Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 943: Infinite Proliferation

The existence of a driver. It rarely appears on large-scale frontal battlefields. Especially the two sides in this battle, one side is a vast sea of ​​profound energy, without even a material entity, and the other side is also a bloodless and tearless machine. Therefore, there is no need to consider the issue of morale at all.

No matter how much losses both sides suffer, the battle will continue.

The targeted troops made the team composed of Hanhai Xuanqi encounter a strong blockage, especially the gorgeous and fragile existence of the mecha.

After they were shot in the knees by those small tanks, they often could only lie on the ground. Become a fixed shooting point that cannot be moved.

The few air units that followed his brother down were even more miserable. Those missiles with extremely weird flight trajectories were simply their nemesis.

Even if they fail to hit their target, these missiles will move irregularly in the air. The only instruction they received was not to hit the surrounding walls, and the rest would just fly around. Basically, the ones they could hit on the battlefield were enemy targets and units, all of which were quite small. The quantity is also much smaller.

Therefore, as long as they fly around the battlefield, they will hit enemy units 100% of the time. Air units flying at high speeds in the air are more likely to be hit. The missiles with seemingly chaotic trajectories actually produced the most results.

Although these brand-new arms cannot really deal a big blow to the nearly endless army, their existence has seriously delayed the enemy's advancement, forcing the enemy commander to invest more troops in this meat grinder. among.

Time is life. As long as you give them enough time, the brood can produce more soldiers. The main base can also be split more times. Create a larger army.

"All four underground passages have encountered stubborn resistance, and our army continues to invest troops. Apply to widen the underground tunnels, otherwise it will be difficult to wipe out the enemy forces in a short time."

Xue Ye fell into deep thought after receiving the report, and then ordered: "Approve the widening of the tunnel and continue to increase the number of troops. After capturing the enemy base, there is no need to clean it thoroughly. Find the underground passage as soon as possible and uproot the enemy's underground transportation network."

"But Your Majesty...if we don't completely eliminate the enemy forces, won't they continue to replicate, and then our efforts will be useless." A subordinate said uneasily.

"No, those buildings that have been highly differentiated can no longer divide themselves. Just like the cells in our body, they lose the ability to replicate themselves after differentiation." Xue Ye affirmed.

“But that’s technology we don’t understand at all.

just in case……"

"In case you don't understand what I mean? If even these highly differentiated individuals can continue to reproduce themselves, then as long as there is any individual left, we will not be able to win on the earth.

Therefore, whether they have the ability to continue self-division after being highly differentiated has nothing to do with us. We can only formulate plans based on the premise that they are highly differentiated individuals and do not have the ability to continue self-division, because only under this premise can we win. "

Xue Ye's words instantly convinced all the commanders and they began to execute his orders.

But just as the order was given, there were several muffled sounds coming from the ground. Everyone present has considerable strength. Your hearing tells them the location of the explosion is at the underground base they're attacking.

"Oops, it must be a self-explosion trap!" Xue Ye's heart sank. The other party's purpose was not to kill or injure his army at all. Instead, they will blow up all the underground tunnels. Even if the tunnels they build are vertically downward, they will still be affected by the explosion to a certain extent.

Tunnels blocked by the explosion had to be dug again. And digging a tunnel will undoubtedly take time.

At the same time underground, the base vehicles began to split crazily. In terms of ground escape technology, these base vehicles far surpassed the engineering vehicles of the Tiandou Empire.

The drill bit combined with rune technology can easily touch the soft soil. It's like being in water.

And these base vehicles that started to split crazily were like dandelion seeds. Spread out quickly underground. The base vehicle spreads out. It will continue to spread and split outward.

Generally, after a base vehicle splits three to five times, it will stop splitting and start to divide and build its own base. The newly constructed base was extremely fragile, but there was no doubt about it. It will be filled with a lot of explosives. Even if someone comes to attack these bases, they will not get the slightest benefit.

Such bases began to appear in every corner of the arena, and the vast army of profound energy that was digging tunnels and trying to clear out the base vehicles didn't know this yet.

Since they didn't actually destroy the first pair of escaped base vehicles in the first place. There is no suspense in this battle. The speed of a self-classification in less than three minutes. It can be called crazy!

Even if the base vehicle cannot be divided into other powerful armed facilities at all. This splitting speed alone makes them as difficult to eliminate as cockroaches.

The Vast Sea Xuanqi army finally pushed through the tunnel, and the army marched straight in and invaded the base on the next level. Here there is a more differentiated and more complete brood.

The number of these machines has also increased significantly, and some prototypes of human sea tactics have begun to appear. However, compared to the number of the vast army of profound energy in the vast sea, this number is still not enough.

After a brief struggle. The troops on the first floor were almost wiped out. This time, with precautions, the Vast Sea Xuanqi Legion began to retreat when they were about to destroy their opponents.

Sure enough, a violent explosion followed, and the tunnel collapsed again, but this time they left part of the tunnel support before the explosion.

With these supports not completely blown up, clearing a usable tunnel is significantly faster. In literally just a few minutes, they created the next layer.

The following scene made them happy. In the base they encountered this time, the number of infinitely proliferating robots began to decrease. This shows that their eradication is effective, and the number of these nasty robots is decreasing rapidly.

This is like that stupid elementary school math problem, one faucet releases water, and the other faucet fills it with water. How long does it take to fill a swimming pool? As long as the water is released slower than the water is added, it can be filled sooner or later.

At this time, they saw that the number of mechanical monsters in the base began to decrease, and they subconsciously thought that their extermination was effective, and successfully reduced the data of the base vehicles. Little did they know that it was just the scale of the underground bases that had decreased. Deeper underground, the number of similar bases was increasing exponentially.

[To be continued]

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