Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 924 Tang 3’s Ambition

Tang San had already begun his life plan when he was still in his infancy. As a genius who received elite education in his previous life, he was a genius who could create the Buddha's Angry Tang Lotus. Compared to his training, what he was most proud of was his ability with hidden weapons. Other inner disciples who have been training hard for decades. In the first half of the year, no more Buddha's Fury Tang Lotus was created.

After switching to his side and secretly taking a look at the inner door's secret book, he learned how to make it himself. He doesn't know how he collected the precious materials for making hidden weapons.

After traveling through time, it became even more exaggerated. It can be said that the machine-expanded concealed weapons can also be said to have a strong memory. Forcibly memorizing the manufacturing method, such as Guanyin Tears and Bodhi Blood, this superb skill can be picked up easily and learned instantly. With such a superb talent, he is definitely a hidden weapon genius who is unique among billions.

Even he himself is extremely confident in this talent. He plans to practice concealed weapon techniques after he learns to walk. He will practice eight hours a day and strive to master all concealed weapon techniques.

There are two hours left to practice blacksmithing and build those machine amplifiers. As long as he has a few powerful hidden weapons, he has the means to protect himself. The power of a hidden weapon lies in its surprise. He believes that people will die if they are killed. As long as he is surprised enough, he can kill his opponent by leaps and bounds.

Tiandou City's official website account just sent a push message today, "Tips for setting up the flying object interception function of Kazuto Shield."

“By the way, personal shield is one of the basic functions of mobile terminals, but do you know that the interception mode of the flying object interception function of personal shield can be set?

Not long ago, a foreign guy discovered a special use of this function. Let's take a look at how he did it!

First, open the settings, find the shield settings, open the advanced settings, select the flying object interception option, select the interception flying object speed range, set the lower limit of the range to zero, and click Save.

Then we can go home with our shopping baskets on our shields! You don’t need to carry a heavy shopping basket with your hands, isn’t it very practical? Let me know what you think of it! "

"Damn it! Idiot push!" someone yelled in the comment area.

"It has been disabled. When I drank water, the water was squeezed out by the shield. Idiot setting."

"This setting is equivalent to intercepting all flying objects. Even eating will be automatically blocked by the shield. Does the retarded editor want to starve us to death?"

"When I pooped, my poop was shot out by the shield. Now I'm still kneeling on the washboard in the bathroom. My wife said I don't have to leave the bathroom if I can't wipe it clean."

“A moment of silence for Upstairs.


"Silence +1."

The flying object interception function of the personal shield is to automatically intercept by retrieving the speed of flying objects. The interception mode can be customized by setting the speed range. Most people will set the lower limit to ten meters per second. Flying objects below this speed will not be injured even if they hit the body. If it exceeds this speed, the shield will automatically intercept it, and there is no need to actively turn on the shield.

Setting the lower limit of the interception speed to zero means intercepting all flying objects approaching the user. The one who pooped probably had his sphincter accidentally twitched, causing the shield to regard the poop as an approaching flying object and shoot it out directly. , with that intensity, his toilet would probably explode.

Tang San probably wouldn't have thought that today's personal shields would automatically intercept flying objects, such as the hidden weapons he threw. Unless the speed was below ten meters per second, they would not be able to penetrate the shield's automatic interception.

As for a concealed weapon below ten meters per second, it will not hurt or itch when it hits a person, and whether it can break the skin is a matter of debate. After all, everyone has some level of cultivation, and those without soul power can also eat something good to strengthen their bodies. Quality, you can make more money while doing physical work. Such a body cannot be damaged by a hidden weapon at ten meters per second.

Tang Sect's hidden weapons can theoretically break the body's protective aura, but the working principles of the shield and the body's protective aura are very different. The latter releases internal force to the outside, while the former is a repulsive force field that can repel those who are close to it. Objects are repelled, which is why shit will be shot out by the shield after it is judged to be a flying object.

The Tang Sect's hidden weapon breaks the body's protective aura, relying solely on its own sharpness and interfering with the operation of internal forces. This has no effect on the repulsion field. The only way to break through the repulsion shield is to increase the quality and speed of my flight. Hit the user of the shield so that the repulsion cannot slow it down to zero.

However, the repulsion shield can resist the close-range shooting of ordinary firearms. The Tang Sect's machine-expandable hidden weapons basically cannot break the defense. In order to surprise, most of the hidden weapons are small, such as bone-penetrating needles.

The repulsive force of the repulsion shield is fixed in size and has nothing to do with the mass of the object entering it. In other words, the smaller the mass, the smaller the mass. The greater the acceleration, the shorter the distance to decelerate to zero. At the same speed, a small bone penetrating needle is much less effective at breaking through shields than a bullet.

As for concealed weapons with greater mass. For example, the size of crossbow arrows, tight-back flower-mounted crossbows and the like has lost the meaning of surprise.

Tang San was still thinking about practicing hidden weapons and using unexpected effects to increase his ability to protect himself. Various public accounts have begun to use the automatic interception ability of the shield to make a living. There are countless marketing accounts that want to slow down the interception speed and manually create rotten egg launchers. Countless foreign guys have unfortunately fallen into this trap.

Tiandou Empire officials have prepared to rectify the abuse of the personal shield function and adjust the lower limit of shield interception speed.

There is no way. Some UPs who are good at rectification have begun to adjust the lower limit of interception speed to zero, and then shaped the shield into the shape of a hang glider and started parachuting. Several people have fallen to death under the World Trade Center. If they don't rectify it quickly, the nature of the matter will be That's too bad.

Especially the guys from the Soul Beast Empire, all of them were watching the fun and not afraid of causing trouble. They reposted and complained about these videos of people jumping off buildings, and almost everyone knew about it. Everyone was ready to use their own shields to make a living.

Tang San didn't know that his hidden weapon had already been stillborn before he started making it. He was still thinking about how to apply poison on the hidden weapon. Poison was also one of the Tang Sect's best things. Before time travel, there was no such thing in the martial arts. A few confidently patted their chests and said that their poison could rival that of the Tang Sect.

When they arrived at Douluo Continent, Tang San naturally believed that his poison was one of his important advantages. As long as the antidote was in his hands, the fate of the poisoned person was in his hands. This was one of the simplest ways to control people. .

What's more, his nominal father seems to have been poisoned by Miaojiang poison. The poison will come out every once in a while, making him miserable. He has lost all his family's wealth in order to get the antidote. How can he not be anxious?

[To be continued]

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