Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 940: Who is not a swordsman anymore?

"Two against one is too bullying. Now that we are here, let's compete one on one! I believe Brother Dai won't mind, right?"

Cheng Ying slightly released his own power, and the soul power affected by the Mind Stone and Space Stone exerted a strong suppression on ordinary soul power, causing Dai Huanyu's words to get stuck in his throat.

"One on one? This isn't possible. I'm just an emperor, and I'm not good at fighting. If you want to fight me, I'm afraid you have to get rid of my army first." As Xue Ye spoke, the profound energy of the vast sea surged up behind him, like a sea wave. .

"Isn't it just to command the army to fight! Who is not a swordsman?" Cheng Ying said happily.

After saying that, he threw a sci-fi car to the ground. As soon as it touched the ground, the car began to absorb matter, and the heavy element fusion furnace inside began to operate, synthesizing the elements it needed, and then acted like a Neumann machine. Just like that, I started to print myself, and after a while, an identical car was assembled.

"How's it going? Isn't my base vehicle very unique? Compared to explosive soldiers, I've never been afraid of anyone! Do you want to try it?"

"Happy to accompany you!"

Without any hesitation, Xue Ye commanded his army to launch a volley at the base vehicle. This kind of thing is like a virus, spreading uncontrollably. The longer it goes, the more uncontrollable it becomes. The best way is to eliminate it from the beginning.

The energy gathered into a thick light cannon, which blasted into the ground, trying to evaporate everything there, but the beam of light suddenly stopped midway. It seems as if you will never reach your destination.

"Don't be so impatient. Even if it's a real-time strategy game, there's no reason for one side to start the game half an hour before the other side starts the game. There's no way it can be played!"

After Cheng Ying finished speaking, the two base vehicles had already sunk into the ground and were missing. A moment later, the light cannon seemed to finally fly from the infinitely long corridor to the end, slamming into the ground and raising a golden flower. Mushroom cloud.

"Ahem! Xue Ye! Your taste has declined! What a color! Yellow shit!" Cheng Ying coughed twice in the smoke, fearing that the dust would kick up on his body.

"Guess, what's going on with my base vehicles now? Assuming they can split once every three minutes, how many base vehicles will there be after half an hour? How many will there be after an hour? Isn't it a surprise? ?”

Xue Ye couldn't help but break out cold sweat on his forehead. He had just seen with his own eyes that Cheng Ying's base vehicle could replicate itself by eating dirt. In other words, resources could not interfere with his self-replication at all. The increase in their number was likely to really It's exponential.

"Search the underground,

Once enemy units are discovered, annihilate them as soon as possible! "Xue Ye made the most correct command, but he knew that even if he didn't make any mistakes, he might not be able to win.

"I thought you would attack me directly, but I didn't expect you to give up an unprotected target like me." Cheng Ying was a little surprised.

"My intuition tells me that attacking you directly will lead to very bad results. Although it sounds unreasonable, sometimes you should trust your intuition." Xue Ye retreated into the protection of the vast sea of ​​profound energy.

Above the ground, military fortifications began to take shape under the condensation of the vast sea of ​​profound energy. Although it would not grow exponentially, a similar effect could be achieved by building enough factories before the vast sea of ​​profound energy was exhausted.

Underground, the base vehicle has also begun to transform the underground. Although the base vehicle itself has a small amount of weapons and equipment, its main function is still production. Although the number reaches a certain level, it can still exert terrifying power. But to truly show its terrifying side, it needs to cooperate with the production of other arms.

The base vehicle began to differentiate after it divided to the sixteenth one. Like pluripotent stem cells, it began to differentiate into different specialized base vehicles.

Part of the base vehicle. Differentiated into building types. Their building accuracy began to decline. But the speed can be greatly improved. Huge buildings can be built underground in a short period of time, and smooth underground tunnels can be built.

These tunnels are like the blood vessels of the base vehicles, continuously transporting supplies, tanks, and wreckage after battle damage.

Another part of the base vehicles will differentiate into a brood of explosive troops, and they will gradually lose the ability to replicate themselves. The materials that can be printed also become single.

But the printing speed will be greatly improved. It will be divided into mother nests of different arms as needed.

In a huge underground building, the size of the mother nest will expand rapidly, occupying most of the underground space in a short period of time. It can even grow to hundreds of meters tall.

Its bloated appearance makes it difficult to believe that it is a mechanical creation. It's more likely to be thought of as some kind of disgusting alien bug.

The huge size allows more production equipment to be installed inside their bodies. The speed of the explosive soldiers is also like running water. Various types of soldiers are constantly coming out of different types of nests, forming an endless stream and gathering into a large army.

There are engineering vehicles responsible for engineering, and they will cooperate with construction base vehicles to construct underground bases. There are also physical attack units. They will go to the mother nest where ammunition is produced in groups to install a large amount of physical ammunition for themselves.

In contrast, energy attack type troops. It's much simpler. Native base vehicle like pluripotent stem cells. They will be scattered throughout the underground base.

Their main body is a heavy element fusion reactor. A large amount of energy is also released when materials are synthesized. This energy is released to charging stations located throughout the underground base.

Energy attack units can be charged at high speed as long as they are near these charging piles. Even if they are far away to a certain extent, they can be charged remotely, which is very convenient.

In addition, there are flying troops, most of them look like fighter jets. But there are also airship-like flying fortresses. It's just mainly small-sized units.

In addition, there are some shield-type troops that can provide additional powerful shields to protect important facilities.

The covert arms are the most precious of all arms. They are the only arms that use some biomass raw materials. They are truly spiritual arms. They can interfere with the observation of electronic equipment and living things at the same time, and hide important facilities and troops. , making it impossible for enemy reconnaissance to detect.

Not everyone is Chengying. In this era, invisible soul skills are becoming less and less popular. Because there are very few invisible soul skills that use optical camouflage and mental interference at the same time.

Most invisibility can deceive mental power, but the body shape can be easily photographed by a mobile phone camera. In order to solve this embarrassing problem, the stealth military force was born.

[To be continued]

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