Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 937 The main body is coming

Dai Huanyu on the other side is actually not in a very good condition, having just exploded with energy. All the power in his body was exhausted. At this time, his light wings were extremely dim. Even if he tried his best to absorb the free energy around him, he could not immediately make up for his previous consumption.

"You can lead a person's power to this level. You are already very strong. I almost thought I was going to lose to you. It's hard to imagine what achievements you would have achieved now if you had worked hard from the beginning.

Your talent makes me feel envious. Maybe it won't be long before you can surpass me. However, I accepted the championship of this competition unceremoniously. "

When Cheng Ying, whose power had dissipated, heard this, he showed a strange smile: "I said you haven't noticed that there is something wrong with my state, right?"

"Why are you still unwilling to admit defeat now? If you make excuses at this time, it will only lower my evaluation of you." Dai Huanyu said coldly.

"By the way, you haven't damaged your brain through cultivation, right? I'm not making excuses when I say there's a problem with your state.

Have you forgotten that here, no matter how injured you are, as long as you are judged to have lost the game? Will everything recover instantly? Then why do you think that everyone else is fine, but only me has dissipated? "

Dai Huanyu suddenly came to his senses: "Who are you? What on earth are you?" He had also seen soul skills such as clones. But he has never seen anyone who can create such an exaggerated clone. If his body is that strong, two people can beat him one by one. Wasn't he properly beaten to death?

"To put it simply, I am the incarnation of the heroic spirit of my true body. I think you should know that as a heroic spirit. The last Holy Grail War was started with you, and half of Xingluo City was almost demolished.

Didn’t I appear at that time? He also borrowed the power of the Holy Grail to resurrect him. However, resurrection only has a real body, and it does not mean that my heroic spirit body will disappear.

There were a few clever little guys during this competition. I managed to find my holy relic. After all, I am still alive, so it is very simple to find the holy relics. Then he used Heroic Spirit Summoning in the arena.

Originally, without the assistance of the power of the Holy Grail, they would not be able to summon me with their own strength. But for my own sake, they are quite clever. A ray of energy was released. Helped them summon me down. This is basically what happened.

I am just a heroic spirit, and the abilities I can display are really limited. So even if you can defeat me, you have nothing to be proud of, right? "

Dai Huanyu's heart was heavy, but he quickly realized a question: "Stop being alarmist here. I almost believed your nonsense just now.

After turning into a heroic spirit, you are theoretically stronger than you were before you were alive. How could it be that you are not stronger than your original body when you were alive? Since I can even defeat you. So why should you be afraid of facing your own body? "

"Whatever! What I said is true. Whether you believe it or not, that is your own business. Anyway, after I am killed, this question will come to you soon.

Don't worry, I'm quite generous. It's absolutely impossible for you to be unable to resurrect after killing you due to technical problems. At most, there will be some minor problems during resurrection, such as the mouth and anus growing backwards or something like that. "

Dai Huanyu: "..."

What do you call magnanimity? What a generous hammer! And the fact that the mouth and anus are reversed is not a minor problem at all, right?

"It's a bluff. Even if your true form comes, you still can't defeat me. Don't even think about calling your true form to sneak attack while I'm weak now. I've already recovered 80% of my energy. A sneak attack is useless." Dai Huanyu still said If you think Cheng Ying is bluffing, it's actually because he didn't leave a very good impression on the princes and nobles. He is a typical example of someone who doesn't practice martial ethics and is best at cheating and sneak attacks.

But this time, Cheng Ying of the Heroic Spirit Flower did not give him an answer. He had completely turned into light particles and returned to the Hall of Valor. The one who was summoned was about to have a big beard, and all of them were touching themselves. Seeing that today's losers will all lose, if they don't hurry back. With his disciple's temperament, he will definitely refuse to admit his fault...

"You said you have almost recovered?" At this moment, a familiar voice came from behind Dai Huanyu: "In that case, I don't need to wait until you recover!

Be careful not to be beaten to death by me, otherwise you will have to rely on surgery. Put your anus and mouth back together. "

Dai Huanyu didn't realize when Cheng Ying appeared behind him. Next to him, there was a little loli standing, but the other person was staring at him like he was mentally retarded.

"I didn't expect you to dare to show up. It seems you have some confidence. But if you thought that was my limit just now, you would be too naive." Dai Huanyu quickly adjusted his mentality. .

Duke Tulip was known for his stealth ability very early on, and it was normal for him not to notice his approach. If there is a real fight, although hiding ability is very useful, it cannot determine the outcome.

"You mean, you can also transform into a Super Saiyan? I would like to see how much your aura can increase. What gives you the confidence to face me?" Cheng Ying said. While talking, he slightly released his breath.

The energy accumulated in his body has reached an incredible level, and the total amount of mental power alone has exceeded the measurable range of the God Realm system.

Even if he only showed a little bit of his momentum, the Douluo Soul Master, who was sensitive to aura, felt intensely depressed, and it could be felt throughout the entire competition field. The energy that would destroy the world was brewing, as if it was about to explode in the next moment.

Dai Huanyu was the first to bear the brunt. Even though he had reached the level of the Lord God, he still felt short of breath when faced with the terrifying energy in front of him.

"How is it possible! This kind of is it possible that humans can do this!" Although Dai Huanyu was mentally prepared that Duke Tulip was stronger than him.

But to be so strong is really unacceptable. It has almost exceeded his understanding of individual strength.

"Nothing is impossible. There are beings stronger than me. Don't you understand now? Why is our current brawl called a super-heavyweight contest? It's because our strength has exceeded the standards of this continent. .

If everyone is not given a chance to unite. You don't even have the slightest chance of winning. "Cheng Ying has been wanting to make such a secondary speech for a long time.

[To be continued]

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