"Douluo Live for a Long Time ()" Find the latest chapter!

Although the history of weapon development in the divine world is different from that of the earth, they still know that weapons in the same era are often stronger than shields. Since Tulip can produce such a strong shield, it probably means that they There are stronger weapons hidden.

The desire to survive surged from the bottom of my heart, and the wave of evil and destruction that I had just prepared to fight against was frightened again. I still have to look for Shura, but even if I find it, I can't fight against Douluo. This world will be blocked. , sever the connection between Douluo and the God Realm. There are still so many lower realms anyway!

The champion of Silvis Grand Soul Fighting Arena, the best martial arts tournament in the world, finally won the competition in a not-too-serious way. With his good looks, he succeeded in making his opponent with half-blooded body cute to death (Qing Zhen).

But no one commented on the results. Anyway, no one of this couple can beat them. It no longer matters who wins the real championship.

After the grand award ceremony, the first World No. 1 Martial Arts Conference also ushered in the closing ceremony. Although the Ice Emperor said what was the meaning of being ranked number one in the world, he kept smiling and hugging the trophy after the award, and refused to let go.

Ice King's fans also started to increase sharply because she won the honor of being the best in the world.

This continent-wide prosperous age has come to an end, but more people still need to continue their normal lives, including an ordinary family in the Tiandou Empire.

Oro and his wife are busy raising their one-year-old child... Oscar.

After Cheng Ying found this family, his whole body fell into pain. Oscar's surname is Ao, which is so outrageous! He tolerated the surname being dropped. At any rate, the naming method still has some oriental characteristics. Oscar's surname was inevitable, and Flanders wanted to be named Fu.

From now on, people ask Flanders, the four-eyed owl: "Are you happy?" How should he answer? "My surname is not Fu, my surname is Fu!" Thinking about this scene makes me feel excited!

Oro's busy work came to an end. He returned home from the local official meat product factory, still smelling burnt from the smoked sausages. Today is the day for their child's martial arts test. With the advancement of technology and the revival of spiritual energy , Wuhun can be detected at the age of one and one, and can be officially awakened at the age of three.

With the development and advancement of thermal weapons, the attraction of becoming a soul master has dropped significantly, but for workers living at the bottom of society, possessing a powerful martial soul is still something worth celebrating.

This is probably equivalent to the emergence of an Internet celebrity in an ordinary family. Although it cannot transcend class, it can still significantly improve living conditions. It is like opening a blind box, which is very stupid.

When Auro returned home, he heard his wife's joyful voice: "I am born with full soul power!"

Oro was equally surprised and thought to himself: "Even if the spiritual energy has been revived, the innate full soul power is still a rare genius. Even if the martial soul is ordinary, there will be a chance to enter the ranks of professional players in the future. The martial soul is good at everything, eh ...As long as it's not sausage." Oro has worked in a meat factory for half his life, and the smell of sausage makes him want to vomit.

"Congratulations, madam, your child has awakened the rare food-type martial spirit, sausage. Even if he cannot become a professional competitive player in the future, he does not have to worry about making a living.

Nowadays, the people selling grilled cold noodles at the school gate make more money than civil servants like us, and the food department can save the sausages. "

Auro: "..."

Is it too late to have a second child now?

Although Oscar's cultivation talent is very good and his innate soul power may be more than level ten, he still needs education in the future.

One year of compulsory education is free of charge, but the cost of subsequent education is quite high. It would have been difficult for Oscar, who came from an ordinary family, to receive a higher education, but after awakening his innate soul power, everything will be better. Change.

First of all, the most important thing is to sign with a team. As long as the contract is successfully signed, the cost of future education may be provided by the team.

As long as you perform well enough in the team, stand out from the substitute players, and become a quasi-substitute player, you can be exempted from all education expenses before the age of fifteen. If you can continue to be promoted and become a formal substitute, you can even receive higher education for free.

If you are promoted to the top ten positions in the official substitute rankings, you can also enter the highest local university for further study. By then, you can still make a living even if you lose your status as a team member.

And if you are lucky enough to become an official team member, you will be able to receive an outpouring of resources and be trained to become a top professional player.

These are the basic benefits for each major team, in addition to many other benefits including monetary subsidies.

In order to improve the effectiveness of training players, the team will select candidate players starting from babies. If the selected children want to receive benefits, they must join the team at the age of three and after their martial arts awaken, and leave their parents to receive professional training.

Even for three-year-old children, competition in this area is extremely fierce. The team adopts a cruel elimination system at the end. Someone will be eliminated every month. If they fall behind in training, they are likely to be sent home. This is undoubtedly extremely cruel to children.

However, in this era of serious class consolidation, it is almost impossible to jump out of your own class and complete primitive accumulation without stepping on the heads of thousands of people.

As the overall cultural level of society improves, major companies will also have higher requirements for the cultural level of their employees, and it will become increasingly difficult to move up the social ladder.

One-and-a-half-year-old little Oscar is still unclear about the future he is about to face. He is babbling and can't even speak fluently.

But Oro and his wife had to start running for his future. Although the sausage spirit made Oro feel nauseous, it was his child after all. It was even more difficult for the food-based spirit to stand out in the team and he wanted to become a real professional player. , more efforts must be made.

The two of them are like those parents on earth who have taken great pains to educate their children and enrolled in countless cram schools. They are ready to let Oscar learn as much as possible before he is taken away by the team, so that he can stand out among the many competitors. Get ahead.

Similarly, there are many people in the Tiandou Empire who run cram schools to make money, and they specialize in taking the hard-earned money of these couples who hope to have a successful child. It is not easy to distinguish which ones are formal training institutions.

"I always feel like Oscar and Ning Rongrong are dead as a couple!" Cheng Ying looked over Oscar's family background and couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. In fact, compared to Oscar's family background in the original work, it's not that much different now. The only thing is that after awakening as a soul master, there is no such exaggerated treatment as in the original work.

[To be continued]

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