The swarming golden mechas mercilessly strangled the defenseless brood. The highly differentiated brood looked more like a living body than a mechanical body.

The pipes and fluids all over the body make it look like blood spurting out when cut open, and a large amount of lubricating fluid flows out. This chilling battlefield adds a bit of tragedy.

The morale of Tiandou's army was high. After breaking through this level, they rushed towards the next level with great vigor.

Going down one level, they found that the number of enemies here had become smaller again. Combined with previous guesses, they did effectively weaken the number of enemy troops.

The base in front of me was probably built in a hurry by the mechanical soldiers after the transfer, before much construction could be carried out. He was caught by the pursuers of Tiandou army.

A new round of massacre began. The numerical gap between the two sides was huge. The situation on the battlefield was one-sided. The mechanical army was bulldozed to the ground with almost no resistance.

The surgical combat machine escorted the original base vehicle with the ability to replicate itself, and quickly fled towards his brother.

When Tiandou's army saw this scene, they immediately made a decision. Do nothing without rest, and seize the enemy's last base in one go. Faced with this mechanical army with astonishing fecundity, they must not be given any chance to breathe.

The army rallied. It was discovered that the robot began to dig tunnels again, looking downwards for other hidden bases.

At the same time, a large number of drills and drones were also dispatched. Search around for hidden base vehicles.

As long as one car slips through the net, their situation will become quite dire. It is necessary to conduct a dragnet search to eliminate all possible enemies.

After the detectors spread out, they quickly lost connection. Before losing contact, some of the detectors transmitted back images. They were small and numerous underground bases.

In the command post on the surface, the atmosphere was extremely oppressive, and the detection results given by the drones were not deceptive. Especially since many drones have lost contact. Apparently they were shot down by the enemy, which means they were really facing a large number of enemy bases.

And the number of these bases is still growing, and the rate of growth is simply not something they can clean up.

As if to confirm their guess, there was a rumbling tremor under the earth. It seemed as if the entire land was about to be overturned.

You are such a huge drill,

Breaking through the soil layer on the surface, it rose into the sky. Open the tunnel to the ground.

Many contestants only felt a moment of instability under their feet, and then a huge drill drilled out next to them. The more unlucky ones may be directly punched out from between their legs by the drill.

For people who have been injured in this way, even if they are resurrected, they will probably have a psychological shadow for the rest of their lives, and there is a high probability that they will not be able to recover again.

As the underground passage was opened. These huge drill bits also began to be deployed on the spot, turning into a heavily defended base.

"Holy shit! What the hell is this!" Chen Bin yelled. If he hadn't reacted quickly, his butt would have been drilled into half by the big drill bit by now. He is probably reading a message for resurrection.

"The heroic spirit we summoned before was just teasing us, right? Its combat power is completely incomparable to its own body, okay!"

"I think we'd better leave quickly. This thing doesn't look like a good stubble." Luo Yan reminded, and then took the lead to stay away from the drill bit in the channel and the underground tunnel left by the drill bit.

Most of the casual cultivators left with them, while a few who had no expectations for the outcome of the game lay down next to the pit, wanting to see what would come out of it.

Soon they got the answer they wanted. Beneath the bottomless slope. The first ones to appear were a group of spider-like robots.

Wherever they passed, there seemed to be a layer of cement-like substance covering the flat surface of the ground. With the interior of the tunnel reinforced and polished, these robots with multiple amputated limbs burst out of the cave. It is to level the ground in the stadium and build roads.

They ignored the competitors around them. However, some players who overreacted may have subconsciously attacked these robots because they were afraid of spiders or other reasons.

Machines that are purely responsible for construction are quite fragile in joints and other parts. This is also a huge disadvantage of mechanical legs compared to wheels. After being covered by powerful attacks, several machines were instantly disabled.

After discovering the target of the attack, the eyes of many construction machinery around them suddenly turned red, making people feel shuddering.

But these construction machines with red eyes did not fight back. Instead, he quickly moved away. The person who just launched the attack.

"Haha! What! They turned out to be a group of cowards, you scared me!" The person who just took action breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time covered up his inner guilt by laughing at the enemy. He was really scared just now, and now he is still a little bit Didn't recover.

But just as he finished speaking, there was another loud rumbling noise underground, and electromagnetic tanks drove out from the underground, with flat muzzles full of science fiction, pointing neatly at him.

Oh, and there's a steady stream of other tanks behind it. Speeding out of the passage. They may have many cannon barrels. Or have laser transmitters, electromagnetic coils, and various types of weapons all locked on the person who just launched the attack.

"Fuck you!" At this moment, he had ten thousand words of MMP to say in his heart, but in the end they all turned into one sentence.

The next moment, thousands of artillery fire were fired, and the unfortunate guy died a heroic death. Maybe after reading the article and resurrecting him, he will really leave a psychological shadow.

Similar things happen everywhere in the arena, and there are always a few bad guys. The guy will casually shoot the construction robots that emerge from the ground.

And the result of these cheap guys is self-evident. Thousands of mechanical warriors emerged from the ground and drowned them in the blink of an eye. Thousands of cannons were fired at them. No need to say anything, just read the message and resurrect.

The spectators outside the stadium never expected that the game would develop into this situation.

Originally, in their imagination, the three empires would lead their own strong men in a melee of the Three Kingdoms. Maybe there would be a few strong men from outside the empire who would suddenly emerge and briefly form a group of people in the arena to form a separate empire.

However, the situation in front of us is like the underground people invading the surface. It may not be long before all the players unite. Defend against underground invaders.

It then turned into a war between flesh and blood and machines without blood and tears.

At this time, as the commander of the mechanical army, Cheng Ying finally issued the first order: "F2A!"

[To be continued]

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