Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 938 No one can beat me in my BGM

Under the pressure of Cheng Ying's aura, Dai Huanyu's body trembled uncontrollably. This was the survival instinct of life, and this instinct was particularly strong on Douluo Continent.

In the original work, a soul master with a low level of cultivation would not even dare to take action when faced with a person with a high level of cultivation.

As the strength becomes stronger, this kind of cultivation suppression seems to be reduced, but it turns out that this kind of suppression has not disappeared. On the contrary, it is still strong. It is not reflected just because the gap between the two sides is not big enough.

" did you do it! Don't you need resources for your cultivation? Even with the power of the whole country, it is impossible for you to be so strong!" Dai Huanyu gritted his teeth, tensed his muscles, and then didn't Showing a cowardly look.

As the king of a country, he is very clear about the relationship between the realm of strength and the resources required.

When the strength is weak. Raising your strength requires very few resources. With the improvement of cultivation level. The resources required will increase exponentially. At his level, he basically needs the support of the whole country to continue to slowly improve his strength.

And the feeling that Cheng Ying gave him from his aura was at least two levels stronger than his own. The resources required to achieve this behavior. Even if he thought about it, he couldn't do it even if he drained the entire planet. After Cheng Ying was resurrected. Just stay in the Soul Beast Empire honestly. How is it possible to have access to so many cultivation resources?

Dai Huanyu's heart moved slightly: "Perhaps the pressure in front of him is just simulated by illusion. After all, Duke Tulip has always been good at illusion."

People once thought that Duke Tulip was the ultimate fire soul master, but later, after research, it was discovered that the blow that forced back the army of 100,000 people was a cloud explosive bomb. What Duke Tulip did was just wave his hand on the tower and pretend to cast a spell.

Later, as Tulip gained a foothold and Chengying no longer hid his strength, he let Heguo know that he was good at illusions.

Thinking of this, Dai Huanyu forcibly broke away from the pressure, and the soul power in his body exploded violently. The white tiger shadow behind him plunged into his body, making his body taller by three points. The surging soul power broke away from the pressure and turned towards Cheng. The shadow turned upside down.

"Whether it's true or not, you'll know after you punch me!"

Dai Huanyu inhaled fiercely, as if he wanted to suck up all the air around him, and energy from all directions began to converge towards him. All the remaining power of the previous energy burst was recovered by him and condensed into his fist.

"Are we going to start a fight? Your punch is weaker than I thought." Cheng Ying shook his head, raised his palms flatly, and lightly blocked them in front of him, as if he could predict the future. The next moment, Dai Huanyu's fist It hit his palm, as if it was sent to him on his own initiative.

The terrifying fist pressure exploded, and just the aftermath caused a violent explosion, which devastated the ground that was already burned into a desert and became even more riddled with holes.

But Cheng Ying, who was opposite his fist, didn't even lose a hair. In front of him, circles of hexagonal box force fields spread out, and not a single impact penetrated through.

"Absolute Domain! How can you display Absolute Domain without EVA!" Dai Huanyu's eyes widened: "No, even Absolute Domain does not have such a strong defense."

"Don't guess, after the strength gap reaches a certain level, all my abilities will become as weird as magic. Now that you have completed the attack, is it my turn?

In order to make the battle more interesting, I will fight you with the physical skills that I am least good at! "As he said that, Cheng Ying stretched out his hand and waved towards the ground not far away.

The plasma spear that had just been inserted there vibrated violently, and then flew back to Cheng Ying's hand in an instant. He made a beautiful splash of the gun, and the tip of the spear was pointed directly at Dai Huanyu.

"BGM!" Cheng Ying said to the Ice Emperor.

The next moment, I saw Hyokui taking out a stereo from somewhere. It was the most old-fashioned type of stereo. She took out a tape and inserted it into it.

"The second set of national broadcast gymnastics for middle school students, the times are calling! Thump thump thump thump thump, thump thump thump thump, thump thump~"

Cheng Ying: "..."

Dai Huanyu: "..."

Broadcast gymnastics had already spread throughout the mainland after the establishment of Shrek Academy. How could Dai Huanyu not know about it? The momentum he had just gathered almost made him choke.

"Stop, stop, stop! Change the disc! It's all this stuff!" Cheng Ying listened to this rhythm, and his body subconsciously wanted to move. It's engraved in his DNA.

He turned around, grabbed the stereo, and inserted a new tape into it.

"The repeated scenery in front of you gradually blurs the agreement. You wandering under the starry sky, but the distance is still secret..."

As the new BGM sounded, Cheng Ying felt his whole body on fire.

"Come on! Come and see my physical skills!"

Cheng Ying stepped on the ground, and his powerful body erupted with terrifying power. The whole person disappeared from Dai Huanyu's sight, and he could only feel the biting cold coming from the front.

Dai Huanyu's honed fighting instinct made him roll to the side. The next moment, where he was originally, the ground was penetrated. The deep, dark cave had no end in sight, making it impossible to guess how powerful this blow was. .

Cheng Ying's brief pause allowed Dai Huanyu to catch his figure, and the next moment he thrust at high speed and punched Cheng Ying's forehead.

In close combat, Dai Huanyu is confident that no one can surpass him. His boxing skills are extremely domineering but continuous. Once he is entangled with him, he will fight to the death.

But Chengying crossed the spear and blocked his combos one by one. The fire was radiating and the Adamantium alloy spear was bent. The more Dai Huanyu fought, the more frightened he became. His boxing technique was honed bit by bit in actual combat. It was never mixed with water and was the most efficient way to kill people.

But Cheng Ying was able to spot every move and easily block all his fists. All his feints were ignored by him, and none of them could deceive him.

It seems that he doesn't have any moves in his hand, just waving the spear casually, but in Dai Huanyu's view, this is a master-level marksmanship master. He has reached the state of being able to win without any moves. He doesn't need to deliberately use any moves at all. Defeat all his attacks.

However, for Cheng Ying, it is not as unpredictable as Dai Huanyu thought. He is really just trying to catch every move. With his mental strength, all Dai Huanyu's movements will be broken down into slow motion just by thinking about it.

Staring at the slow motion, any exquisite moves can be easily cracked. Cheng Ying went even further. He directly imported the data into the portable terminal, and then let the AI ​​calculate the best response for him. He was able to fight with ease.

[To be continued]

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