Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 936 I am a clone

Strong fortresses are often destroyed from within. This is true most of the time, but sometimes there are exceptions.

Dai Huanyu wanted to tear open the battleship's armor, get inside, and destroy the fragile internal structure of the battleship. The idea is correct, if this is a real battleship. Facing such an invasion is still a bit troublesome.

After all, his strength has reached his level. This is no longer something that the cooking class can solve.

But the problem is that what he is facing is not a real battleship. What was in front of him was just a projection, and the process of exerting its power had basically nothing to do with his internal structure, but only to do with his power in people's impressions.

When Dai Huanyu finally broke through the armor and entered the interior to start destroying, he was surprised to find out. There was nothing inside the battleship's armor.

It felt like walking into a poor-quality model. The visual effect of looking outside after wearing the model was to see the originally indestructible battleship armor looking out from the inside. It's just a layer of texture.

Dai Huanyu fell into a brief confusion. Fortunately, online games also appeared in Douluo World. Although Dai Huanyu had never played them, he had watched them a few times. Understand what the concept of Chuan Mo is.

So he tried to attack from the inside. Maybe the inside of the model was not as strong as the outside.

"Do you want to attack from the inside?"

The sudden voice behind Dai Huanyu startled him, but he turned around and found nothing.

"You can try it, and you will understand what it means to cross the mold. The battleship is only modeled on the outside, and the internal defense is zero. Any attack can penetrate it." Cheng Ying wanted to explain the collision box and the like, but I guess Dai Huanyu couldn't understand it.

Naturally, he couldn't believe everything his enemy said, not to mention that he couldn't even find where Cheng Ying was hiding to talk to him. At this time, he couldn't let down his guard even more.

"I want to see what kind of tricks you are playing!" Dai Huanyu swung out in a circle, the air was compressed into a terrifying fist wind, and slammed into the inner wall of the mirrored spacecraft like a solid.

The next moment, the fist wind penetrated the outer shell of the battleship without any hindrance, without causing any damage. The complete lack of defense was the most unsolvable, because any attack could penetrate it, but it could not cause any damage.

"Although heavy artillery cannot target the inside of the battleship, it does not mean that it is safe to hide inside." Cheng Ying's phantom appeared behind him, and the plasma spear thrust fiercely.

"Hmph! You are overestimating your own capabilities!" Dai Huanyu punched him with his backhand.

In close combat, he has never been afraid of anyone. Now he is confident that even if he encounters Qi Hengsan again, he can tear him apart with his own strength.

"Where are you looking?" The wind of the fist penetrated Cheng Ying's body without causing any impact. At the same time, Dai Huanyu felt a strong sense of crisis coming from his side.

Chengying's figure appeared there, and the plasma spear in his hand suddenly went out. There seemed to be nothing on the head of the spear, but it gave Dai Huanyu a strong sense of crisis.

He immediately dodged sideways, but the spearhead that originally appeared to be on the left side caused blood to spurt out from his right shoulder, and the solid armor was cut open easily.

Even if the battle armor can heal itself, its strength will drop significantly in a short period of time.

"What's on your gun!" Dai Huanyu backed away quickly. He felt that this space was too weird. It seemed that everything he saw was created by Cheng Ying. Who knows what it was that just stabbed him.

"It's a monomolecular knife! The blade is made of a layer of molecules. Most defenses are like tofu in front of it. After I found Adamantium alloy, I started thinking about weapons to crack it. After thinking about it, I also We can only start from the microscopic level, it seems that your battle armor is not much harder than Adamantium alloy."

The plasma spear in Cheng Ying's hand bloomed with sparks again, making it difficult to tell when the tip of the spear was actually a monomolecular knife.

That thing is so thin that if you look directly at it, you can't see what it is.

"So what if you can break through my defense? At your level, you still think that cutting damage will be useful to me." Dai Huanyu sneered and popped out a pair of tiger claws in his hand.

"After all, this is just a fantasy. In this case, it can be broken with the simplest method." As his words fell, a bright light bloomed on the tiger's claws.

The next moment, the light was so bright that he seemed to be the core of a supernova explosion. The white energy impact centered on him and spread in all directions. Everything in its path was turned into a vast expanse of white.

"Alas! It must be too different from the original body." The heroic spirit Chengying sighed. Although the strength of the heroic spirit battleship he summoned can easily resist Dai Huanyu's energy burst, the strength can resist it. consumption.

Just like the BOSS in the game, you may not be able to destroy the boss's model, but that doesn't mean you can't clear the boss's health. Destroying the model will only affect the various functions of the boss, but clearing the blood volume will directly kill the boss.

For the warships summoned by the heroic spirit, the effect is similar. His heroic battleship was not destroyed. But after the energy consumed reaches a certain level. It will disappear even if it is not destroyed.

Dai Huanyu accidentally chose the simplest method. Blast with pure energy. The best way to defeat the heroic spirit Chengying is to wipe out all the projected things.

In the distance, the casual cultivators who had escaped suddenly felt a bright light coming from behind and looked back. I saw a ball of light expanding where the battleship's head was.

At first it was only about 1km in diameter. But the light ball continued to expand as if it was expanding infinitely, and soon expanded to contact the ground. The ground where the backlight ball collided was easily crushed like tofu.

The earth and jungles collapsed into dust. Wherever the light ball passed, no grass grew. The forest was turned into a barren desert by the light ball.

"Damn, that's too exaggerated!" Chen Bin couldn't help but exclaimed: "Without anything else, this one move is enough to kill us all instantly. What kind of pervert is that guy? It seems like the Duke can't handle it anymore."

In fact, this is also the case. Cheng Ying was in a very embarrassed state during the energy explosion. The heroic spirit's body was covered with wounds. Neither the heroic spirit's body nor its true body was good at defense.

Being hit head-on by a strong burst of energy. But he was also seriously injured. You will never recover without going to the Hall of Valor and playing mahjong all day long.

"Ah! It looks like you lost. You got stronger very quickly. If the gods knew about it, they would probably go crazy." Cheng Ying's body turned into dots of light particles, indicating that he was about to return. Signs of the Hall of Valor.

[To be continued]

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