Douluo See You For a Long Time

Chapter 945 Clearing the Place


F2: Select all troops.

A key: Attack command. If you right-click a unit, it will attack the unit. If you right-click the floor, it will move to that position and actively attack all enemies along the way.

The meaning of these two commands is self-evident. Select all your own units, and then rush through them in a wave, piercing through all the enemies in front of you.

Under normal circumstances, such an order would undoubtedly be tantamount to death. Those who are reckless without any strategy will be defeated by the enemy's various traps and anti-courage.

But these are clearly not normal circumstances. When more than 70% of the map's field of vision is occupied by your own units. This play style of selecting all the units in one wave is undoubtedly the most appropriate play style.

When the number of your own units is unlimited, rushing all the way is undoubtedly the most successful and simplest strategy.

An endless stream of armies emerged from the ground, just like an ant nest, except that the size of these ants was enlarged countless times, becoming as big as a private car.

And compared to ants, they also have powerful long-range attack methods. One cannon can easily blast units a hundred times its size into pieces.

And these chariots were like marching ants, razing everything in their path to the ground.

Whether it was forests or mountains, rivers or deserts, any place that had been crushed by these army ants would be barren of any vegetation and turn into scorched earth.

Facing these endless mechanical armies, the contestants can only run for their lives.

Some people tried to fight back, but the people who did so are now dead and are being resurrected.

None of these tanks are very strong individually. In one-on-one situations, any contestant can easily defeat one of them, but one-on-one combat is impossible.

A pair of 100 million is almost enough...

The one who chose to fight back was a powerful space demigod who had mastered the destructive Dimensional Slash and had a very strong ability to destroy machinery.

With one move, hundreds of tanks were destroyed by his big dimensional chop. A person guarding an exit and advancing forward, with a horse riding a thousand horses, has the momentum to be invincible.

However, manpower is sometimes limited, especially when the extra energy carried is limited.

The follow-up troops coming up from the ground are endless. Even after he took drugs, he couldn't last long before all the soul power in his body was exhausted.

The power that was greater than Dimensional Slash was gradually weakened over and over again, forcing him to choose moves with lower consumption. Use your own space ability to coordinate with physical skills. Learn Namikaze Minato's fighting style and engage in high-speed combat.

It's a pity that the tanks are all made of copper and iron, and the surface is even plated with a layer of Adamantium alloy. It's so hard that melee attacks can barely penetrate the armor and can't hurt the vital parts at all. If you want to annihilate the opponent in close combat, , must use powerful attack methods.

This also means greater consumption. Even if he saves his power as much as possible, this talented demigod will soon be submerged in the endless mechanical army.

Chen Qin raised the sky in the distance, where the fighter planes were overwhelming, like locusts, covering the sky. All contestants who dared to take off would be ruthlessly killed.

Facing such a huge aerial legion alone, Chen Qin couldn't help but feel a bit heroic in his heart. The Seven Kills Sword in his hand hummed softly, as if in response to the master's expectations.

The next moment, the sword was unsheathed.


The power that transcends the laws of physics is directed to the sword light, which contains the power to annihilate everything.

The hundred-meter sword light was like an eraser, erasing all the fighters in its path without even causing an explosion.

"Huh? Is there a hole in the shield? The power of this attack is far from breaking the shield! If you put it that way... Chen Qin must have gained enlightenment again!" Cheng Ying looked at the shield that was quickly recovering. Holes, thoughtfully.

"That kind of power is too foul, it feels like...well, like a contained object." Ice Emperor muttered, if she was hit by that sword, even she would be injured, like a mental knife like Chen Qin, It is the most troublesome type.

"It's not appropriate to call it a contained object. If I have to say it, I think it's more appropriate to describe it as a root algorithm. It's a pity that I don't know how to copy the process of understanding.

However, this kind of power that sometimes works but does not work may not work in the face of the absolute power gap. "

Just as Cheng Ying said, after the initial overwhelming momentum, Chen Qin fell into a hard battle, and that invincible power quickly faded with his mental exhaustion.

Soon, his vision would no longer be able to clear out a large area of ​​flying objects at once like it had just done. It often runs out of power and dissipates in the air after penetrating several fighter planes.

Facing the group of fighters that were already approaching him infinitely, Chen Qin also sighed. The sword in his hand was like a flashback, and he swung out a magnificent sword light, turning the oncoming fighters into ashes, and his body was hit by countless bullets. Pierced and slowly fell.

After Chen Qin died, he was not resurrected immediately. His body was quietly taken away by a drone, and then a clone was copied and used as a container for Chen Qin's resurrection. On the surface, the self-healed corpse was the same as The clones are the same, but there are likely to be differences between the two that cannot be observed by existing methods, so Cheng Ying plans to secretly replace Chen Qin's body.

In the arena, except for a few strong men who were still resisting tenaciously, the rest had all fled under the protection of the profound energy of the vast sea.

If you look down from the air, you can see that the battlefield is divided into two distinct parts, one is the silver area where most of the field is efficient.

A large number of mechanical chariots and mechanical fighter planes filled this place, and countless fighters hovered in the air, projecting firepower towards another golden area.

The golden area is the area covered by the profound energy of the vast sea. Here, tanks and mechas can be continuously resurrected, barely resisting the exponential increase in the silver army.

But it can only be supported with difficulty. As the number of silver mechanical armies further increases, the golden range continues to decrease, and the area that can be protected becomes smaller and smaller.

The players who escaped all cooperated with the Hanhai Xuanqi to attack, but it turned out that their resistance did not have much effect, and the retreat of the Hanhai Xuanqi was inevitable.

Even though Dai Huanyu had formed an alliance with Xue Ye, and even the Super Beast God of the Soul Beast Empire had joined the battlefield, both of them released clearing attacks from time to time, clearing out a large area of ​​the mechanical army, but they still could not change the increasingly bad situation.

"I have given you the opportunity to unite, but unfortunately, you failed to seize this opportunity. So, the game ends here, and I am going to start clearing the field."

[To be continued]

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