmiths. As long as you give them a little sweetness, you can easily make a lot of money and reach the top of your life. .

[To be continued]

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