Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 942 Since I was hit by an arrow in the knee

After a series of close-to-face explosions, Xue Ye sent out his vanguard. As for the existence of a shield in the base, he had already anticipated that the bomb would be most effective. Otherwise, it would not work. It can also destroy the enemy's shield as much as possible.

The leading troops that followed were shuttle-shaped ground-penetrating drones, which had two drill bits in their entire body. The threads on the head and tail are opposite, and the directions of rotation are also opposite, so that momentum can be conserved. Dig all the way down.

At the top of the drill bit, there is also a high-energy generator, which can release high energy for a period of time and burn a tiny hole on the surface of the shield for the drill head to drill into.

When a gap appears in the shield, it becomes easier to destroy it. A large number of drill robots fell from the sky, crushing layers of sparks on the shield.

The already deformed inner physical shield. Under the drilling of the drill bit, it became riddled with holes, and those robots that successfully drilled into the interior immediately detonated the bombs in their bodies.

It implements the principle that a big explosion is better than dying with bare hands. Even without armed equipment, it still explodes gorgeously.

Continuous explosions fell from the sky like monkeys flying in reverse. The engineering robots that had not moved became panicked, and the explosion knocked them over and destroyed the surrounding terrain. All the engineering machines are calculating how to repair these damages.

As the cheapest mass-produced machines, the intelligence they carry is quite low. Tasks can only be performed according to instructions from superiors. When the superior unit is transferred, their intelligence is slightly higher than that of ordinary beasts.

Fortunately, compared to these engineering machines, the troops responsible for the battle are still strong. They are being deployed by the only command unit in the Brood that has not been transferred.

After the ground-drilling robot opened the passage, the follow-up troops condensed with the profound energy of the vast sea quickly followed up, because the exit was opened in mid-air. Even if the follow-up troops do not have the ability to fly, they still need to have the ability to land as a buffer.

A group of what looked like tanks and humanoid mechas. Like dumplings falling from the sky, when they are about to hit the ground. Start reverse jet deceleration. Looks like the legendary Helltroopers. Implement point-to-point orbital airborne operations.

Face the airborne enemies with a sci-fi electromagnetic gun tank. Under the cover of anti-aircraft artillery, they rushed towards the enemy's invasion position.

The two battery acceleration rails on the tank barrel flashed with jumping arcs. You launch electromagnetic artillery shells that are too fast to be caught and fly out from the orbit, blasting the enemy troops who have just landed and have not yet established their position into a vast sea of ​​profound energy.

However, the number of enemies seems endless.

They quickly broke through the defense line composed of positional defenses and electromagnetic tanks.

Seeing that they were about to conquer the base, a large number of small units similar to spider robots rushed towards them.

These soldiers are small in size, generally only the size of an adult's palm. After rushing over, they will climb onto the bodies of various types of soldiers, and then release a large number of smaller spider robots. Get inside the machinery.

Troops invaded by these small robots will soon be exposed to bursts of electric sparks, and will eventually be completely scrapped.

It's just that these spider robots are too fragile. Most of them were wiped out on the way to the charge. Only a few tanks and mechas were invaded by it.

The damage caused was not as good as the first wave of electromagnetic tanks, but the purpose of the spider robots' dispatch was not to cause damage. Their invasions are purposefully chosen from a variety of enemies.

Many broods are designing new ice types based on the data recovered by the spider robots, and are transforming themselves internally to produce this new type of troops.

Because there is no need to consider the function of protecting the brood, these modifications can completely increase the production speed of recruits at the expense of damaging the brood.

Soon, several new types of arms were launched. The one for airborne tanks was an extremely flat tank. The height of the car is only about ten centimeters. There is a huge amount of explosives inside.

Its small size allows it to move very quickly. The flat shape allows them to easily reach the bottom of the tank.

Bombs with superglue on the surface will stick to the bottom of the tank. Detonate in their most vulnerable position. There is an 80% chance that we can negotiate for a tank replacement.

Designing such a weapon is really a helpless move. When you are small and powerful, only this type of attack with the same death effect is the best.

In addition, there are also units for humanoid mechas. They are still small units, about 20 centimeters in height. But they have a pair of slender barrels sloping upward.

These cars also have the ability to move continuously at high speeds, and the slender barrels are used to shoot at the knees of the mecha, which is the most vulnerable part of the mecha design.

The lower limbs of the mecha are used for load-bearing. In order to take advantage of the flexible movement of the frame, the armor is not too thick, even if the knees are intentionally protected by clamps. As a flexible joint, it is impossible to cover it with too thick armor, making it the most suitable position for attacks.

I used to be an ace mecha, and I was undefeated in the battlefield, until I got an arrow in the knee...

The final unit structure is also the simplest. It's just a missile with wheels. It's not going fast. It will gradually advance in front of the enemy, and when it reaches the enemy's range, it will abandon its wheels. Fly like a monkey in the sky.

Compared to ordinary missiles, they have flexible waists. They can flexibly twist their waists in mid-air to avoid interception by close-range firepower. In fact, they are not so much missiles as they are rockets.

There is no guidance system inside the Nugget, and its twisting in mid-air is just a preset program. This thing is a rocket with a damn path.

If you don't go in a straight line, it will be difficult for anti-aircraft fire to hit. At the same time, routes that turn around are easier to hit than weapons that go straight. It is most suitable for dealing with such a large number of enemy troops.

The Vast Sea Xuanqi Legion, which originally thought that the battle had been resolved, suffered a heavy blow after encountering this wave of bizarre troops.

The tank has problems with its turret. Aiming at enemy troops advancing close to the ground is quite troublesome. Those flat little cars like gophers. They are numerous and move quickly. It's not something they can defend at all. A large number of tanks were driven down by such cars and detonated bombs. It was sent to the sky by powerful explosives. If it weren't for the fact that there was no driver in the tank, it would just be this wave. The damage caused by the explosion can collapse the morale of the troops in this area.

[To be continued]

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