Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 939: The Invincible Gun


The gun and the fist collided, and every time they struck, a circle of mist would be rolled up, blowing a rift in the desert beneath their feet.

Melee combat in the sky is completely different from that on the ground. There is no place for the feet to stand, so the human body must change the way it exerts force. The control of flight also needs to be coordinated with martial arts.

This is a brand new combat system that cannot draw on past experience. Cheng Ying can reach this bottom. In Dai Huanyu's opinion, he is a martial arts genius.

He couldn't help but feel a bit of sympathy for each other. During the battle, Cheng Ying did not use force to overwhelm others, and the strength and soul power he used were all at the same level as him, at least on the surface. It feels very martial arts.

"In terms of martial arts, I would like to call you the strongest!" The two separated again, and Dai Huanyu also commented on Cheng Ying's marksmanship.

"Huh? Are you sure I have martial arts talent? Are you sure I'm not a martial arts god?" Cheng Ying rolled his eyes. He still remembered that back then he had the best soul power in the world, but he couldn't even defeat a ten thousand year soul beast.

When encountering an enemy, they panic and rush around. You have to close your eyes to understand all the cloak and hammering techniques. If this can be called a martial arts talent, wouldn't everyone in the world become martial arts wizards?

Dai Huanyu was confused when he heard this, completely confused about the difference between martial arts talent and martial arts destiny.

"You see clearly, this move is the fastest among my boxing techniques! Take the move! White Tiger Meteor Fist!"

Cheng Ying: "..." What does he think, this thing looks like the Pegasus Meteor Fist.

Moreover, with Dai Huanyu's current style of painting, it would be a pity not to shout "Eula Ola, wood is big, wood is big".

However, it was too late for him to express his complaints. Dai Huanyu's fists were like meteors, covering him overwhelmingly. The continuous high-speed punches seemed chaotic, but in fact they were a combination of fists and kicks. The left side was kicking, and the right side was kicking. Left jab, perfect combination, well trained and prepared.

Facing the continuous attacks, Cheng Ying fired out the spear in his hand and turned it into a hundred points of spear light. He met the fists and kicks one by one and blocked them all. The spear light turned into a network of light, and the hundred points of spear light gradually merged into one. .

Under the calculation of AI, Cheng Ying accurately displayed his spear skills. A little chrysanthemum came first, and then the spear came out like a dragon!

This move is exactly the legendary Hundred Birds Shooting Phoenix Spear. Hundreds of spear points merge into one and thrust out fiercely. Just in time to collide with Dai Huanyu's punch, the strong energy turns into a storm that crushes everything.

It spread out in a circular shape, smoothing out the desert with crisscrossed ravines at its feet, just like a lake without any ripples.


Dai Huanyu's fist violently split blood lines. Even though he had found the weakness of the monomolecular knife and shattered the blade from the side in advance, the broken blade still ejected, cutting his fist with blood.

Blood flowed out from the gaps in the armor, as if the armor was bleeding, which looked extremely scary.

But as if Dai Huanyu couldn't feel the pain, he grabbed the barrel of the gun, preventing Cheng Ying from swinging the tip of the gun. The key to marksmanship is flexibility. If the barrel of the gun is held, it will be difficult to perform the next moves.

"I won this one!"

Dai Huanyu squeezed the barrel of the gun tightly, making it impossible for Cheng Ying to withdraw it.

"No! Sir! Times have changed!" Cheng Ying shook his head and saw that he clicked on the end of the gun barrel. Dai Huanyu had not noticed before that there was a trigger there.


A pillar of light as thick as a bucket erupted from the slender gun barrel, violently blowing Dai Huanyu who was holding the gun away. Even if it hit the ground, it still caused a violent explosion, with a dazzling ball of light rising from the center of the explosion.

Cheng Ying took back the plasma spear, blew on the muzzle, and sighed: "This is the invincible weapon!"

The gun is a positron cannon gun, there is nothing wrong with it at all.

Dai Huanyu climbed up from the pit in embarrassment. His chest was scorched black and was slowly healing. The fingers pointing at Cheng Ying were trembling: "Despicable... despicable!"

"Why am I being mean? Not to mention that I didn't say that I must compete with you in shooting skills. Even if I did, wouldn't I be using a gun? Don't tell me that you don't know that this thing is also called a gun." Cheng Ying said He also took out an antique-grade assault rifle, which looked a lot like an AK47, and fired it at the sand in front of Dai Huanyu.

Dai Huanyu: "..."

He really wants to hit someone right now. God, an assault rifle counts as a gun! But he couldn't beat the man in front of him.

"Old friend! Stay safe!" Just when Dai Huanyu was so angry that he wanted to hit someone, another voice sounded not far away, followed by the golden version of Tuhao that dyed the sky golden yellow. Vast sea of ​​mysterious energy.

The person coming is none other than the current Emperor Tiandou, Xue Ye! I think back then he was just an ordinary dandy prince, who spent all day playing tricks and tricks. He was able to win the throne only by relying on the armed motorcycles he bought from Cheng Ying and forming a bosozoku convoy to take advantage of the event. The opportunity of the Tiandou City Motorcycle Racing Competition was a success.

Now he is already a true emperor known as the Scarlet Snow Tyrant.

"You're here too! Do you want to try with me too?" Cheng Ying took back the plasma spear. This thing was broken. After releasing the positron cannon, the internal parts were basically burned out.

"There's no rush. It's not too late for us to exclude the unnecessary people and reminisce slowly."

Xue Ye could have seen the battle just now as long as he was not blind. How could Xue Ye not analyze the battle carefully if he could see it with the naked eye even in the auditorium?

In the competition just now, Cheng Ying relied on his martial arts skills to equalize with the exhausted Dai Huanyu, and finally won by relying on surprise.

It can be inferred that if he is in good condition and mobilizes the profound energy of the entire army, he is likely to win. As long as Dai Huanyu doesn't disrupt the situation, everything will be easy to handle.

"Gan! Are you mentally retarded? Didn't you feel how powerful he was just now? Even if we join forces, we may not be his opponent, but you still want to start a fight!" Dai Huanyu cursed angrily.

Damn it's evenly matched, Chengying lowered his own cultivation level to fight! When someone explodes with all his strength, whether he can go through ten moves is a question.

However, Xue Ye's perception of breath is not keen, and his own cultivation level is not high, which means that he can only use resources to reach the demigod state. The strong people he faces on the battlefield are basically stronger than him in terms of breath. In order not to affect Under his own command, he gradually learned to ignore the suppression of aura.

Therefore, after Cheng Ying burst out his momentum, Xue Ye in the distance just felt very strong, much stronger than himself, and then it disappeared. He was not fighting alone, so what was the use of being stronger than him?

[To be continued]

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